Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Your Choice: #TraitorTrump or #PatriotJoe. Why Not Vote In Favor of AMERICA? #Vote4Joe BIDEN HAS WORK EXPERIENCE! He was Part of the Team that Killed Osama bin Laden. THANKS!

Headline: Russia offered cash rewards to Taliban fighters to kill US troops in Afghanistan... AND tRUMP DID NOTHING...

Headline: Trump denies he was briefed on reported bounties on US troops... "Totally Clueless!"

Biden, Obama in the War Room - Supervising the Killing of Osama Bin Laden - #PatriotJoe
Biden, Obama and Clinton in the War Room
Supervising the Killing of Osama Bin Laden

Satire; Not a Real Promo Code - #Vote4Joe Does NOT Really Get You a Deep Discount at My Pillow Dot Com
Satire; Not a Real Promo Code - #Vote4Joe Does NOT Really Get You a Deep Discount at My Pillow Dot Com...
But It Does Work at Total Recall!
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And Now...
A Benefit Art Show For Charity!
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Trippy Hippie Gifts for Charity. BENEFIT ART SALE!  Original COSMIC Designs Painted on Coffee Cups, Buttons, Earrings, Posters and BLING! zazzle/gregvan


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