Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

How to IMPEACH THE SCOTUS - Take Action Now! Contact Your Representative in the US House.

Has a Supreme Court Justice Ever Been Impeached? YES!

The Justice to be impeached was Samuel Chase. The House of Representatives passed Articles of Impeachment against him; however, he was acquitted by the Senate.

Currently, We Have a Totally Corrupt QSCOTUS - Let's Impeach "Justice" Thomas, Alito, Coney-Barrett and Kava Kava Noogie! They Are POSSESSED... EXORCISM NEEDED NOW!

Let's Surround the Supreme Court Building While they are In Session and... Chant, Dance, Play the Drums, Burn Sage, Sing Songs... Until The Evil Ones are Banished to Mar-A-Loser, Florida... 

impeach justice thomas button zazzle gregvan
Link to purchase this Button... 

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Exorcism at the US Capitol 1/3/2023. Surround the Building and Blow Whistles, Beat Drums, Dance, Chant. Burn Sage and Welcome the GOP House Members...

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The Supreme Court’s majority reconvenes its assault on democracy... 
Link to ALL my SCOTUS Merchandise... 

Ginni Thomas tells Jan. 6 panel she still believes in Santa Claus, Tinker Bell and the Tooth Fairy, chair says... 

massive Pro Choice Demonstrations Today... and everyday...

Supremes gone wild: Thought the high court was bad already? Just you wait!

Gutting abortion rights and the EPA wasn't enough. Now the Supreme Court goes for the big prize: Ending democracy!

"[I]t is not that the public didn't like the final score at the end of the [Extreme Court] term when the lights went out in June. The problem wasn't just the losses [of civil rights]; the problem was that [the Extremes'] team moved the game to another field, then stole the ball and replaced it with a time bomb, then changed the rules, then lied about it, and then set the entire field ablaze. Now [Chief Justice Roberts] wants everyone to shake hands and go home." ~Dahlia Lithwick
Yesterday's column by Heather Digby Parton says that soon Americans can expect to see the end of the Voting Rights Act, affirmative action, LGBTQ civil rights, environmental protection, religious freedom for anyone who isn't an evangelical Christian, and representative government for anyone who isn't a Republican. And who's going to stop the Extremes? Ginni Thomas?
Vote on Roevember 8 as if your life depends on it. It probably does!

I wrote to Congressman Jim Jordan and Said "IMPEACH the SCOTUS. Obviously, the Supreme Court is Corrupt... For Example: "Justice" Thomas is a QAnon Puppet of His Wife... and She Tried (and Failed) to Overthrow the US Government and Crown Trump King... Let's Impeach Thomas, Kava Kava NOOGIE, Amy Stepford Wife and El Sleezeball Alito... The ALL Lied at their Job Interviews... and Outlawed Abortion... The VAST MAJORITY of Americans are Pro Choice... These Insane Monsters Need to Be IMPEACHED... and YOU Can Start Impeachment Proceedings on 1/3/2023... GET BUSY!"

I used a Valid Address and Phone number in His District so I appear to be a VOTER that he Represents...
306 North Main Street
Lima, OH 45801
(419) 999-9463
Republican CAUGHT LYING AGAIN! Herschel Walker is a Classic TrumpNik® Totally ANTI-CHOICE Until It's HIS Girlfriend That Wants an Abortion... Then He'll GLADLY PAY for It!
Republican CAUGHT LYING AGAIN! Herschel Walker is a Classic TrumpNik® Totally ANTI-CHOICE Until It's HIS Girlfriend That Wants an Abortion... Then He'll GLADLY PAY for It!

I'm Looking Forward to the TrumpNiks® CIVIL WAR... The USA Will Win and We Will Arrest About 10,000 Traitors for Treason... Wonderful! We Have Already Locked UP 910 Insurrectionists for Failing to Overthrow the USA on January 6th... and More Arrests are Coming! 

#ArrestTrump - Contact the DOJ and Tell 'em to Enforce The Law! #LockHimUP - Here's the Link to Email the Department of Justice.

They Won't Outlaw Crime 
Unless You Tell 'em:

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I just attempted to Contact my Representative in the US House but... magically... the website encountered an unexpected error... Somehow... it appears that Kevin Kiley Doesn't want to Hear from the People He Supposedly Represents! I Said: "Let's IMPEACH the SCOTUS. There are members of the Supreme Court That are OBVIOUSLY CORRUPT... You have the Power to start IMPEACHMENT Proceedings... Look at "Justice" Thomas... His Wife Attempted (AND FAILED) to Overthrow the US Government and Crown Trump King... and YET... "Justice" Thomas has never Recused Himself from Cases about INSURRECTIONISTS! If The GOP House EVER Starts DOING ANYTHING, I Recommend that You Take Action to Make America Great! IMPEACH THE SCOTUS!"

The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.

and when I tried to report the problem... I got...
The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.

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