AMERICA'S BOGUS WARS - Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The USA, Not Even Once. Ever since Victory in Japan, All of Our Wars have been Marketing to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex.

AMERICA'S BOGUS WARS - Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The USA, Not Even Once.

Read a Book - My Favorites MEME - a part of the gvan42 FREE COLORING BOOK - Print this art and Color using Felt Pens - Gregory Vanderlaan
Read a Book - My Favorites

and then someone of FaceBorg asked:
Did the US Military Really defend the USA in WWII? Apart from that desperate, once only, attack on Pearl Harbor, the USA wasn't touched during either of the world wars. It looks like the last time the USA was defended was during the War of 1812.

Often The USA chooses sides in Someone Else's Civil War, Gets Real Excited about Fighting Communism (or whatEVER) and then We Get Bored, Retreat, Lose and the Total Effect is ZERO. For Example: Vietnam. After 10 years of fighting, we lost and then The Surrounding Countries DID NOT Fall like Dominos... Believe it or not, There was a "Domino Theory" proposed by Vice President Richard Nixon that Stated that, If we lost in Vietnam, the neighboring Countries would become Communist and then the Entire World would GO Commie and we will have Reds Ruling Mexico! And Attacking the USA! I'm not making this up... There were people that really believed this theory... and were willing to send other people's children to die because they were Fighting Communism. Danger Danger! If we don't beat the Reds in Vietnam they will come right up to our border... ABSURD! For those of you that have never heard of Dominos, it's a game with numbered tiles that you could stack in rows so that if you pushed one over, it would hit the next and that one would hit the next... and on and on and on... and they would all fall down. This was popular before Video Games. 

However, Hughes Aircraft, Dow Chemical and other Defense Contractors MADE A FORTUNE... People that sell Bandages, need Bleeding Soldiers to use them up... and then they make a Sale Restocking the Military. Helicopters, Agent Orange, Napalm, Boots, Boats and Food were all wonderful businesses to be in... Soldier Have to Eat... We can sell more MRE if there is an active war than during peacetime... To Quote Country Joe McDonald: "Come on Wall Street Don't Move Slow, Why Man this War's a Go-Go. There is Plenty Good Money to be Made, Supplying the Army with the Tools of the Trade! Just hope and Pray when they Drop the Bomb, They drop it on the Viet Cong..." Defense Contractors kept the war going for a long as possible. Nixon's Campaign Promise was to End the War but he kept it going an extra FOUR Years. If you think about it, We could have Won that War in ONE DAY. A Hydrogen Bomb on Hanoi would have Ended The War. Totally. We knew HOW to WIN since we we Dropped Atomic Bombs on Japan. BUT, we selected to Lose. 

One real effect of that war was: we got a LOT of immigrants. Vietnamese Boat People and Hmong... They came here by the Thousands... and then the Country of Vietnam became a Capitalist Manufacturing Country... Go Figure! They did not like being Commie after all. In general, the refugees were nice people and no one can imagine WHY we would go to war with them... 

I don't know much about the Korean War. All I really know is the M*A*S*H TV Show and The Manchurian Candidate Movie. Somehow we fought for a while, quit and those people over there solved their own problems... or not... Hey, It's their country, they should do whatever they do without the USA's Help.  

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On One Occasion The US Military Did a Fantastic Job in 2011... President Obama commanded a small band of brilliant soldiers to hunt down and kill Osama bin Laden. Mission Accomplished!

One of the Many Reasons Obama is loved as the Best President Ever. Thanks, President O!

While George Bush The Son LOOKED for Osama bin Laden for YEAR and FAILED... Obama just sent American Soldiers to Do The JOB. Truly a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED...

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Inside the Military Industrial Complex. For years, I did Evil for Money. And then I Switched and Got a Job Doing Something Useful With My Life...

Hey, I was Young and Lustful and My Wife Wanted the Extra Cash to Buy a House... So I Took that High Paying Job Doing Evil... During that era (1976 - 1986) I had Doubts about My Own Beliefs... Maybe We Were Wrong in the Sixties! Could BE! It's Possible... So, I quit my Job Designing Computers to Help Doctors Store Medical Records (The Patient's Chart) and started Designing Secure Communications Gear for the US Air Farce... and then The NSA... "No Such Agency"

Twenty Five Years after I stopped Working there, the NSA Declassified Project TEMPEST... They came too believe that the Technology was so obsolete that it was no longer important to keep the details out of "The Enemy's" Hands... We were fighting the Russians in a Cold War then... and Surprise, Surprise we are still fighting that Cold War Now! "Plenty good money to be made, supplying the Army with the tools of the Trade." - Country Joe and the Fish Lyric...

One Day I was at an Anti-War Protest March at the White House and a Woman I was Talking to asked me what I did for a Living. I told her and she said: "OH!... Good, We Need People on the Inside." I felt dirty and ashamed of my career... The NEXT Time I got Laid off, I lucked out and Got a Job in the Engineering Department of the US Postal Service... We were helping Corporations Deliver Junk Mail More Efficiently... at LEAST I was no longer a Part of the Evil War Machine. Many of the Other employees were from different countries because it was a place that you could get a job without a Secret Security Clearance. Quite Fun to Work with So Many People from All Over the World. We Would Go Party on the Weekends and they Took me to places that "White People" were seldom invited... But Hey, My Friends would say to any hostiles... "Leave him alone, He's with Me."

Many People in the Anti-War Movement were Former Insiders that "Saw the Light." One of the Men who lived in Lafayette Park was an Atomic Energy Engineer. He was protecting a Sign Protesting Atomic Energy. At that time (George Bush the Father was President) a person could build a permanent protest sign that was 3 foot by 3 foot and hand out leaflets. If you left the sign, the police would confiscate it... It was called Freedom of Speech and is Protected by the First Amendment... That was then, this is NOW and NO LONGER is Freedom of Speech a Right... Those 3X3 Permanent Signs Have Vanished... Deep Sigh...

and in today's news: Trump is Attempting to Switch Central American Aid Funds to Support the Failed Coup d'Etat in Venezuela... Still trying to interfere in their Elections so our Puppet Can Rule... Hey, this plan worked for the Russians in 2016 and They got a Puppet in the USA... maybe we can LEARN from their Success! 

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I interviewed a Korean War Veteran for this Book and asked: What was the Korean War All About? Why were we There? and he said...

"I have NO IDEA... and I was there for Two Years. If you Find Out, tell me." So, I did a little research online and... I found out!

After the Japanese Surrendered in 1945, there was a Power Vacuum all over Asia. The Japanese HAD conquered Many Asian Countries and then, when they were defeated... NO ONE was in charge of those countries. Many "National Freedom Movements" happened where the People of the conquered countries tried to seize power to control their own destiny... 

In Korea, The Soviet Union occupied the North and the USA occupied the South. On 25 June 1950, the North Koreans launched a Surprise Attack... beating the South Koreans and the US Army all the way back to the south-eastern tip of the peninsula... General Douglas MacArthur Beat the North Koreans back BUT a Wave of  of Chinese ‘volunteers’ halted the advancing allies and forced them back to the 38th parallel.

and we have had a Border with a DMZ there ever since... 

SO, What were we doing there at all?  Fighting the Commies!
After WW2, The USA and The USSR was dividing up the world and we were just Grabbing Power... Like in Germany, with West Berlin and East Berlin... and a WALL between them.
Remember, this was 1950 and the USA was experiencing a Bizarro World RED SCARE! Congress had Un-American Activities Hearing lead by Senator Joe McCarthy... Of the Famous McCarthyism... Where, in a PANIC, they sought to Run the REDS out of Hollywood, and Arrest Folksingers. After all, They were Leading America's Youth ASTRAY... and CAUSING BEATNIKS! 

This lead to the Creation of the John Birch Society... and Young Americans for Freedom... 

Chapter One: CIA Cocaine Contra - The USA Imported Cocaine by the Ton in order to Fund the War in Nicaragua. John Kerry and Maxine Waters Held Hearings. Gary Webb wrote the Initial Newspaper article that Exposed The US Government. This was at the time that Ronald Reagan [Mr Alzheimer's] Started the Failed War on Drugs... Just Say NO!

After Congress stopped funding the War in Nicaragua, the Reagan Administration turned to Cocaine Smuggling and Arms Sales to generate money to finance the Contras. Most famous was the Iran/Contra Hearings that exposed weapon sales to Iran but The CIA ALSO imported Cocaine and sold it as "CRACK" Nationwide. A newspaper reporter named Gary Webb wrote a series of Expose Articles leading to Congressional Hearings that ultimately lead to Public Acknowledgement by The US Government that, YES, WE IMPORTED VAST QUANTITIES OF COCAINE in the 1980s but that is History and Some Bad Employees Did Evil in the Past  and We Promise Not To Do It Again... REALLY! No one in CIA Leadership was arrested but Low Level Drug Dealers did do time. Specifically , Freeway Rick Ross... 

Chapter One and a Half:
PANAMA - A Truly Forgotten War. 1989 - George H W Bush (the Father) was President of the USA and Manuel Noriega was President of Panama. 

Background. Noriega was a CIA employee making about $100,000 a year helping the USA fight the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. He ALSO was "very helpful" fighting the "War on Drugs" since a lot of Cocaine was shipped from South America through Central America to the USA. Ironically, Noriega was also on the Payroll of the Drug Traffickers as well. Originally, George H W Bush (the Father) hired Manuel Noriega when he was the Director of Central Intelligence Agency... Conveniently, Bush FORGOT ALL ABOUT THAT Later, when the USA invaded Panama.

Reagan and Noriega had a Falling Out when Noriega started assisting the USSR in Central America AND when Noriega's Drug Smuggling Past was exposed to the public [by Seymor Hirsh] during the Iran/Contra Hearings. Therefore... He became our enemy and had "always been" our enemy... Just like in the book 1984... 

So, Panama declared war on the USA and The USA started "Operation Just Cause" and hunted down Noriega. He was hiding in The Vatican Mission and the USA felt restricted by Protocol and would not go in to arrest Noriega. SO... In a Bizarre plot twist... "Operation Nifty Package" - The USA Set up loudspeakers outside the Mission and played LOUD Heavy Metal Rock Music 24 Hours a Day in order to drive Noriega Mad and have him Surrender... And it worked! "Stop! STOP! No More Black Sabbath! Please STOP! Noriega was arrested, brought to trial in the USA, convicted and... GEE, I Don't know whatever happened to "PINEAPPLE FACE" - Part of "Operation Nifty Package" was Propaganda to drum up support in the American Public... Noriega had bad acne as a teenager and ended up with lifelong scars on his face - His Face looked like a Pineapple. 

Insulting names is still a part of the Republicrime Playbook... in 2019, King Donald the First calls everyone he hates bad names... Just like a Third Grader...  "Sleepy" Joe Biden, "Pocahontas" Elizabeth Warren and on and on and on... Everybody is "Low Intelligence", "Crazy", "Flipper", "Little Rocket Man" or SOMEthing... The #BillionDollarLoser gains a LOT of Political advantage with his Followers by insulting opponents. 

Chapter Two: 

A Brief History of the War In Iraq. OOPS, We Blew Up The Wrong Country. On 9/11 Fourteen (14) SAUDI ARABIAN Hijackers Flew Airplanes into The World Trade Center. Five (5) Were NOT Saudis.

George W. Bush (the Son) felt that He Could NOT go to War with The ACTUAL people that Caused 9/11 so he had the CIA write FALSE Reports so he could start a War Against Iraq. Years Later We Learned that Iraq Had No WMD, Had No ties to Al Qaeda and Had Nothing at all to do with 9/11.

We were Enslaved to Saudi Arabia because we buy their OIL. If We Stopped Buying, Gas Prices would Double, The Cost of Transporting Food (and everything else) to Grocery Stores would Skyrocket and We would Experience Economic Collapse.

However, Bush Knew that Iraq Had NO Atomic Weapons so they were an Easy Target ( they couldn't fight back by Nuking the USA)... Most Americans can't tell the Difference between One Arabian Person and Another so... We invaded...  and it was VERY EXCITING to watch on TV. The News Networks Showed Green Night Vision Films of Bombs Exploding... I Remember that it LOOKED Like a Video Game.

Before the War Started there were MASS Protests Against The War WORLDWIDE. I participated in a March in the City of Eureka, California where about 10% of the Entire Population Was In the Streets... Chanting, Playing the Drums and Waving Protest Signs. We WERE NOT FOOLED by the Fake CIA Reports.

We Protested Every Year At Least Once a Year Until Barack Obama was Elected on a Promise to End the War. Yes, Eventually Everyone WOKE UP.

The USA Used Depleted Uranium Bullets and Shells In The Iraq War... The Metal Uranium is Much Heavier than Steel and is forms an ARMOR PIERCING Bullet. What Happens is that the Uranium Catches of Fire and Burns a Hole thru the Steel Plates of Tanks, Cars and Trucks. Therefore we left a Vast Quantity of Radioactive Waste in Iraq and That has Caused an Increase in Miscarriages... A Classic Example of Genocide. Those People Over Their Will Not Be Having as Many Children and THEIR GENES Will Not Be Represented in The Future. The Uranium will be Radioactive and Poisonous for thousands of YEARS. AND... At No Extra Cost... We Found a Place to Store the Atomic Waste From Our Nuclear Power Industry. 

American Rock Group GREEN DAY Album "AMERICAN IDIOT" is an Anti Iraq War Anthem... Thanks!

Americans Killed on 9/11 = 3,000 Americans Killed in Response to 9/11 = 6,000 bar chart
Americans Killed on 9/11 = 3,000
Americans Killed in Response to 9/11 = 6,000

Shaking Hands With Saddam.
Donald Rumsfeld Sold Weapons to Iraq
During President Reagan's Years In Office.

We helped Make Saddam Hussein the President Of Iraq.

Reagan Also Sold Weapons to IRAN...

and then we stepped back and Watched

Them Kill each Other...

and Laughed and Laughed  and Laughed.

Insightful Report By George Washington University.

Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein:

The U.S. Tilts toward Iraq, 1980-1984

National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 82

Edited by Joyce Battle

Colin Powell gave a Press Briefing at the United Nations
where he explained the Reasons for going to War in Iraq.
Traditionally, press briefings are held in front of Picasso's
Painting "Guernica" that depicts death from the sky...
Powell was proposing starting a war that had a lot of
Death from the Sky...
This Image shows what the press conference would have looked like. 

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It Should be Noted that the Evil Triangle consisted of George W Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney. Other people who were accomplices to Mass Murder were Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell and The Director of Central Intelligence...George Tenet. 

Do the Math... The Killing of American Soldiers Dramatically Reduced about 1973.

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Speaking of Freaking Idiots: Did You Know That Senator John McCain VOLUNTEERED to Go To Vietnam TWICE? The First Time He Flew His Airplane into the Ocean and It Sank. He was Injured in that Disaster and The US Navy Offered to Send Him Stateside to serve out His Term... But He Said NO! and Volunteered to Go To Vietnam Again. This Time He Flew His Airplane into The DIRT... The Viet Cong picked up his Injured Body and Kept him ALIVE and in Prison for 5 and a Half Years... SAVING HIS LIFE... SO... Remember This Kids! NEVER VOLUNTEER FOR THE MILITARY... They Just Send You to Random Countries in order to Commit Murder for no Reason... and Then When You Get OUT... They Ignore You... and You Become a PTSD Homeless Vet... That's what I Learned Serving Homeless Veterans at the Welfare Office... They all said: DON'T GO!

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Review of the video game "America's Army". Brainwashing Children in the Comfort of your own Home. A Newspaper Article I wrote for the Humboldt State University Lumberjack. 

US Army designs "shoot 'em up" VIDEO GAME.

I was outraged to see that the Taxpayers paid the US Army to create a Video
Game that teaches teenagers about war and gives them an opportunity to
explore careers in the military. is the home of a game
that lets people experience virtually the art of war using a military simulator
that teaches tactics and strategies to civilians. Blow stuff up too. This game
is rated "T" for teen by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board.

Players may join virtual teams to compete online with others across the internet.
A headset microphone is recommended for shouting orders to your teammates.
The marketing strategy is brilliant. A teenager might make the intellectual leap
from "Gee, It's a lot of FUN to blow up people in this Video Game " to
"Gee, if I enlist, I can blow up people FOR REAL". A player may get a copy
of the game on CD by visiting their US ARMY recruiter. The talents of a Video
Game player would be very useful to an army that uses complex computer
controlled weapons. I remember that the CNN broadcast of the bombing of
Baghdad looked eerily familiar. The surrealistic green color scheme of the
night-vision cameras and the trails left by the bombs seemed to be identical
to the Video Game "Missile Command". However, unlike a game, when a
player kills a person in reality they stay dead, no replays. The graphics in
this game are superb, a typical scene shows oil wells and a "Escher-like"
tile floor. The action appears to take place in a Middle Eastern city.

A link to shopping lets you purchase dolls to play with offline. Handy to have
when your kid sister wants to serve tea to her dollies. You can have your
action figures shoot up the tea room and blast all the bad guys. One doll is an
Indigenous Soldier. "Special Forces teams have a proud history of training
indigenous forces to fight to liberate their countrymen from oppression".
Another doll is a Special Forces Intelligence Sergeant. "The Special Forces
Intelligence Sergeant is responsible for collecting and providing essential
intelligence during missions, conducting and handling agent reports,
analyzing risks associated with friendly and enemy courses of action, and
acts to counter or neutralize identified intelligence threats". Of course, the
intelligent Sergeant needs a machine gun to fill out those reports. OOPS,
I typed intelligent when I meant Intelligence... A slip that anyone could
make... Assuming the Sergeant to BE SMART, not collect rumors.

A basic concept in mind-control is to saturate the subject with virtual blood
and gore to allow them to become used to seeing horrible sights. When faced
with actual blood and gore, the person is not offended due to familiarity.
The actual US Military has been using motion pictures to train soldiers for
years. The first time a new recruit sees a "sucking chest wound" they are
disgusted and often vomit. Upon repeated exposure, the new recruit becomes
comfortable with the images. Training soldiers often uses the concepts of
Pavlov and B.F. Skinner. This style of training is effective, a soldier should
not question a command but execute it instantly for the Army to function
properly. If a soldier has lingering doubts about the wisdom of invading a
foreign country that has no WMDs, no ties to Al-Qaeda and nothing at all
to do with the mass murder on 9/11/2001, then they will hesitate when the
time comes to pull the trigger. Just like practicing flying an airplane using
a flight simulator, a "shoot 'em up" Video Game can be used to speed up
reaction times. This opportunity to program your own mind is now available
to any teenager with a computer and an Internet connection. Playstation
and XBOX versions are available too.

SEE, they learned a lot from project MKULTRA. is the website for the new version of the game
created by UBISOFT. Epic Games designed the underlying architecture
for these games. The U.S. Army announced that it has licensed Unreal
Engine 3 for the next generation versions of America's Army. In addition
to serving over 5 million registered users playing more than 1.34 billion
missions "a wide variety of agencies from the U.S. Navy to national
laboratories have re purposed America’s Army for applications ranging
from appended training devices for weapon systems to adaptive thinking
and leadership training simulations".

Chapter Three: 

A Brief History of the Vietnam War. 58,000 American Soldiers Died for Nothing...

During the 1950s Americans went into a Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and fallout shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs. During the height of this hysteria Vice President Richard Nixon went on Television and explained "the Domino Principle"while pointing to a map of Asia. His theory was that one by one those countries over there would turn Commie and soon they would take over Mexico and threaten the American Way of Life. Soon, President Eisenhower and Kennedy sent advisors to help the South Vietnamese soldiers fight the North Vietnamese soldiers. Then President Johnson sent even More American Soldiers to fight the Viet Cong. Then President Nixon continued the War for another 5 years before eventually he decided to allow the South Vietnamese to fight their own war and we left. Quickly the South lost and thousands of Boat People fled South Vietnam because they thought they would be killed. As it turned out, The Domino Principle was false. Communism did not take over the world. The entire war was a waste of lives and money.

The main reason we ended the Vietnam War was the huge protest movement against the war. Lead by Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin of the Yippies, The Students for a Democratic Society and The Weatherman staged immense protest marches expressing the desire of the American People to end the war. Eventually the US government got the message...

Ho Chi Minh was the heroic leader of North Vietnam. He successfully threw out the French Colonialists and The Americans. He reunited his country and Vietnamese people ruled Vietnam.

The Vietnam War inspired many anti-war protest songs. Country Joe and the Fish's "Fixing to Die Rag", Arlo Guthrie's "Alice's Restaurant, The Door's "Unknown Soldier and "Where Have all the Flowers Gone" and "Big Muddy" by Pete Seeger...

Then the Draft (forcing people to go fight in wars) ended and we were at Peace for Ten Years...

Many corporations profited from the War in Vietnam including Dow Chemical, Monsanto and Hughes Aircraft. The Government bought a lot of Napalm, Agent Orange and Helicopters.
Some say that corporations had President Kennedy Assassinated because he was going to end the war and they wouldn't reap the profits...

President Lyndon Johnson was the main promoter of the Vietnam War. He is the one that changed from sending advisors to sending combat troops. Even after it became obvious that we could not win he continued to send more combat troops because he did not want to be the first President to lose a war. Robert McNamara was the Secretary of Defense at the beginning of the war and then he quit because all his experts said that we could not win. At one point, Barry Goldwater (The Republican Candidate for President) recommended dropping Atomic Bombs on Hanoi but he lost the Election to LBJ and we never dropped any. We did drop an astonishing amount of traditional bombs, Napalm
(jellied gasoline) and Agent Orange (a defoliant). That killed about two million Vietnamese people. Since they were fighting in defense of their own country they were able to outlast the Americans because they were interested in winning. The American public became opposed to the war in such numbers that eventually Richard Nixon ended the war. At one point, Nixon was so afraid of the protesters that he encircled the White House with Buses parked end to end so that people could not jump over the fence and attack. One protest march walked from the Lincoln Memorial in DC to the Pentagon in Virginia and encircled it. The plan was to hold hands, sing and chant until the Pentagon levitated into the air vibrated and collapsed into a pile of rubble. This march was documented in the Norman Mailer book "Armies of the Night".

Many thanks to all who protested the war as we saved countless lives. Including my own.

At Kent State University in Ohio 4 Students were murdered by the National Guard during an anti-war demonstration. This caused widespread outrage among the people of the USA. After all, when a species starts killing it's children extinction is not far away. Why these 4 deaths caused more of a backlash than the thousands of soldiers dying in Vietnam is a mystery. Maybe it's because of the Freedom of Speech guarantee of the First Amendment to the Constitution. The Night before the murder students burned down the ROTC building. (Reserve Officers Training Corps) That arson was used as the excuse for the National Guard to arm it's men with real bullets. Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young wrote a great song documenting the murder called "Ohio."

At UC Santa Barbara students burned down the Bank of America building. That building was selected because the BofA was making a profit off the war.

The revolutionary organization "The Weathermen" blew up over 100 buildings in an attempt to "Bring the War Home". The Idea was that if the horrors of war were happening in the USA, the public would quickly grow tired of the war and ask our leaders to end it. Eventually, that is exactly what happened. "The Weathermen" selected organizations that were enabling the war for bombing targets. No people were ever hurt by the bombings only buildings. Including the US Capitol building in Washington DC.

Muhammed Ali refused to go to war and was arrested and convicted of draft dodging. At the time he was the most famous man in the world. He was a boxer. He said: "No Vietnamese ever called me nigger". Martin Luther King also opposed the war. So did Dr Benjamin Spock the author of the book "Baby and Child Care" which was the most popular book about how to raise children among the parents of the Baby Boom generation. Jane Fonda went to North Vietnam to visit the Army there and took many famous photographs that were printed in the newspapers worldwide. She was protesting Against the war and using her Fame as a Hollywood Movie Star to get attention to her views. Those photographs enraged people in favor of the war.

The draft had a tendency to select people who were poor. Anyone who was attending college got a student deferment. That meant that people who were too poor to afford going to college were drafted while students were excused from the war. Practically speaking, soldiers had a tendency to be Black, Hispanic or Native American. Rich people could also get a doctor to write a letter stating that their patient had medical reasons that made serving in the military impossible. For Example: Donald Trump was excused from service due to "Bone Spurs"... a medical condition that made it impossible for him to march... It's very likely that this medical condition was totally phony and was just an excuse... A friend of mine got a deferment for having surf bumps on his feet. He couldn't wear Army Boots...

William F Buckley was TOTALLY WRONG about the Vietnam War. He had a popular TV talk show where he would debate liberals. He was supposed to be a brilliant conservative thinker however, he was actually clueless about the war. At the time his show was on TV there were only 3 TV networks and his show was watched by millions of Americans. His opinions influenced the thinking of many "Right-Wing" Republicans. He was sort of like Rush Limbaugh or Fox TV News. A voice of the government. He believed that people should simply do what they are told. He was a skilled debater and could make seemingly believable arguments. Then these concepts were
repeated by millions of Americans... He put words in the mouth of parents that were worried that their children were running away to live in Hippie Communes and smoking Marijuana... Could it be that William F Buckley was a paid stooge of corporations that were making a profit on the war?

Walter Cronkite spoke up against the war. He was a TV News Anchorman and one of the most beloved people in America. He was regarded as a trustworthy father figure. When he came out against the war it was a sign that the people of the USA had had enough. He influenced public opinion greatly.

The "Gulf of Tonkin Incident" was fake. It was used as a reason for our involvement in Vietnam's Civil War. It was an event that did not happen.

Barry Goldwater ran for President against Lyndon Johnson and lost. Barry believed that we could win the war by dropping Atomic Bombs on Hanoi, the capital of North Vietnam. The American people thought nuking Vietnam was a bad idea. So Johnson Won.

The Chicago Riots at the Democratic Convention: Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin of the YIPPIES! (Youth International Party) asked for a million protesters to assemble in a park in Chicago during the Convention. The Police attacked the protesters with billy clubs and the riot was televised. Chanting "The Whole World is Watching" protesters fought with police. Later there was a trial of "The Chicago 7" and they were all convicted of inciting a riot. Later on appeal they were all found
innocent and the Judge (Julius Hoffmann) of the first trial was convicted of obstruction of justice. One of the people of trial (Bobby Seal) was bound and gagged so he would not talk during the trial. A Great song (Chicago) by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young documents these events. It was also covered in Abbie Hoffman's Books "Woodstock Nation" and "Revolution for the Hell of It". Another great book of his was called "Steal This Book" a guide to how to live as a revolutionary in America by getting everything for free so a person did not have to work at a job for money.

The Anti-War movement caused President Lyndon Johnson to decide to Not run for re-election. He was discouraged by constantly being blamed for the USA losing the war. Often protesters encircled the White House and chanted "Hey, Hey, LBJ. How Many Kids Did You Kill Today?" this constant noise disrupted his sleep and he decided to go home to Texas instead of running for a Second Term. When he go home he drank himself to death. It took years but he eventually died.

University of California at Berkeley was an early start of the anti-war protest movement. Mario Savio and Mark Rudd spoke at free speech rallies on campus and organized blockades of the nearby Oakland Army Recruiting facility. The rock band Country Joe and the Fish got their start playing at rallies. Joe McDonald's parents were pro-communist sympathizers and named him after "Country" Joe Stalin. "The Fish" was a referral to the Mao Tse Tung quote: "A revolutionary swims
thru the people like a fish swims thru the sea." They are most famous for the "Fixing to Die Rag" song shown in the movie "Woodstock."

The invention of Television helped end the Vietnam War. For the first time people saw the horrors of war every day in their own homes. Reporters on location showed pictures of the war and the human suffering caused by bombing, napalm and agent orange. Pictures of burning civilians made even
the most Brainwashed of Conservatives Question Authority. TV revealed the lies of the government about how we were supposedly "winning" the war and that there was a "light at the end of the tunnel" and how it would all be over soon. Johnson and Nixon had a more and more difficult job of selling the War to Americans whose children were dying. Awakening Was Happening Nationwide.

I participated in "The Moratorium" anti-Vietnam War protest march in San Francisco. We had protest marches that day in every city in the USA. At my high school we chartered a bus and many students rode from Los Gatos, California to San Francisco. The march ended at the Polo Fields in Golden Gate Park.There was a vast sea of people and The Beatles song "Come Together" was playing on the public address system when I walked over the hill leading to the field. I felt a feeling of "Oneness" with the crowd. It's emotionally valid to be in favor of good and opposed to evil. The Vietnam War was pure evil. We cut school to participate in this protest march but the principal of our High School did not assign any punishment for our missing class. He told us to figure out for ourselves the meaning of not getting assigned detention. (he was proud of us for risking punishment in support of our beliefs.)

I participated in a Candlelight March down Main Street in Los Gatos with my parents. I also collected signatures on an Anti-War petition from passers-by in front of the Post Office in Los Gatos. One man who was in favor of the war gave my father a book for me. "You can Trust the Communists" was the title and it's contents explained the justification for the war.

The Movie "The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming" documents in a humorous way the PANIC Attack of the USA about Global Communism and the threat to our way of life. ALSO, "Doctor Strangelove" ridiculed the Pro War people... Both movies are worth watching. "Team America: World Police" is a more recent mockery.
Ironically, during the 1960s most Americans were in favor of the war because they believed in obedience. The concept was that if the government told them to do something that people should simply do what they are told. During the late 1960s there was a global awakening and people started
to think for themselves and question authority.

I protested against the war in Vietnam not only because it was pure evil but also to save my own life. I turned 18 in 1972 and registered for the draft but was NOT asked to go to war. I missed the war by exactly ONE year. Thanks to Jane Fonda, Joan Baez, Peter Paul and Mary, John Lennon and the millions of other people who protested the war. "All We are Saying, is Give Peace a Chance" ... 

Chapter Four:

Our war in Afghanistan has increased the production of opium therefore increasing US deaths due to heroin overdoses.

The USA consumes 80% of the world's heroin. If we simply got out of Afghanistan and let the people there run their own country the Opium Crop would be reduced as it's against the Koran to grow it... Trump is Right - We are Losing the War. We ought to simply surrender just like we did in Vietnam and Nicaragua. That would reduce US deaths from Heroin and Soldier Suicide. 

As you can see from the UN Chart above our war has increased the crop yield: Up to the year 2000 the Russians were at war in Afghanistan. Then in 2001 the people of Afghanistan ruled their own country. Then the USA invaded and crop production increased. Most of that Opium eventually comes to America and kills people here. 

Chapter Five:

Since the Pompeo/Bolton Coup in Venezuela Failed, They Have started singing the "Bomb Iran" Song... Here We Go Again, Choosing Sides in Someone Else's Civil War... Venezuela... That Plan Didn't Work in Vietnam, Nicaragua, Korea, Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan... MAKING THE SAME MISSTEAK AGIN AND AGIN IS MADDNESS...

Ned Flanders, Parody of John Bolton End the War in IRAN Before it Starts
Ned Flanders, Parody of John Bolton
End the War in IRAN Before it Starts

Pense and Pompeo support one guy instead of some other guy In Venezuela... I Know, Let's Have Oliver North Lead the Charge... He's Unemployed... Fired as President of the NRA Yesterday... He's a Classic Example of "Rich Man's Law"... Investigated during Iran/Contra Hearings and then Convicted... Then His Conviction was Overturned on Appeal... OBVIOUSLY, he was Guilty of Funding an Illegal War in Nicaragua for Ronald Reagan and then Selling Weapons to Terrorists but... Never Served Time...  

MEME Satire of John Bolton and Mike Pompeo and their BONEHEAD COUP in Venezuela... Now They are Singing BOMB IRAN... to distract the Public from their Disaster...
MEME Satire of John Bolton and
Mike Pompeo and their BONEHEAD COUP in Venezuela...
Now They are Singing BOMB IRAN...
to distract the Public from their Disaster...

Actually, I'm NOT Comfortable with Starting a War with Iran... Genocide is __________________. [Fill in the Blank] Pundits Ask: Aren't there too many people alive today on planet Earth? Isn't Overpopulation one of our greatest Problems? We did Genocide in Iraq using Depleted Uranium Bullets... That spread vaporized Uranium all over that country increasing Miscarriages for Thousands of years... We did Genocide in Vietnam and Cambodia by Dropping Napalm and Agent Orange... Blowing UP other Countries is 'OUR THING!"

Chapter 5.5 R U SYRIA?

The Syrian Civil War: The USA Joined in this COMPLEX battle in 2014 and is still there today, in 2019. It was Started in 2011 as part of the Arab Spring Uprising. Five different Religious and Ethnic Groups and Four different Foreign Countries are involved in this war. R U SYRIA?

Supposedly the USA is fighting to defeat ISIS also known as ISIL. It appears that this war will continue until the end of eternity. Two major Combatants are SUNNI and SHIITE sects of the Islamic Religion. They have been fighting since Mohammad Died about 600 AD.

The USA mostly deploys Drone Aircraft to Bomb Targets. Very few Boots on the ground and very few American Casualties.

Trump has ordered the troops home but then decided some should stay... 

CLEARLY, This is a Bogus War with no real mission, no USA interest in who wins, and no end in sight. 

It is difficult to take this war seriously as it seems to be a sick joke. R U SYRIA? sounds like a bumper sticker slogan... We are fighting for the KURDS... totally ignoring the WHEY...  and of course, ISIS is an ancient Egyptian Goddess... The Wife of Osiris. 

Often the USA Ships Weapons to the Middle East and then those weapons "ACCIDENTALLY" end up in Islamic Terrorist's Hands. The entire organization ISIS was enabled by the theft of US Weapons from Local Police who... reasonably... totally lost interest in fighting after the Iraq War Ended... HEY, Why would they care? The Infidels were defeated and they no longer had to pretend to be fighting on the USA side... So they gave trucks to ISIS... and Machine guns too... WHEE!

Chapter Six

American History: The Humboldt County Timber Wars... A Hostile Takeover of Pacific Lumber and Extreme Logging of Old Growth Redwoods in Northern California.

In 1985 Charles Hurwitz borrowed money (Junk Bonds) from Michael Milken and bought the company Pacific Lumber, located near Eureka, California. Then Hurwitz increased the rate of logging in the Redwood Forest and cut down all the highly profitable trees. Then he split his corporation MAXXAM into two divisions. One division was used to do actual logging and sawing of boards and the other division was used to hide the profits. When the bill came due on the Junk Bonds, Hurwitz declared bankruptcy and took the money back to Texas. Including the pension funds that paid retirement benefits for employees...

Then the Pacific Lumber Company was purchased at a foreclosure sale by The Fisher Family. They had made a fortune selling clothes at a chain of stores called "The Gap". They reintroduced the business plan called "sustainable logging" where the Lumberjacks would only cut down as many trees as grew during the year. This plan was invented by the original owner of Pacific Lumber, Simon J. Murphy... The concept was to cut 1% of the forest every year and plant new trees so that in a hundred years the new trees would have grown big enough to harvest.

Earth First!

During this time there were many ecology protests in Humboldt County. Including "Tree Sits" where forest protectors would build a treehouse in the upper branches of a giant Redwood in order to prevent Lumberjacks from Chainsawing the tree down. It would be possibly fatal for a tree sitter to be in a tree that was falling and the corporations were not willing to risk actual Human Life for profit. (Bad Publicity)... At the Tree Sit I attended MAXXAM Hired a Local man to "Evict" the Tree Sitters by climbing the tree and wrestling with the people... eventually carrying them to the ground where the Police arrested them.

Others committed "Tree Spiking" where large metal nails were driven into the wood of a tree and then the heads of the nails were clipped off. That way, if a tree was at the sawmill and the blade hit the metal, the blade would explode killing millworkers. Once again the corporation was not willing to risk people's lives and so trees that were spiked, were not cut down. The Forest Protectors spray painted the spiked trees so that the Lumberjacks would be aware of the danger.

Still others went to the Offices of Political Leaders and staged "Sit-Ins" where they would handcuff themselves to each other and chant/sing songs while being filmed by TV Cameras... At one of these events the local police used pepper spray on the protestors who were young women. The young women screamed loudly... and it was filmed by TV Stations. When this was broadcast on the TV News it outrages the citizens of California... There is a biological reaction to young women being harmed... This Media Event lead to a massive protest Statewide and the California Legislature Bought a Large Tract of Land and created the Headwaters Forest Park... The park protecting a stand of Old Growth Redwoods near Fortuna, California. It is a pretty park with a paved trail that is popular with people that have wheeled vehicles like bicycles, wheelchairs, skateboards and baby buggies. The hike from the parking lot to the Giant Redwood Trees is about five miles and simply too far for most people to walk but it's easy for people on wheels.

Another technique used to stop the logging was Scientific Ecology Studies that concluded that the Spotted Owl was losing it's habitat and it was in danger of going extinct. See Illustration below...

Two members of the Ecology Group Earth First! were bombed by the FBI in Oakland. There was a Trial and the FBI agreed to award the Survivor a large cash settlement but denied doing anything wrong. Judi Beri died and  Darryl Cherney Survived. He has retired from Activism but still performs as the leader of a musical group. They sing satire protest songs...

Full Text of a Newspaper Article I wrote for The Humboldt State University Lumberjack Newspaper about a Tree Sit in Freshwater, California

Chapter Six and a Half: The "Secret" War at the Border with Mexico... Started by Bill Clinton in 1994... REALLY!

We Need Immigrants to Do the Jobs Americans Refuse. We Need Care Givers to Work at Old Folks Homes. We Simply Did Not Have Enough Children to Take Care of the Aging Baby Boomers. We Need Servants... Maids, Gardeners, Carpenters, Farm Workers, Drivers and...

...There are NOT ENOUGH Young People. In the USA, Japan and Europe there is a NEED and That's WHY we have so much Immigration. Everyone moves to where the Jobs are. When I was a Child, we had Braceros that came from Mexico to harvest the crops. California's central valley grows a vast quantity of America's food. I remember that at "Sun Valley Farms" (the flower growers) they all of a sudden had to check green cards for Illegal Aliens. Sun Valley is currently having difficulty finding people to do the work. Young White people take a job and then quit because the work is back breaking labor... and Other employers (like Taco Bell) have better conditions.

John Carlos Frey book: "Sand and Blood" is about the history of building the wall during the Clinton Presidency. Douglas Hunter (Congressman from San Diego) was a big proponent of Building the Wall. Construction the Wall near Tijuana caused increase of deaths in the desert East of San Diego... Hunter's Brother felt guilty about his action and now places gallons of water in the desert in order to save lives of people walking across the Desert.

Carmalita Torres is the "Rosa Parks" of Mexican Immigration. She Walked across the border every day to work as a maid in Texas. Then the Border Guards started mandatory DE-LOUSING. People were stripped naked and washed with kerosene. EVERY DAY. Carmalita Refused and started a Protest that Closed the Border for a Day. The final effect was that people no longer lived in Mexico and worked in the USA. NOW, once they get over the border, they stay permanently... and their children are Born in the USA... Just like Bruce Springsteen... and are Automatically Citizens.

John Carlos's Mother was arrested and deported because she did not have her Green Card on her when she was stopped by The Border Patrol. The next day, her husband went to the Tijuana Jail with the Green Card and she was released. All this happened while her young children were watching. "Bad Man Taking Mommy Away." It was a traumatic experience for a child to witness his mother being Kidnapped.

Corporations are making a vast profit housing children in Concentration Camps near the border. $750.00 a Day per child... The Businessmen want more immigrants so they can make more profit. John Kelly (the former White House Chief of Staff) is now on the Board of Directors of a Florida Concentration Camp. 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Chapter Seven: The War on Drugs!

Who could Possibly be in Favor of keeping Cannabis Illegal? Corporations that are in the business of incarceration.

legalize Cannabis

Law Enforcement makes money by arresting people, then warehousing them in jail. While ACTUAL crime is on the wane, cannabis arrests are easy and low risk. REAL criminals are often dangerous. Cannabis Criminals are Often Stoned... and easygoing...

and... all these people depend on Prohibition for their Paycheck...

Judges, lawyers, police, bail bondsmen, prison guards, construction workers that build prisons, social workers that talk to the families left behind, involuntary rehab clinics, fertilizer salesman, grow-light salesman, realtors that rent abandoned houses to be used as farms... There is a huge industry that will have sales reduced if Marijuana is legalized...


Criminals depend on Marijuana being Illegal to Protect their Profits. With Legal Marijuana, the Mexican Mafia would be in deep trouble... Are they bribing Senators and Congressmen? We do not know because that money is in cash and not traceable...


Write a BLOG explaining the Case for Legalization... Post on Facebook... Post on Google+... Email Obama and your Representatives: 

Email President Obama

California Senator Boxer

California Senator Feinstein

If you do not live in California, Find your Representatives Here:

US Senate

US House of Representatives

legalize marijuana
The US Government says Heroin is as Safe as Marijuana. 
That's a Lie. Both are Classified Schedule One... What are the Motives behind this Absurdity? Who Benefits?
legalize marijuana

Also... Corporations that make products that compete with hemp. Let's suppose the corporation makes paper, rope, cloth or medicine... Those businesses would lose sales to hemp. Who makes these products? The Koch Brothers. Paper Towels... Oil... Polymers...

and who makes Nylon Rope? Dupont.

and who makes Cotton Clothes? and if farmers made cloth from hemp... the cotton business would have increased competition...

and... Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Corporations. Imagine if a patient grew their own medicine? No profit for the pill makers... Some medicines are extremely addictive and dangerous to the health of the patients... All the makers of opium based medicines would face increased competition from the medical marijuana industry.

and... Recreational Drug Manufacturers... Beer, Wine and Whiskey... If there was FREEDOM OF CHOICE, many people would leave the booze on the shelf. No Cirrhosis, No Hangovers, No Traffic Fatalities...

and... The DEA seizes property...

and... The ATF sells guns to Mexican Drug Gangs. Operation Fast and Furious...

That's who is in favor of keeping Cannabis Illegal. Follow the Money...

A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE FAILED WAR ON DRUGS. "It seems like, every time we declare a 'war on' we make the problem worse. I wish we would declare a War On Hot Chicks! We would have them on every street corner, giving themselves away."

In the Beginning, God created the Kind Herb and it was good. Then he created the Opium Poppy and it was NOT so good. and the Coca plant and the Coffee plant and God grew mold on rye and Magic mushrooms and peyote and Mimosa Bark and FREAKING PSYCHEDELIC TOADS! What was God Doing? Creating all this? Well, as Benjamin Franklin said... "BEER IS PROOF THAT GOD LOVES US AND WANTS US TO BE HAPPY."

Meanwhile... A Mad Dog decided to Declare a War on Drugs! Harry Anslinger convinced the Elected officials that Marijuana was the Devil's Weed and REEFER MADNESS was born. Migrant Mexican American farm workers smoked Marihuana [the word is Spanish... note that the letter "J" is pronounced like the English letter "H:" - Just like Jose...] and Harry frightened the PUBLIC with a Hispanic Panic! Laws soon followed... and Both HEMP and Marihuana were made Illegal. HEMP was used to make CANVAS SAILS for Boats and the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus wouldn't have happened without CANNABIS... the WORD Canvas is derived from the word Cannabis... Anyway... During World War Two the Government declared "Hemp for Victory" as Ropes, tents and duffle bags needed for the war effort were made out of HEMP. Thankfully, in 2019 Hemp is legal and grown in the USA. It's also used to make soap. Most Famously, Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap... a Popular item with hippies in the Sixties... In a law that defies sanity, at one time in the evil past, it was legal to Import Hemp from Canada by the Ton but Illegal to grow it in the USA. So the actual plant was NOT found harmful BUT THE ACT OF FARMING WAS... Canadian Hemp=Good, American Hemp=Bad. I wrote to my Senator Diane Feinstein asking her to help legalize hemp and she wrote back stating... Hemp is illegal because people can refine the plant to make THC, a drug... I had pointed out in my letter that people were IMPORTING HEMP from Canada but I guess she only actually read the subject line... OBVIOUS RETARD. No one actually grows HEMP to make drugs, they Grow Marijuana! It can contain 40% THC while Hemp is about 3%... Why would anyone bother growing hemp for drugs? Diane didn't grasp this concept... Not too smart. 

Ironically, during Alcohol Prohibition, Marijuana was Legal. Jazz clubs had "cigarette girls" that sold pre-rolled cigarettes to customers... I do not know if they were really selling REEFER as well as Tobacco... I do know that there were many 1920s Jazz music Songs like "Reefer Man" and "The Viper" that show that the Golden Age of Jazz was Stoned! Lyrics to The Viper Song: "Dream about a Reefer, Five foot long, a little bit hot but not too strong... You're high but not for long If You're a VIPER.When your throat gets dry you know you're high, everything's dan-dan-dandy... walk on down to the Candy store, bust your little mouth on Peppermint Candy!" 

Global Warming is threatening the COFFEE CROP. Evidently, the plant does not grow well with increased temperatures and drought/floods... The Locations that currently produce COFFEE are experiencing reduced yields. OH NO! Billions of people drink Coffee Every day! Danger-Danger! My favorite addictive drug becoming scarce and more expensive? Now this Climate Change stuff is getting serious. FIX the Freaking Problem!

I did a "Scientific" study of drugs and their effect on my ability to pay chess. I owned a Chess computer that allowed me to set different difficulty levels. The Computer could be programmed to play smarter... or not! At level one, I won all the time. At level seven I lost all the time. SO, it took drugs and played the computer. On Coffee I played at a Higher level. I was smarter on that drug. On Marijuana, I played at a Lower Level... Dumber... on Alcohol, Lower Level... on LSD, I couldn't play at all because the game seemed trivial... HEY, I was talking directly to GOD and Games People Pay simply was not significant. My experience with Marijuana is that I enjoy events more. Dancing at a Rock concert is MORE FUN STONED. I went to an Allman Brothers Concert during a time when there was no marijuana available and I found that the Music was too loud and the guitar solos were too long and seemed pointless. YES, I experienced reality and reality was not much fun! Sex is More Fun and My girlfriend enjoyed my enhanced virility. She would go steal marijuana from her father and give it to me and not smoke it herself. She risked BEATINGS from her ENRAGED Father but... it was worth taking that chance... because my performance was better... I bet they don't teach you THAT in High School Drug Abuse Class! I have also found that FOOD Tastes better. I remember at a party a girl dipped a chip into standard WINCO onion Dip and WENT "Berzerker" describing how that dip was the most wonderful thing she had ever eaten! In Reality, it was just standard onion dip. I Can make a better dip than that! Simply buy a package od Lipton Onion Soup Mix and a Pint of sour cream, mix well and serve... POW! That's a flavor! And it's crunchy! On another occasion I lost a hundred pound of weight due to massive marijuana use. As a matter of Fact, I'm not hungry during the First Hour after smoking. Kinda Nauseous... Well, one winter I smoked constantly for seven months. Smoking about once every hour all day every day from waking until sleep. Therefore, I was not hungry very often and I ended up eating Taco Bell Burritos and Soft Tacos and drinking Coke once a day just before bedtime... That diet worked! as Traditionally I am a fat man. One blessing is that I enjoyed running and playing soccer... I was light on my feet!

There is a LOT of Disinformation, Misinformation and outright LIES told by the RULING CLASS and their Puppets, The Government. They want you to OBEY, CONSUME, Fight in their wars, work like a slave in their factories and office buildings and mostly, let them remain in control of the Corporations and Government. "Think For Yourself and Question Authority" said Dr Timothy Leary. That's NOT the quote rebroadcast endlessly by the Corporate Media. They always say "Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out!" and they always forget the REST OF THE QUOTE! Check it out, do research on the internet... the LAST part of that quote is "Drop In, Take Over!" OH! That's a Totally Different Message. What Happened in the World was... The Children of the Obedient Corporate Working Man of the 1950s evolved into the Flower Child of the Sixties. YIPPIE! The Flower Children REFUSED TO OBEY our Corporate Masters. I remember talking to my Uncle about the Korean War. He said: "When the Government said go fight, you went." Well, My Generation Said: "Hell NO! We Wont GO! - Hippies became interested in Ecology and Feminism and Civil Rights and Communal Farming in Rural Locations and Writing Lyrics and Playing the Guitar and Dancing and Macrame and Tie Dye Clothes and Fine Art Painting and Travelling on a Magic Bus and Camping and Mystic Crystal Revelations and The Minds True Liberation and the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius... and NONE of that made the Ruling Class Happy. You can't sell many Haircuts to a Long Hair. You can't sell a war to a draft dodger. That home in the Suburbs with a White Picket fence an 2.3 Children and a Corporate-Corporate JOB... well, that's not very appealing after you have STOOD ON THE TOP OF YOUR OWN MOUNT SINAI AND SPOKEN TO YOUR OWN BURNING BUSH. I remember sitting in a field watching the sunrise and EXPERIENCING Exactly what Buddha said he did... The Ruling Class FEARS Enlightenment Simulator Drugs like LSD, Peyote and Psilocibin... People just don't conform after "Bathing at Baxters."

WAR ON TERROR: Domestic Madmen... Unabomber, Oklahoma City, Waco, Ruby Ridge, World Trade Center BASEMENT BOMBING - Lead by the Blind Imam from Queens, Las Vegas 58 Dead Shooting at Outdoor Concert, Endless School Shootings - Columbine - Parkland - Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon Bomber,

A new chapter in my BOOK "America's Bogus Wars" - All about Domestic Terrorists... What Happened and Why.

The Weathermen, Patti Hearst, The Standoff at the Cattle Ranch - Clyde Bundy, Texas Tower Shooting, Gay Nightclub Shooting, Beltway Assassin, Republican Representative's Baseball Game Shooter, Bonnie and Clyde, Zodiac Killer, Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite, Billy the Kid, FBI Murder of Black Panthers, MKULTRA - Victim Dr Frank Olson, Presidential Assassinations, RFK - Sirhan Sirhan Brainwashing, MLK - WHO REALLY Killed Doctor Martin Luther King?, George Wallace - He was shot at a campaign rally and then quickly ended his run for President.  The Altamont Concert - Hell's Angel Beat a Dancer to Death with a Pool Cue, but there was NO POOL TABLE for miles around... #MAGABomber, The Neo-Nazi car driver who killed a woman at the Tiki Torch March in Charlottesville, Virginia. The Synagog Shooter. The Trump supporter that Shot up a Newspaper Office and Killed many "Enemy of the People" Reporters in Annapolis Maryland. "Going Postal" a fired Post office Employee came back and killed other Post Office Workers... The Mad Bomber - George Matetzki - Satirized as a Character in Mad Magazine's Don Martin's Cartoons.

Al Capone and the Saint Valentines Day Massacre. We Outlawed the Thompson Machine Gun because of this event. We also have outlawed Hand Grenades and Bazookas. Assault rifles were outlawed for a few years and the murder rate went down but then the law magically expired and the murder rate went up. NRA is a Mysterious Organization that has switched it's goals to be all about donating money to politicians that support laws favorable to gun manufacturers. Recently, one of their Puppets proposed that we ought to ARM School Teachers so they could kill Students that are Murdering their Classmates. That would have been a Massive sale paid for by the Government. This plan did not happen because it was rejected universally by everyone who had a brain... Unless you have been bought off by the Gun Lobby, it sounds like a bad idea. The most obvious problem is that teenage students can easily overpower teachers and steal the gun, then use it to commit mass murder. Think about that for a minute, A High School Boy wrestling a Lady Teacher... OR... maybe the Teacher would hide the weapon in her desk... and After school a kid with a crowbar stolen from his dad's car forces the desk open... Hell, I would do that just to steal the gun which I can sell to a local drug dealer!

Anthrax Mail Killer - an inside job. He was a Scientist that made an Anthrax Cure and he wanted to Drum up some Business. Really. His plan worked because after a few people died, sales went up and THAT'S what lead the FBI to the Killer.

MKULTRA victim Frank Olson "Given LSD by the CIA and driven MAD, Then Thrown out a Hotel Window to his death" - So states the Conspiracy Theory that Later was proven to be TRUE/FALSE we just don't know. - Dick Cheney was involved in the cover-up. One of Dick's first jobs at the White House was to arrange the PAYOFF of the Widow Olson. $75,000 and an apology from President Gerald Ford.

The Unabomber wrote a Manifesto. He also promised that IF IT WAS PUBLISHED in the New York Times he would stop bombing. It was an Ecology Statement AND Theodore Kaczynski's BROTHER Read that newspaper, recognized the words as what his brother had been saying for years. The brother called Law Enforcement and the Unabomber was arrested. The Unabomber was a Paid test subject of the CIA's Project MKULTRA. I have never read his manifesto. If only we had the Internet back then, he could have written a BLOG... and maybe not felt the NEED to mail bombs to people... I still probably wouldn't read it... I'm too busy writing my OWN Manifesto... and using it to defuse my urges to mail bombs. SO FAR, It has worked!
I know that he is not a Domestic Terrorist but... Osama bin Laden trained hijackers who flew airplanes into the World Trade Center #1 and #2 in New York City. WTC #7 fell down for no explainable reason - Looked like intentional demolition. Another airplane crashed in Pennsylvania and SOMETHING HAPPENED at the Pentagon that day but no one really knows... NO PHOTOGRAPHS EXIST OF AN AIRPLANE FLYING INTO THE BUILDING. There are many security cameras that film all day long but all that film was confiscated by the Government. Years later President Obama had him Killed in Pakistan. Thank YOU! The REASON Osama was angry at the USA was: We had a war in Kuwait and built a military base in Saudi Arabia to provide support. It was a safe place for soldiers to deploy from, rest, receive medical treatment and Fly airplanes, Helicopters out of the airport. AFTER the war was over we kept that military base and it made Osama angry for INFIDELS to occupy land in Saudi Arabia. Osama felt that all NON-Muslims were evil and should be killed... or at the very least driven out of the Holy Kingdom... So he declared JIHAD and made many plans to kill Americans. An Embassy in Africa and New York City. There is an extreme group in the Islamic Religion called Wasabism... and they Took over the Mosque at Mecca and held it hostage... The King agreed to the Demands and Those people have special privileges and financial backing of the Royal Family - the SAUD Family. Osama was a spoiled brat son of a Rich Contractor that built roads, airports and Mosques all over North Africa and the Middle East. He built the Mosque at Mecca. The ONE BIG CHURCH of a Billion People. AND... the rest is History...

~~~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~~~~

I interviewed Many Veterans when I worked at the Welfare office in Eureka. Tragic stories... We DID HELP SOME... Mostly it was Veterans helping other Veterans. Many of the people that applied for help simply did not know how to find their brothers and the lady who sat next to me made it a crusade to find out who did what and their phone numbers... we would call right from my desk and hand the client the phone... so they could make arrangements. Here is a photo of the Vietnam Veterans Traveling Wall and their Bus...

Vietnam Veteran's Traveling WALL Exhibit - Pictures taken in Loleta, California at the Bear River Casino.

Vietnam Veteran's Traveling WALL Exhibit - Pictures taken in Loleta, California at the Bear River Casino.

Vietnam Veteran's Traveling WALL Exhibit - Pictures taken in Loleta, California at the Bear River Casino.

Vietnam Veteran's Traveling WALL Exhibit - Pictures taken in Loleta, California at the Bear River Casino.

Vietnam Veteran's Traveling WALL Exhibit - Pictures taken in Loleta, California at the Bear River Casino.

Vietnam Veteran's Traveling WALL Exhibit - Pictures taken in Loleta, California at the Bear River Casino.

Vietnam Veteran's Traveling WALL Exhibit - Pictures taken in Loleta, California at the Bear River Casino.



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