Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

I Understand that THOSE PEOPLE OVER THERE have horrible Lives and are in deep trouble but... I'm not going to go visit and fundamentally... I JUST DON'T CARE.

 I live in a Remote Small Town and Our World is Wonderful. THOSE PEOPLE OVER THERE ought to fix their own problems but IF THEY DON'T that's OK too. I have spent the last 20 years of my life in Chico and Eureka, California. Both of those are Isolated College Towns with a quaint downtown district, plenty of parks and free live music/parades in the Summer. 

If I watch TV News, I see that crime is a problem in the Cities... Places like LA, Washington DC and the South Side of Chicago have shootouts between drug gangs and murder is common... None of that happens in our little town... 

If I watch TV News, I see that Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan are having active shooting Wars and Suicide Bombers... Crazy! But, if I Just Change the Channel it all goes away... 

If I watch TV News, I see that GUN NUTS are shooting up Schools, Workplaces and an Outdoor Concert in Las Vegas. Well, I Promise to NOT GO There... I see that the Countries in Central America have self-destructed and the people are walking to TEXAS and Tijuana... I bet that Texans and People living in SoCal are worried... BUT NOT ME... We simply do not have a lot of "Minority Group" people in our towns... Almost everyone is White... and we don't have a lot of Graffiti... 

I did spend many years living in San Jose, California and Gang Members Spray Paint Garbage Symbols all over everything. It's difficult to believe but some people actually believe that Graffiti is a good idea! I'm not making this up! I rode the AMTRAK Train thru Oakland once and the Walls are covered with squiggly crap... Just like Dogs mark their territory by urinating on fire hydrants and bushes... gang members mark their territory by spray painting their name on walls... ARF ARF! I'm Here! ARF ARF! 

THOSE PEOPLE OVER THERE should simply stop doing all that crazy stuff. Just stop it! Behave! OR DON'T... It's Your Life... I'm Changing the Channel!  LINK TO ALL MY MUSIC VIDEOS!

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