Showing posts with label Hanford. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hanford. Show all posts

Do NOT Eat The Salmon from the Columbia River... They are Radioactive! Atomic Waste Disposal Site Hanford. Near Richland, Washington. Between Yakima and Walla Walla on the Columbia River.
Hanford is one of five major Department of Energy nuclear processing plants and R&D laboratories in the United States. It has more than ten industrialized areas (most with reactors of some kind) located on a 562 square mile site on the Columbia River in eastern Washington. Originally built in secret to produce plutonium for the Manhattan Project, the installation manufactured nuclear materials used in bombs for decades after the war, and it has become one of the most contaminated sites in the USA.

The nuclear weapons production that began at Hanford in the 1940s generated substantial amounts of radioactive and chemical wastes, contaminated land and groundwater, and created a lasting legacy of contaminated facilities. Since the signing of the Tri-Party Agreement in 1989, Ecology, EPA, and Energy have worked to clean up, treat, and dispose of this legacy to reduce the threats it poses. Substantial progress has been made, and substantial work remains.

During World War II, the government wanted a large buffer zone around its nuclear production facilities for secrecy and public safety. The current site is about 580 square miles and most areas are still not accessible to the public.
Map showing the size and location of the Hanford site in Southeastern Washington.
Map showing the size and location of the Hanford site in southeastern Washington.
(click to enlarge)
  • In the 1980s, groundwater contamination totaled about 80 square miles. Today, about 60 square miles of groundwater remains contaminated above federal standards — and the level of contamination has been greatly reduced for significant portions of that area.
  • There are no active nuclear production facilities; however, the site contains some of the nation's most complicated nuclear and mixed dangerous waste, which must be cleaned up.
The U.S. Department of Energy is required to maintain security and prevent unauthorized access to contaminated areas of the site. In the event of an emergency, Energy is required to effectively respond to protect human health and the environment.
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Other Posts of Interest:
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I remember Going to Anti Vietnam War Protest Marches... Including a Candle Light Parade Down Main Street Los Gatos With My Parents... I'm Glad that They Raised Me to Be in Favor of Good and Opposed to Evil...

Darryl Cherney Said: 
It's not the overwhelming toxics in our environment--it's the shot in the arm; it's not climate change caused by unfathomable volumes of chemicals tossed into the atmosphere--it's chemtrails; it's not selective news reporting by a press beholden to its advertisers--it's fake news; it's not horrid foreign policies in 3rd world countries supporting dictators and cartels--it's immigration; it's not a history of systemic racism and legacy of slavery and genocide--it's that darker skinned people are inferior; it's not the money made by the arms dealers, religions, and resource extractors--it's just that there always will be wars; it's not that the candidates are pre-selected and the system discourages good people from running--it's that the voting machines are rigged; it's not that the Democrats are the other arm of the capitalist party beholden to the banks--it's that they are socialists.  Each distraction has a "something" that proposes an answer that the believer can latch on to, and those "somethings" run cover for the colossal facts that run rogue over our planet and its lifeforms.  These distractions are deliberately inserted into the discourse to distract us from the root problems and most importantly, to divide us. Snap out of it!

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Intentionally Seek Beauty - photo by gvan42
Intentionally Seek Beauty - photo by gvan42

Intentionally Seek Beauty - photo by gvan42

Intentionally Seek Beauty - photo by gvan42


DANGER: Highly Radioactive locations in the USA #1 Hanford, Washington State. #2 Downwind From Nevada Test Site - St. George, Utah

Hanford, Washington – USA
During WWII, the US manufactured plutonium for atom bombs in a quiet town called Hanford, Washington. The materials made there were eventually dropped on Nagasaki. Then, during the Cold War, Hanford’s plutonium manufacturing efforts ramped up again in order to produce 600,000 additional nuclear weapons.


Where it is:,-119.4888056,19z/

The plutonium plant in Hanford is now decommissioned, but (see half-life numbers above) it currently contains roughly two-thirds of our nation’s highly radioactive waste – in both solid and liquid forms. Radioactive waste has contaminated an estimated 200 square miles of groundwater in the area as well, making Hanford the most radioactive place in the United States.

Fallout Map USA
Locations of Fallout Contamination
Brown is Bad... Avoid These Areas
The Nevada Test Site (NTS), 65 miles north of Las Vegas, was one of the most significant nuclear weapons test sites in the United States. Nuclear testing, both atmospheric and underground, occurred here between 1951 and 1992. 
Where it is:

Atomic Waste Cleanup Sites MAP - gvan42

MAP of Where the Poison IS... STAY AWAY! Including Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory... As the largest environmental cleanup program in the world, EM has been charged with the responsibility of cleaning up 107 sites across the country whose area is equal to the combined area of Rhode Island and Delaware. The map below shows the remaining 16 active EM sites where cleanup work is currently ongoing.

Radioactively Contaminated Sites:

Superfund National Priorities List (NPL) Where You Live Map

DANGER: Atomic Reactor Meltdown Site Between Los Angeles and Simi Valley - Avoid the Santa Susana Field Laboratory- DANGER

Atomic Power Symbol Earrings for Sale:
This Art is Good for Both the NO NUKES! Crowd and the PRO NUKES! People. Remember: The Best Location for a Fusion Reactor is 93 Million Miles from My Back Yard. 
Link to ALL My Atomic Art on Zazzle:

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and now for Something Completely Different
a Page From My Autobiography
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On family day, my brother took us to visit Lawrence Livermore Lab. I remember the Shiva Project.  It was a Fusion Nuclear Power Plant Prototype. You may have seen it as the movie "TRON" had a few scenes filmed there. It was a fundamentally valid idea but it never created more power than it took to run the machine. They took a drop of "Heavy" Water and focused many giant laser beams on it from all directions. The idea was that the heat would cause the hydrogen to FUSE into helium. Just like it does in the SUN. When they turned on the power the lights of the city of Livermore would dim. Martin worked in Biology at the Lab.

One time Martin took me to a Biology Trade Show in Washington DC at a big Hotel. A BioTech Company from England had invented a single celled animal that TASTED LIKE CHICKEN. We ate some... It was illegal for a BioTech Company to design and grow food in the USA but the laws allowed it in England. Quite like Zymoveal out of Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Books. I still believe that it's a good idea. I think it ate oil... Could solve World Hunger.

I built a laser light show using a laser pointer, a mirror from a birdcage, my 130 in one experimenters kit from Radio Shack, a "V" shaped coat hanger, thread and two 3v DC motors driving unbalanced loads. The experimenters kit was arranged to produce oscillating voltages that drove the motors at speeds that gradually changed from slow to fast and then back to slow again. The motors were attached to the coathanger that supported the laser pointer and mirror... as the motors spun they caused the ends of the coathanger to move in circular motion. This caused the dot of laser light reflected upon the ceiling to wiggle in rhythmic elliptical patterns that changed shape over time... It's called a Lissajou pattern. Classic Lasarium pattern. Just to mix up the pattern a bit the ends of the coathanger were tied to each other with thread... that caused one end to effect the other end. Whacking the entire contraption with my hand was also fun and caused a larger pattern on the ceiling. Fun to play with while stoned.

My friend Ken built a much better laser lightshow using an industrial laser and a mirror coated with clear glue. It shined wave like clouds of red light on the ceiling. They often looked like galaxies. Originally he would invite people over and put on the Vangelis record "China" on and turn off the lights... Heavy synth music with cosmic clouds swirling slowly on the ceiling. One night my boss from work brought over her girlfriend and we all smoked PCP laced weed. "Hey mister, your floor's on fire..." she said... The mirror was mounted on a rotating platform on the floor. It glowed red... and concerned the guest...

Later, I convinced KEN to buy a synthesizer himself and we played music to the laser light show every weekend for years. Improvised cosmic noises and "sci-fi movie soundtrack music"...

I liked going to The Biograph Theatre in Georgetown, Washington DC. I saw Atomic Cafe, Starstruck, (and then wrote a song that night walking down the street. "City of the Future"). Liquid Sky (The UFO movie that had an Alien that ate heroin and orgasm brain waves. Brother from Another Planet. That John Waters movie, Polyester! in "Odorama" aka Smell-o-Vision... That was a Disaster Effect as all the Smells blended into one... Vomit, Gas from the Oven, Roses, BO...  

At Tower records in Washington DC... I walked from one sound proof room to another and the music switched from one genre to another. I also bought 10 Grateful Dead tickets for Oakland and then flew to Los Gatos and sold the tickets to high school friends... Taking a trip with "Laser" Lester. And the POND Family. Sunny Walden Pond and Merry Walden Pond and their mom... One of them wrote lyrics in my miss Piggy Songbook and I later put chords to those lyrics when I was visiting Walden Pond in Massachusetts... At That Concert "Laser" Lester and I Purchased LSD and I Had a Trip With the Overwhelming Wonderful Feeling of FAMILY... Later I Rode Home in the Back of a Pickup Truck... Outdoors on the Freeway... and Played my Guitar, sang songs... What a Fantastic Blessing it is To Have been Alive After the Invention of LSD...

Some People Say LSD was Invented at the Same time as The Atom Bomb in order to Balance the Universe... Increasing Spiritual Wisdom When It Was Truly Needed... Others (Crazy Politicians) Say it's a Schedule One Drug... and Then the US Government Made it ILLEGAL... I Believe that The government was Afraid that People Were BECOMING DISOBEDIENT and would no longer Fight in their Crazy Wars... That's True! Hippies Have No Interest in Risking Their Life for Someone Else's Corporate Profit!

Protest Marches at the White House against the War in Iraq by George Bush the Father. I was on TV... on LSD... During the Gulf War I went to many protest marches at Lafayette Park across the street from the White House. We played the drums in order to annoy George the Father and disturb his sleep. One day we all walked to the Lincoln Memorial. I had taken an acid trip with my next door neighbors the night before and during the protest I was still tripping. The parade permit was for a certain time period and it expired while I was there. Many people sat down in the middle of the street... to make a point... the protesters that were in the street got arrested and were hauled away in buses to jail. Those of us who were on the sidewalk were not arrested. I was faced with a choice... to stand in the street or stay on the sidewalk... LSD makes events and decisions much more significant. The police were dressed in Stormtrooper outfits and Big Black Boots... Like the Blue Meanies in Yellow Submarine... Anyway, I selected to NOT get arrested... Many sat down in the street... but not me. I stand by that decision today. Daniel Ellsberg DID get arrested.

When we were in front of the White House I was interviewed by the TV News. A couple of days later another neighbor of mine said that she saw me "Make a Jackass of Myself" on TV. I told her thank you, because if you thought I was a Jackass, I was doing the right thing...

On another day I played the drums with some Buddhist Monks. They were playing paddle drums in a very odd rhythm. I asked them why they played that odd rhythm and they said it focused the attention... They had to focus so they would be able to play it and THAT freed the mind to go into a meditative trance...

I also met Dick Gregory walking down the street in DC during those protests. I noticed that all the other people on the street were looking at this Old Black Man... Heads were turning... I Said: "I feel like something is terribly wrong in this country, but I'm not sure what." He said. "Thank You for your Opinion." In retrospect, I didn't say the most brilliant thing but... that's what I said. and That's what he said... 

We were the minority of people in the country... Most people thought that war was a good idea. Iraq had invaded Kuwait...

Years later a different War in Iraq was waged by George Bush the Son. That was a total disaster and eventually lead to Obama being Elected President... He promised to end the War. I went to MANY anti-war protests in Eureka about that War.


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