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The Buried Treasure of Joaquín Murrieta ... Supposedly, it's In the Diablo Mountains between the Central Valley of California and the Pacific Ocean about halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles

According to the story, he was a Mexican who came to California in 1849 to find gold... He brought his family with him and they were successful... Some White men stole his gold and killed his brother... Murrieta reported the crime to the local sheriff who told him to go back to Mexico and not complain... Evidently, White people were not prosecuted for robbing Mexicans... So Murrieta took the law into his own hands and spent years robbing white people... Eventually the governor of California put out a warrant for his arrest, dead or alive... He was captured, killed and his head was taken from City to City as a warning to other criminals... Law enforcement said: "See? This is What happens!"

Few Mexican-American folk heroes loom as large as Joaquín Murrieta. An outlaw of the California Gold Rush era, Murrieta and his exploits were posthumously fictionalized in The Life and Adventures of Joaquín Murieta (sic) by novelist John Rollin Ridge in 1854—one short year after Murrieta was allegedly killed by California rangers in a gunfight in Fresno County. In the years after his death, the legend of Murrieta grew: He was the protagonist of a play by Nobel Prize winner Pablo Neruda, and he’s been credited with inspiring fictional vigilantes from Zorro to Batman.

Murrieta was known for his audacious robberies and his knack for disappearing with the loot. Here are some tales of the treasures he allegedly left behind:

Joaquin Murrieta's Stolen Cache: One of the most legendary stories involves a wagonload of gold stolen from the northern mines. The gold, along with other items, was hidden in a burial cave under a projecting rock ledge after an ambush by Indians. The whereabouts of this cache remain unknown.

The Burney Treasure: Another cache estimated to be worth $175,000 is said to be buried somewhere between Burney, California, and Hatcher Pass.

The Susanville Cache: A third cache worth around $200,000 (then) is believed to be concealed between Susanville and Freedonyer Pass near Highway 36.

The Feather River Robbery: Murrieta and his right-hand man, Manual Garcia, known as "Three-Fingered Jack," are said to have robbed a stagecoach along the Feather River. The strongbox reportedly contained 250 pounds of gold nuggets, which they buried on the banks of the Feather River. This stolen treasure has never been recovered.

Joaquín Murrieta
Joaquín Murrieta

Marker is in Clayton, California, in Contra Costa County.
(Near Mount Diablo)

Location of the Buried treasure of Joaquín Murrieta ...

Article about the Treasure Buried "On The Ricon" (Near Santa Barbara) - GOOGLE MAP: 
A dime novel of Murrieta was quickly published in 1854, and books that followed decades later that were based on that account, romanticized Murrieta. He was portrayed as an aggrieved figure, wronged by the American invaders into California. His crimes were ones of revenge, and he paid the ultimate price for fighting back. He became a legend in the process. So, what does all this have to do with Carpinteria, hundreds of miles south of California’s gold fields?

All three of Carpinteria’s main historians—Arthur Miller Clark, Jayne Cravens Caldwell and Georgia Stockton—tell about the lost treasure of Murrieta, hidden somewhere on the Rincon.

Eventually the governor of California put out a warrant for his arrest, dead or alive... He was captured, killed and his head was taken from City to City as a warning to other criminals... Law enforcement said: "See? This is What happens!"

The Real Zorro

Murrieta is believed to have inspired the fictional character of Zorro, the lead character in the five-part serial story, The Curse of Capistrano, written by Johnston McCulley, and published in 1919 in a pulp fiction magazine.

For some political activists of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, Murrieta has symbolized Mexican resistance against White Anglo-Saxon Protestant domination of California, as Spanish colonists, Native Americans, mixtos, and independent Mexicans were there first. The "Association of Descendants of Joaquin Murrieta" says that Murrieta was not a "gringo eater", but "He wanted to retrieve the part of Mexico that was lost at that time in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo" (after the Mexican-American War).[18]

Robert Crumb - Possible Futures
Robert Crumb - Possible Futures

I want to tell you about this wonderful woman, Colleen Brewer Corners. As some of you may know I got scammed out of a lot money by a crooked builder. I felt lost. I knew others were scammed by the same builder but I never met them. Colleen arranged a meeting for anyone was dealing with crooked builders. It was there I got to meet the others. It made me feel less alone. I cannot express how important that is. Little was being done about these scammers, so Colleen took our stories to the media. Soon it was all over the news. The Sacramento Bee even did a 5 page story on us. Since not much was being done locally at the time she drove us down to file a report with the FBI. She gave us hope.
Colleen not only cares about Paradise, she continues to care about the people of Paradise. She fully believes in the potential of Paradise. She wants Paradise to be a gem on the hill. Since I have known her she has always got things done. She believes that we as a community can accomplish a lot more if we just work together. She’s not in it for herself, she’s in it because Paradise is her home. In my humble opinion, Colleen is not only good for Paradise but she also is good for the people who have decided to make this wonderful community their home. Thank you for listening, and take care.

Trump Monopoly Game

Essay below written by Scott Taggart.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

This country is facing a grave threat from within. We have upon us a presidential election that could have dire consequences for the future of our country as we know it. Our very personal freedoms could be at stake. I know these are extreme and alarmist statements but I believe they are not overstated.
Many of the current election's "hot-button" topics that are bandied about by the two candidates such as abortion, inflation, LGBTQ rights, immigration, etc., etc., bring up strong emotions for many. You might see these issues as representative of the direction our country is headed or has followed these past few years. I believe that while important to many, these issues are insignificant compared to the true threat we face. That threat is the denigration and possible collapse of our republic (representative-based) system of elections and our rule-of-law system. That threat is brought upon us by Donald Trump. Trump has made it entirely clear over the past 9 years that he has no interest in individual voter rights or democratic elections. For him, winning to satisfy his narcissistic needs is the only goal.
Here's the crux of the problem: many of us have been distracted by the "small" issues such as immigration, etc., while the real threat is the potential loss of our future safety and freedom if a tyrannical leader takes charge. Yes, yes, I know that this concept has been posited by Trump as yet one more conspiracy theory waged against him. Yes, I know that many believe that the current leaders have unfairly persecuted Trump. Please consider if it is remotely possible that he actually has committed any of these crimes he is charged with. Would that change your opinion of him even slightly?
Trump is a unique candidate in our history. Never before has this country been faced with a candidate that openly casts aspersions and doubt on our election integrity. This very act brings more than a little doubt about the validity of our election system. This breaks down our trust both as individuals but also as a country. Once elections are no longer trusted, faith in the system is shattered and paranoia about all leaders is diminished. But I believe, while tragic that this happens (it's already happened at some level since the 2020 election), the real-world consequences can and probably will be far more dire. Trump's acolytes are prepared to quash almost any form of dissent against him but not just at the high levels of government but possibly among the average citizens. Is it possible his minions will use voter rolls to go door-to-door to demand allegiance or punish non-followers? If you think not, why do you believe that? As I travel to the more rural areas of the West I regularly encounter people in quiet conversations among secretive militia members. Are they waiting for the tacit approval of Trump that his followers and enforcers will not face consequences if they do a bit of "roughing up" of non-believers? Are you sure that won't happen? He's done this already in a few civil unrest situations the past few years - outright approval of violence by his followers.
One of our founding principles is freedom of speech AND press. The press, whether or not you like any of them, is vitally important to keep our leaders in check. Trump abhors most of the press because he feels they are "liberal" and persecute him unfairly. Perhaps if he didn't denigrate so many of our fellow citizens or break the law so frequently, his persecution would be less? Perhaps if he didn't adore the World's dictators, he'd get a bit more slack?
But enough dancing around about Trump. In reality, Trump is a senile old man who plays a lot of dishonest golf. Trump is nothing without his rabid supporters. And that is the real issue here - if YOU are incapable of envisioning what our country would be like with a wanna-be dictator in charge, you really are the problem. If you are incapable of thinking this is possible or hyperbole by some old dude in Northern California (i.e., me), you have not taken the time to dig into what both Trump really stands for and what his free reign (and I mean that word in a monarchy context) would mean not only to the country but to you. Within months of Trump's election we could see civil violence - not just about the election itself but about any topic that Trump fires up his followers around. We could see neighbor against neighbor because of our political stances (I'm talking far worse than anything we have today over our petty cultural issues). If you already understand these issues, you too are fearful of a Trump victory. If you think I'm nuts or screaming fire in a crowded theater, please scrape away a bit of the media's message you hold tightly to and imagine the world in 1933 when Germany's chancellor (Hitler) was duly appointed with no resistance. Think it can't happen here? It already is and we have a candidate who has made it entirely clear his goals align closely with the World's past and current dictators. If you can't even fathom this as a possibility, you are blind to reality.
If you are even a bit uncertain about Trump's possible negative consequences to our country but want nothing to do with the Democratic Party, Kamala Harris and that whole side of the world, I get it. I can respect much of what people find distasteful about that platform. If you can't see it to vote against Trump, please consider not voting for Trump. Leave the box empty in protest that there is no candidate that matches your hopes.
Again, this post may leave you angry and want to rage at me. I'm fine with that. You may think I'm a paranoid old man who's watched too much liberal media. Yes, I am old but I do pride myself on being an analytical and more importantly a critical thinker so please give that a modicum of consideration. Those who know me well know that few stones are left unturned. I encourage you to contact me personally rather than to have a troll-fest discussion here on Facebook.
Thank you for giving me the honor of sharing my thoughts with you.

Young Grateful Dead standing in front of a strange sculpture of a person
Young Grateful Dead standing in front of a 
strange sculpture of a person.
What is that thing on the left?

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