They were looking for a way to use drugs as weapons of war. For example: LSD as a way to simply get the "enemy" to lay down their arms, voluntarily... like, too stoned to fight...
The project conducted tests on college students at Stanford University. Ken Kesey and Robert Hunter both were employed. Later, Ken started having "ACID TEST" parties where the participants took LSD and danced to the Music of the Grateful Dead. Robert Hunter wrote lyrics for the Dead.
Just co-incidence?
or were "the sixties"
a CIA experiment to test MKULTRA?
Source: The Search for the Manchurian Candidate by John Marks.
The OSS (predecessor to the CIA) agent Edward Hunter created a new word for the English Language: BRAINWASHING: to cause a person to radically change their beliefs... They wanted to test if it was possible to cause people to start believing what they were told to believe... useful for control of a nation of sheep...
We can see that many people believed the LIES told by George Bush and voluntarily supported the invasion of IRAQ... Congress funded the war and teenagers joined the ARMY because they BELIEVED THE LIES! Two people are required for LIES to be effective... The TELLER of the Lies and the BELIEVER of the Lies. It would be a good survival strategy to become skeptical. That way, you don't end up a gullible fool.
"Think for Yourself and Question Authority" -Timothy Leary
Would the knowledge learned by years of research be useful in our present day war in the Middle East? Could we use psychedelics to reduce the will of the enemy to fight? Change a whole culture into Pacifists?
What would happen if ten million muslims ate LSD ? Would they put down their guns and pick up a guitar? Write some POETRY? Become HIPPIES?
Supposedly MKULTRA ended, but we hear rumors of it being continued in 2007. Amy Goodman interview on Democracy NOW with Jose Padilla's psychotherapist makes the claim that during his 3 1/2 years in solitary confinement, he was dosed with LSD as part of the interrogation... no proof, because the hallucinations of sensory deprivation are indistinguishable from those caused by eating psychedelics. The victim would not be able to tell the difference...
BRAINSPLICE: Center of the Cyclone by John C Lilly.
MKULTRA: The Leary personality test was developed for the CIA by Dr. Timothy Leary years before he became famous for being the "ACID GURU" The title of Leary's Ph.D. dissertation was, "The Social Dimensions of Personality: Group Structure and Process."
One result of LSD use is the realization that we are all one... Countries and borders become obviously fake... The only REAL lines on a map are coastlines... The absurdity of going to war is exposed... Why would we travel halfway around the world to kill strangers? That's why hippies rarely VOLUNTEER for the Army... The death business holds no facination... It could be that LSD use provides a biological survival value... Darwin survival of the fittest... If there is a voluntary death cult like the US ARMY... some brainwashed people will join and die... Guaranteeing that their genes will not be passed onto the next generation... slowly breeding the warrior gene out of the species... Hippie men will laugh at the concept of joining the military and go sing love songs to ladies... a lot more fun!
After all is said and done, we do have to thank the CIA for making LSD so widely available and popular... If they had never done project MKULTRA, then millions of people would not have been introduced to psychedelics...
MKULTRA: What they learned was that the most effective way to brainwash a person is to start training them at birth. The agents at the CIA have a long history of using themselves as test subjects. They would slip LSD into each other's drink just to see how it would work in an operational setting... George Bush senior was employed at the CIA as the director. Is it possible that he used his own son as a brainwashing test subject?
Now that you suspect that George the Son was trained from birth to be a pre-programmed robot, does not his behavior seem understandable? He says "GOD" told him to smite Saddam... could that not be an implanted thought to be triggered later? He would have no understanding of reality because all he has ever known is the world created for him by the Agency... He appeared to be waiting for someone to tell him what to do on the morning on 9/11/2001 while he read "My Pet Goat" with children after being informed of the second plane crash...
The Motion Picture "Manchurian Candidate" explores the possibility of creating a brainwashed assassin. The original stars Frank Sinatra and Angela Landsbury. It's one of the finest movies ever made. A remake with Denzel Washington expands upon the theme by making the puppet masters a multi-national corporation. Quite a realistic premise given Halliburton and Blackwater's insane behavior...
"Conspiracy Theory" stars Mel Gibson, Julia Roberts and Patric Stewart. Mel names MKULTRA as the source of his troubles... What, you never heard of Blackwater ???
Dr. John Lilly did experiments involving electrodes being inserted into the brains of monkeys and letting them push a button that caused a feeling of pleasure. He also invented the Isolation tank. The Movie "Altered States" is quasi-biographical. The Movie "The Day of the Dolphin" was about his research into man-dolphin communication.
MKULTRA: The Leary personality test was developed for the CIA by Dr. Timothy Leary years before he became famous for being the "ACID GURU" The title of Leary's Ph.D. dissertation was, "The Social Dimensions of Personality: Group Structure and Process."
MKULTRA: One rumor is that after the CIA sponsored LSD tests were completed in Palo Alto on Ken Kesey, Robert Hunter (lyricist for the Grateful Dead) and Stewart Brand (Whole Earth Catalog), the CIA allowed them to create the traveling ACID TEST that featured the musical performances of The Grateful Dead. The agency just wanted to see what would happen if millions of people took LSD in uncontrolled situations... It always amazed me that we were able to trip in public in crowds up to 80,000 people without adult supervision or mass arrests. Just co-incidence? I don't think so. I think the CIA was just curious... They wanted to see how effective it would be to dose millions of people. Would they become docile and easily controllable? Now, we find that Bob Wier and Mickey Hart have joined the "Bohemian Grove" club... known as a men's summer-camp visited by republican political leaders and the super-rich... Did they get invited because they could perform well at campfire sing-alongs? I hope so...
MKULTRA: The mystery of Mary Pinchot Meyer. She was a friend of John Kennedy and supposedly gave him Marijuana and LSD while at the White House as a guest. Then, a few days after his assasination, she was killed and the crime has never been solved. Her family gave the CIA her diary to help them figure out what happened, and they claim to have burned the diary-unread... She was a friend of Timothy Leary.
A group of women were turning on the top 1% of the men in society: political leaders, movie stars, artists, scientists and business leaders. The idea was to change the whole world by changing the minds of the leaders...
MKULTRA: In Canada, Dr Ewan Cameron had a hospital where he tried to help mentally ill people by months in sensory deprivation and endless LSD trips. The victims had to listen to tape recordings of their own voice expressing their deepest fears. This "psychic driving" technique was supposed to destroy the victims ego and create a clean slate to build a brand new person... Eventually, the country paid $700,000 to the survivors of the experiments. A movie called "The Sleep Room" was made about his hospital. In a bizarre twist, the head of the World Psychiatric Association (Dr. Cameron) did unspeakable torture to his patients... as if he was the MOST mentally ill of all. All funded by the CIA.
MKULTRA: The mysterious death of Dr. Frank Olson. He was a US ARMY employee that was dosed with LSD without his knowledge and then got upset. He sought psychiatric help and then a couple of days later died after he went out a window of a hotel on the 13th story. Fell, jumped or was pushed? no one knows. President Gerald Ford gave the widow $750,000 for settling out of court.
This is the conspiracy theory... The CIA wanted to test what would happen if large numbers of people were dosed simultaniously. The did an experiment with an exploding lightbulb filled with LSD in the New York City subway system. This delivery method was a failure... a few people were dosed heavily and the mass were not dosed at all... An alternative delivery technique was to dissolve LSD into a beverage and give it away free to a large crowd of people. This technique is errily similar to what happened at the Acid Tests...
Just co-incidence???
I believe that the CIA felt that people who had had the LSD experience were less likely to protest the War in Vietnam... Those people would have a tendency to drop out and go practice subsistence farming in rural communities instead of participation in the violent overthrow of the US government. This belief seems accurate... Hey, I live in Humboldt County, California... I'm not really that interested in revolution... more interested in ART, MUSIC and webpage design...
To furthur add to the mystery, it seems to me that there was very little law enforcement in the parking lots of the concerts.
Obviously, everyone knew that it was easy to find and purchase illegal drugs there. Somehow, the police simply decided to
not enforce the law at the shows...
Sure, some people were busted and that was a tragedy, but,
for years a triving illegal business community followed the Dead around... or did the Dead follow the community around?
After all is said and done, we do have to thank the CIA for making LSD so widely available and popular... If they had never done project MKULTRA, then millions of people would not have been introduced to psychedelics...
The Motion Picture "Manchurian Candidate" explores the possibility of creating a brainwashed assassin. The original stars Frank Sinatra and Angela Landsbury. It's one of the finest movies ever made. A remake with Denzel Washington expands upon the theme by making the puppet masters a multi-national corporation. Quite a realistic premise given Halliburton and Blackwater's insane behavior...
"Conspiracy Theory" stars Mel Gibson, Julia Roberts and Patric Stewart. Mel names MKULTRA as the source of his troubles... What, you never heard of Blackwater ???
Burning Man ... a San Francisco art project that grew up and moved to the desert... big fun for the whole family of man...
MKULTRA: Yellow Submarine... Take a look at that movie. Would the Beatles have ever tripped if not for the promotion and popularization of LSD given by the CIA ??? The Magical Mystery Tour was a bus trip extremely like Ken Kesey's Bus trip paid for by his book royalties from "Sometimes a Great Notion"...
"One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest". That book was an account of madness in a hospital... sort of like his experience with LSD at the MKULTRA sponsored hospital in Palo Alto run by Dr Sidney Gottlieb... read more at: OH, what great artwork Zane Kesey has done with his website... Thanks Zane!!!
The music of the western world changed dramatically... The Beatles, Jefferson Airplane, The Doors, The Moody Blues, Country Joe and the Fish, The Grateful Dead, Cream and countless others used their experience to help them compose... Speaking of experiences, what about the Jimi Hendrix Experience?
And the ART! Peter Max... Mouse Kelley, Rick Griffin, Hipgnosis...
And the Books!
Carlos Casteneda: The Teachings of Don Juan.
Aldus Huxley: The Doors of Perception.
Ram Dass: Be Here Now. Still Here...
recommended reading:
The Search For The Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control, The Secret History of the Behavioral Sciences by John D Marks.
Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond. by Martin Lee; Bruce Shlain
The Frank Olson Project - a website created by Frank Olson's family to explore the issues surrounding his death.
Results of the 1973 Church Committee Hearings, on CIA misdeeds.
Rockefeller Commission:
The commission was created in response to a December 1974 report in The New York Times that the CIA had conducted illegal domestic activities, including experiments on U.S. citizens, during the 1960s. The commission issued a single report in 1975, touching upon certain CIA abuses including mail opening and surveillance of domestic dissident groups. It publicized Project MKULTRA, a CIA mind control study.
On the Senate floor in 1977, Senator Ted Kennedy said:
"The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an 'extensive testing and experimentation' program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens 'at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign.' Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to 'unwitting subjects in social situations.' At least one death, that of Dr. Olson, resulted from these activities. The Agency itself acknowledged that these tests made little scientific sense. The agents doing the monitoring were not qualified scientific observers." source: Congressional Record.
Storming Heaven: LSD and The American Dream. by Jay Stevens
Jay Stevens is a journalist, social historian, and novelist living in Vermont. He has written numerous magazine and newspaper pieces. Mr. Stevens co-wrote "Drumming at the Edge of Magic" and "Planet Drum" with the Grateful Dead's Mickey Hart, published by Harper's San Francisco.
Journey into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse. by Gordon Thomas
John C Lilly:
In the Sleep Room: The Story of the CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada by Anne Collins
1984 by George Orwell
Brave New World by Aldus Huxley
Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley.
Fiction by Tom Wolfe:
Ken Kesey's Magic Bus named FURTHUR.
How U.S. Interrogators Destroyed the Mind of Jose Padilla
By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!. Posted August 17, 2007.
Jose Padilla has been found guilty in court and faces possible life in prison, but forensic psychiatrist Dr. Angela Hegarty explains after interviewing him that Padilla already paid the ultimate price through torture -- he's lost his mind.
According to his attorneys, Padilla was routinely tortured in ways designed to cause pain, anguish, depression and ultimately the loss of will to live.
His lawyers have claimed that Padilla was forced to take LSD and PCP to act as a sort of truth serum during his interrogations. (JUST LIKE PROJECT MKULTRA)
Origins of the term "brainwashing"
The term brainwashing first appeared in the English language relatively recently. Author John Marks writes that a journalist later revealed to have worked undercover for the Central Intelligence Agency first coined the term in 1950.
Edward Hunter (1902-1978) was an American journalist, author and intelligence agent. He is credited with popularizing the use of the term "brainwashing" in English, and collected a large number of examples of Chinese Communist propaganda targeted at the (largely illiterate) population in the immediate post-revolution period.
The project conducted tests on college students at Stanford University. Ken Kesey and Robert Hunter both were employed. Later, Ken started having "ACID TEST" parties where the participants took LSD and danced to the Music of the Grateful Dead. Robert Hunter wrote lyrics for the Dead.
Just co-incidence?
or were "the sixties"
a CIA experiment to test MKULTRA?
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MKULTRA - The CIA Mind Control Experiment That Escaped the Laboratory and Got out on the Dance Floor! |
My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA.
Please Campaign Online in Favor of Legalization of Medicinal Psychedelics. Write to Your Senators and Representatives. Or at the Very Least, Like and Share this Post. There is Absolutely No Valid Reason for Doctors to Be Prevented from Prescribing Certain Medicines... If You Can think of a Reason The US Government Should Continue to Behave Insane, State it Here... Now... Go Right Ahead...
The OSS (predecessor to the CIA) agent Edward Hunter created a new word for the English Language: BRAINWASHING: to cause a person to radically change their beliefs... They wanted to test if it was possible to cause people to start believing what they were told to believe... useful for control of a nation of sheep...
We can see that many people believed the LIES told by George Bush and voluntarily supported the invasion of IRAQ... Congress funded the war and teenagers joined the ARMY because they BELIEVED THE LIES! Two people are required for LIES to be effective... The TELLER of the Lies and the BELIEVER of the Lies. It would be a good survival strategy to become skeptical. That way, you don't end up a gullible fool.
"Think for Yourself and Question Authority" -Timothy Leary
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Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics |
Would the knowledge learned by years of research be useful in our present day war in the Middle East? Could we use psychedelics to reduce the will of the enemy to fight? Change a whole culture into Pacifists?
What would happen if ten million muslims ate LSD ? Would they put down their guns and pick up a guitar? Write some POETRY? Become HIPPIES?
Supposedly MKULTRA ended, but we hear rumors of it being continued in 2007. Amy Goodman interview on Democracy NOW with Jose Padilla's psychotherapist makes the claim that during his 3 1/2 years in solitary confinement, he was dosed with LSD as part of the interrogation... no proof, because the hallucinations of sensory deprivation are indistinguishable from those caused by eating psychedelics. The victim would not be able to tell the difference...
BRAINSPLICE: Center of the Cyclone by John C Lilly.
MKULTRA: The Leary personality test was developed for the CIA by Dr. Timothy Leary years before he became famous for being the "ACID GURU" The title of Leary's Ph.D. dissertation was, "The Social Dimensions of Personality: Group Structure and Process."
One result of LSD use is the realization that we are all one... Countries and borders become obviously fake... The only REAL lines on a map are coastlines... The absurdity of going to war is exposed... Why would we travel halfway around the world to kill strangers? That's why hippies rarely VOLUNTEER for the Army... The death business holds no facination... It could be that LSD use provides a biological survival value... Darwin survival of the fittest... If there is a voluntary death cult like the US ARMY... some brainwashed people will join and die... Guaranteeing that their genes will not be passed onto the next generation... slowly breeding the warrior gene out of the species... Hippie men will laugh at the concept of joining the military and go sing love songs to ladies... a lot more fun!
After all is said and done, we do have to thank the CIA for making LSD so widely available and popular... If they had never done project MKULTRA, then millions of people would not have been introduced to psychedelics...
MKULTRA: What they learned was that the most effective way to brainwash a person is to start training them at birth. The agents at the CIA have a long history of using themselves as test subjects. They would slip LSD into each other's drink just to see how it would work in an operational setting... George Bush senior was employed at the CIA as the director. Is it possible that he used his own son as a brainwashing test subject?
Now that you suspect that George the Son was trained from birth to be a pre-programmed robot, does not his behavior seem understandable? He says "GOD" told him to smite Saddam... could that not be an implanted thought to be triggered later? He would have no understanding of reality because all he has ever known is the world created for him by the Agency... He appeared to be waiting for someone to tell him what to do on the morning on 9/11/2001 while he read "My Pet Goat" with children after being informed of the second plane crash...
The Motion Picture "Manchurian Candidate" explores the possibility of creating a brainwashed assassin. The original stars Frank Sinatra and Angela Landsbury. It's one of the finest movies ever made. A remake with Denzel Washington expands upon the theme by making the puppet masters a multi-national corporation. Quite a realistic premise given Halliburton and Blackwater's insane behavior...
"Conspiracy Theory" stars Mel Gibson, Julia Roberts and Patric Stewart. Mel names MKULTRA as the source of his troubles... What, you never heard of Blackwater ???
Dr. John Lilly did experiments involving electrodes being inserted into the brains of monkeys and letting them push a button that caused a feeling of pleasure. He also invented the Isolation tank. The Movie "Altered States" is quasi-biographical. The Movie "The Day of the Dolphin" was about his research into man-dolphin communication.
MKULTRA: The Leary personality test was developed for the CIA by Dr. Timothy Leary years before he became famous for being the "ACID GURU" The title of Leary's Ph.D. dissertation was, "The Social Dimensions of Personality: Group Structure and Process."
MKULTRA: One rumor is that after the CIA sponsored LSD tests were completed in Palo Alto on Ken Kesey, Robert Hunter (lyricist for the Grateful Dead) and Stewart Brand (Whole Earth Catalog), the CIA allowed them to create the traveling ACID TEST that featured the musical performances of The Grateful Dead. The agency just wanted to see what would happen if millions of people took LSD in uncontrolled situations... It always amazed me that we were able to trip in public in crowds up to 80,000 people without adult supervision or mass arrests. Just co-incidence? I don't think so. I think the CIA was just curious... They wanted to see how effective it would be to dose millions of people. Would they become docile and easily controllable? Now, we find that Bob Wier and Mickey Hart have joined the "Bohemian Grove" club... known as a men's summer-camp visited by republican political leaders and the super-rich... Did they get invited because they could perform well at campfire sing-alongs? I hope so...
MKULTRA: The mystery of Mary Pinchot Meyer. She was a friend of John Kennedy and supposedly gave him Marijuana and LSD while at the White House as a guest. Then, a few days after his assasination, she was killed and the crime has never been solved. Her family gave the CIA her diary to help them figure out what happened, and they claim to have burned the diary-unread... She was a friend of Timothy Leary.
A group of women were turning on the top 1% of the men in society: political leaders, movie stars, artists, scientists and business leaders. The idea was to change the whole world by changing the minds of the leaders...
MKULTRA: In Canada, Dr Ewan Cameron had a hospital where he tried to help mentally ill people by months in sensory deprivation and endless LSD trips. The victims had to listen to tape recordings of their own voice expressing their deepest fears. This "psychic driving" technique was supposed to destroy the victims ego and create a clean slate to build a brand new person... Eventually, the country paid $700,000 to the survivors of the experiments. A movie called "The Sleep Room" was made about his hospital. In a bizarre twist, the head of the World Psychiatric Association (Dr. Cameron) did unspeakable torture to his patients... as if he was the MOST mentally ill of all. All funded by the CIA.
MKULTRA: The mysterious death of Dr. Frank Olson. He was a US ARMY employee that was dosed with LSD without his knowledge and then got upset. He sought psychiatric help and then a couple of days later died after he went out a window of a hotel on the 13th story. Fell, jumped or was pushed? no one knows. President Gerald Ford gave the widow $750,000 for settling out of court.
This is the conspiracy theory... The CIA wanted to test what would happen if large numbers of people were dosed simultaniously. The did an experiment with an exploding lightbulb filled with LSD in the New York City subway system. This delivery method was a failure... a few people were dosed heavily and the mass were not dosed at all... An alternative delivery technique was to dissolve LSD into a beverage and give it away free to a large crowd of people. This technique is errily similar to what happened at the Acid Tests...
Just co-incidence???
I believe that the CIA felt that people who had had the LSD experience were less likely to protest the War in Vietnam... Those people would have a tendency to drop out and go practice subsistence farming in rural communities instead of participation in the violent overthrow of the US government. This belief seems accurate... Hey, I live in Humboldt County, California... I'm not really that interested in revolution... more interested in ART, MUSIC and webpage design...
To furthur add to the mystery, it seems to me that there was very little law enforcement in the parking lots of the concerts.
Obviously, everyone knew that it was easy to find and purchase illegal drugs there. Somehow, the police simply decided to
not enforce the law at the shows...
Sure, some people were busted and that was a tragedy, but,
for years a triving illegal business community followed the Dead around... or did the Dead follow the community around?
After all is said and done, we do have to thank the CIA for making LSD so widely available and popular... If they had never done project MKULTRA, then millions of people would not have been introduced to psychedelics...
The Motion Picture "Manchurian Candidate" explores the possibility of creating a brainwashed assassin. The original stars Frank Sinatra and Angela Landsbury. It's one of the finest movies ever made. A remake with Denzel Washington expands upon the theme by making the puppet masters a multi-national corporation. Quite a realistic premise given Halliburton and Blackwater's insane behavior...
"Conspiracy Theory" stars Mel Gibson, Julia Roberts and Patric Stewart. Mel names MKULTRA as the source of his troubles... What, you never heard of Blackwater ???
Burning Man ... a San Francisco art project that grew up and moved to the desert... big fun for the whole family of man...
MKULTRA: Yellow Submarine... Take a look at that movie. Would the Beatles have ever tripped if not for the promotion and popularization of LSD given by the CIA ??? The Magical Mystery Tour was a bus trip extremely like Ken Kesey's Bus trip paid for by his book royalties from "Sometimes a Great Notion"...
"One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest". That book was an account of madness in a hospital... sort of like his experience with LSD at the MKULTRA sponsored hospital in Palo Alto run by Dr Sidney Gottlieb... read more at: OH, what great artwork Zane Kesey has done with his website... Thanks Zane!!!
The music of the western world changed dramatically... The Beatles, Jefferson Airplane, The Doors, The Moody Blues, Country Joe and the Fish, The Grateful Dead, Cream and countless others used their experience to help them compose... Speaking of experiences, what about the Jimi Hendrix Experience?
And the ART! Peter Max... Mouse Kelley, Rick Griffin, Hipgnosis...
And the Books!
Carlos Casteneda: The Teachings of Don Juan.
Aldus Huxley: The Doors of Perception.
Ram Dass: Be Here Now. Still Here...
recommended reading:
The Search For The Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control, The Secret History of the Behavioral Sciences by John D Marks.
Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond. by Martin Lee; Bruce Shlain
The Frank Olson Project - a website created by Frank Olson's family to explore the issues surrounding his death.
Results of the 1973 Church Committee Hearings, on CIA misdeeds.
Rockefeller Commission:
The commission was created in response to a December 1974 report in The New York Times that the CIA had conducted illegal domestic activities, including experiments on U.S. citizens, during the 1960s. The commission issued a single report in 1975, touching upon certain CIA abuses including mail opening and surveillance of domestic dissident groups. It publicized Project MKULTRA, a CIA mind control study.
On the Senate floor in 1977, Senator Ted Kennedy said:
"The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an 'extensive testing and experimentation' program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens 'at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign.' Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to 'unwitting subjects in social situations.' At least one death, that of Dr. Olson, resulted from these activities. The Agency itself acknowledged that these tests made little scientific sense. The agents doing the monitoring were not qualified scientific observers." source: Congressional Record.
Storming Heaven: LSD and The American Dream. by Jay Stevens
Jay Stevens is a journalist, social historian, and novelist living in Vermont. He has written numerous magazine and newspaper pieces. Mr. Stevens co-wrote "Drumming at the Edge of Magic" and "Planet Drum" with the Grateful Dead's Mickey Hart, published by Harper's San Francisco.
Journey into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse. by Gordon Thomas
John C Lilly:
In the Sleep Room: The Story of the CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada by Anne Collins
1984 by George Orwell
Brave New World by Aldus Huxley
Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley.
Fiction by Tom Wolfe:
Ken Kesey's Magic Bus named FURTHUR.
How U.S. Interrogators Destroyed the Mind of Jose Padilla
By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!. Posted August 17, 2007.
Jose Padilla has been found guilty in court and faces possible life in prison, but forensic psychiatrist Dr. Angela Hegarty explains after interviewing him that Padilla already paid the ultimate price through torture -- he's lost his mind.
According to his attorneys, Padilla was routinely tortured in ways designed to cause pain, anguish, depression and ultimately the loss of will to live.
His lawyers have claimed that Padilla was forced to take LSD and PCP to act as a sort of truth serum during his interrogations. (JUST LIKE PROJECT MKULTRA)
Origins of the term "brainwashing"
The term brainwashing first appeared in the English language relatively recently. Author John Marks writes that a journalist later revealed to have worked undercover for the Central Intelligence Agency first coined the term in 1950.
Edward Hunter (1902-1978) was an American journalist, author and intelligence agent. He is credited with popularizing the use of the term "brainwashing" in English, and collected a large number of examples of Chinese Communist propaganda targeted at the (largely illiterate) population in the immediate post-revolution period.
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Links to My Wordpress Blog:
“Lessons Learned” by Gregory Vanderlaan. A Lifetime of Trial and Error Yielded These Words of Wisdom…
It’s Important That We #DumpTrump Now. He Helped the Democrats Win in 2020 by The ENDLESS FAILURES During His Years as President.
NO NUKES! We REALLY Need to Guard the Atomic Waste at PG&E’s Abandoned Nuclear Power Plant Near Eureka California
AWAKEN! You Giant Made of Sand… [FICTION] by Gregory Vanderlaan
Links to My Music Videos.
SNCC Benefit Speech at My Parent’s Home in Los Gatos, CA
Elizabeth Warren has some GREAT Ideas: Tax the Rich…
CRIMINAL Prosecution of Donald Trump is What’s Needed Now
PARLER is Online Again and I’m Posting #RUNAWAY From tRUMP Messages.
“IMPEACH BIDEN” TRUCKER HAT for sale… It’s Not Too Early to Start the Campaign… Kamala for President! Buttons! Stickers! Coffee Cups! T-Shirts!
Trump Is Right. Bring American Soldiers Home From Iraq and Afghanistan. There is NO VALID MISSION. VETO The NDAA. #DefundThePentagon — Refund That Wasted Money to the Taxpayers.
“Doing Evil for Money – a Novel” by Gregory Vanderlaan [another NSA Kiss and Tell Book]
The Path Forward… Simple Suggestions for Making the World a Better Place to Live… Let’s Heal America…
Top Ten ART Gifts on My Zazzle Webstore – The People Have Spoken! With Their Wallets – All Royalties Donated to Charity – Psychedelic Art
The COSTS of all those TV Advertisements for Prescription Medicines are PAID FOR BY THE PATIENTS.
Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics – Let Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves What is the Best Treatment.
gvan42 – Free Coloring Book… Print as Many Copies as You Like and Share With Friends… BIG FUN for the Whole Family!