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UNION YES - Massive Increase in Labor Union Membership Nationwide. Fight Back Against The Super Rich... They Are Destroying Our Country...

"It's no accident that 71% of Americans have a favorable view of unions - the highest since 1965, while just 36% hold a favorable view of corporations - the lowest since Wall Street crashed the economy in 2008. The American people are sick and tired of corporate greed." - Bernie Sanders

(CNN)Between strikes by nurses, teachers and maybe railroad workers, and new union efforts gaining steam at Starbucks, Amazon, Apple and elsewhere, big labor is having a big moment.

Amazon Labor Union Logo

Amazon, Starbucks, and other mega-corporations wouldn’t be deploying massive union-busting campaigns if they weren’t terrified of union power. When workers fight back, they win. Solidarity!

The American public is back in love with
labor unions, so why aren’t workers?
1. Many top U.S. brands from Apple to Chipotle,
Starbucks and Amazon are facing an increased
effort among front-line and retail employees to unionize.
2. The American public has the workers’ backs, with a
new Gallup poll finding that support for unions has
reached its highest level since 1965.
3. But the Gallup data also shows how difficult it will be to
turn general support into widespread organizing activity,
as the majority of nonunion workers tell Gallup they
have little interest in joining the labor movement.

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