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What Does WOKE Mean? The People Fighting WOKE Can't Tell You... Because they are BRAINWASHED! It Means: Aware of Reality... and that's A Great Way to Live!

meme: Thin k for Yourself and Question Fox News - gvan42

Fight the Brainwashing! Learn how to do a FACT CHECK online and No One Can Successfully Lie to You... Because you can find out the truth... for yourself! 

In activism and politics, woke means "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination"

WOKE Means Aware of Reality!

So... Governor Ron Death Santa has Changed his mind about Putin and the War in Ukraine because... he read the polls and most people Hate Putin so NOW He Hates Putin TOO!

Futurama sues Governor Ron Death Santa MEME by gvan42

and now... Governor Ron Death Santa has Declared the RED TIDE flooding Florida's Beaches is a WOKE ANTIFA DEEP STATE FALSE FLAG OPERATION... Just Like the Giant Stinky Seaweed Blob... 

Governor Ron Death Santa meme - gvan42
PiFOG means People in Favor of Good

#BurnTeslaBurn #ElonInferno Everybody Sing It!

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