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HAVE YOU SEEN ME? The FBI Needs Help Arresting TrumpNiks® That Stormed the US Capitol on January 6th 2021 - Look At These Photos and Call or EMAIL the FBI If You Know These People.

Click Here!

You May Remain Totally Anonymous. Over Two Hundred Have Already Been Arrested. Including the Man Seen Beating a Policeman With The American Flag. I Guess He Didn't Believe That "Blue Lives Matter" After All!  

You can call ‪1-800-CALL-FBI (1-‪800-225-5324) to verbally report tips and/or information related to this investigation, or submit at tip online at

Have You Seen Me?  FBI - Most Wanted - Capitol Insurrectionists - Failed to Overthrow the US Government on January 6th 2021
Have You Seen Me?  FBI - Most Wanted -
US Capitol Insurrectionists -
Failed to Overthrow the US Government
on January 6th 2021

Have You Seen Me - FBI - Most Wanted Videos - Capitol Insurrectionists - Failed to Overthrow the US Government on January 6th 2021

U.S. Capitol Violence 

The FBI is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying individuals who made unlawful entry into the U.S. Capitol building and committed various other alleged criminal violations, such as destruction of property, assaulting law enforcement personnel, targeting members of the media for assault, and other unlawful conduct, on January 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C.

Pipe Bombs in D.C. 

A reward of up to $100,000 is available for information leading to the location, arrest, and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the placement of pipe bombs in Washington, D.C., on January 5, 2021. View videos, photos, and additional information.

and then a "Known" TrumpNik® Replied:

VK: Now post the images of hundreds of AntiFa corporate communists rioting, burning, looting, and KILLING (19 dead vs. ZERO) all summer long, because the FBI under Biden (and even under The Once and Future President Trump) seem spectacularly uninterested in the REAL insurrection (probably because they are part of it).
The ONLY death that occurred as a direct result of the Capitol incursion (not an insurrection, no matter what the propagandists say) is the murder by an unidentified congressional bodyguard of an unarmed woman: Ashley Banfield.

Say Her Name.

Ashleigh Dennistoun Banfield[1] (born December 29, 1967) is a Canadian-American journalist and anchor of Banfield. She is a former host of Legal View with Ashleigh Banfield and Early Start on CNN.

FBI Most Wanted Domestic Terrorists Antifa or BLM Yields Zero Results
FBI Most Wanted Domestic Terrorists:
Antifa or BLM Yields Zero Results

Why aren't the FBI Even Looking For Antifa or BLM Terrorists? Could It Be That TrumpNiks® are Fighting an Imaginary Foe? Are "They" Lost in a Fantasy World?

Or could it be that the same Deep State FBI that tried to conduct a coup against a popularly elected president through the debunked Russia Collusion Hoax, the debunked Ukraine Phone Call Hoax, two Fake Impeachments using baseless accusations drawn from debunked Fake News lamestream media clickbait, is quite comfortable ignoring the legions of Marxist domestic terrorists because they are all pursuing the same end: the destruction of individual freedom and Constitutional protections under the banner of "equity" and the imposition of an elitist corporate fascist digital super-state?
Wouldn't it behoove a shadow government to avoid drawing attention to its shock troops?

and I Responded: 

However... Biden Is President and all your whining FAILS. No Matter How Many Times People Post CrazyTalk® Nonsense... Reality WINS! I Truly Hope Trump Runs Again in 2024... That Way He Can Lose a Third Time! and Kamala Will Be President...

KD Said: what you are saying is all delusional baloney. The truth is out and the majority knows it. They voted for Biden! Trump is a Liar and a crook who betrayed this country and the people who voted for him. There is no deep state and Antifa barely exists.

I Said: Paranoid Schizophrenia... Victor Shows the Symptoms... Imaginary Enemies Threatening Him... I'm sure Glad I Don't Live in His Nightmare World... Did you see George Bush the Son's Statement? The Insurrection mad him "Sick to My Stomach" - #METOO... We Need to Arrest The TrumpNiks® That Tried and FAILED to Overthrow the US Government...

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