Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Legalize and Tax Marijuana Nationwide & Free All the Cannabis Prisoners. THAT'S AN EASY WAY TO CUT US GOVERNMENT SPENDING. Contact Your Lawmakers Now!

We should release all the prisoners in for Weed related crimes... That would save the Taxpayer a Fortune currently wasted on incarceration... about $40,000 per prisoner per year...  Read more at:
Who could Possibly be in Favor of keeping Cannabis Illegal? People that Sell Alcohol... People That Sell Doctor Drugs... The Police, Judges, Lawyers and Prison Guards! More Work for Them!
Corrupt Politicians... They Get "Bribed" by ALL of the Groups Listed Above! and... Of Course... CRIMINALS want to Keep Marijuana Illegal... MORE PROFIT!

Contact Senators: 

Contact Representatives:

Marijuana Leaf Drawing. Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

Marijuana Leaf Drawing. Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

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and now for something completely different... Original Art!

Psychedelic Art by gvan42

Psychedelic Art by gvan42

Psychedelic Art by gvan42

Psychedelic Art by gvan42

Psychedelic Art by gvan42

Psychedelic Art by gvan42

Psychedelic Art by gvan42

Psychedelic Art by gvan42

Psychedelic Art by gvan42

We Need to Buy 100 More Firefighting Helicopters in the USA... Simply Dip a Bucket in a Lake, Dump Water on the Fire. Tell Your Elected Officials That We Want Them to Take Action!

California Has a Huge Budget Surplus 
and a Massive Wildfire Problem... 
Let's Buy Helicopters!

Email Governor of California Gavin Newsom

Find their Email Form 
and Tell 'em what you think!
Fire Fighting Helicopter with Water Bucket

Fire Fighting Helicopter dipping a bucket in a lake - Chico, CA

The Entire West is Burning... Every Year there will be MORE MORE MORE fires... If we Owned Helicopters We Could Get Water from Lakes and PUT OUT the Fires. 

Last Year, Two of California's Massive Fires - Were Near Lakes... One Near Lake Tahoe and One Near Lake Almanor... and Both Lakes Had Water in them... We Could Have Put those Fires Out Early... If We Only Had Helicopters. 

Tell Your Representatives to Buy Some Helicopters! Enter your California address and click the locate button to find your State Senate and Assembly representatives.

FC Said: Then you also need, at minimum, 1,000 trained pilots, and several hundred mechanics.

and I Replied: WONDERFUL! We have a LOT of Soldiers that are NO LONGER fighting the War in Afghanistan... Many of those people are Idle... and Would LOVE to Help their Friends and Neighbors... Put Them to Work! Thanks for Reminding me of the Benefit to our Soldiers!

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fire fighting Helicopter dipping a bucket in water
Here's a Helicopter Dipping a Bucket into a River to Drop Water on a Wildfire. We need to Buy 1,000 of these to put out Fires THIS SUMMER!
A helicopter bucket is a specialised bucket suspended on a cable carried by a helicopter to deliver water for aerial firefighting. Each bucket has a release valve on the bottom which is controlled by the helicopter crew. When the helicopter is in position, the crew releases the water to extinguish or suppress the fire below.

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Thank You, Joe Biden, for Ending the Pointless War in Afghanistan. Our Soldiers were Wasting their Time fighting a war that cannot be won for people that do not want us there. I feel certain that the Soldiers would rather be home fighting fires that threaten their families and friends... Bring 'em Home and Bring Home the Helicopters too... 

Satellite Photo of Lake Tahoe taken in 2021 - plenty of water that could be dumped on a fire

LINK to All My Rainbow Cross Gifts:
Original Artwork Printed on Merchandise:

Good for "Rainbow" Rights Activists
and Followers of Jesus...
or BOTH!

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