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"They" Now Declare That Hiroshima and Nagasaki Were a Bad Idea... What "They" Fail to Realize is That... Truman Bombed Japan To Prove to Stalin that The USA Really Had Atom Bombs and We Were Willing to Use Them...

"They" Also Say The Japanese Internment Camps of World War Two Were Wrong... However...

Those Internment Camps WORKED. No Japanese/Americans Committed Sabotage  While they were Locked UP. The Japanese Were Actively Trying to Defeat the USA in a War That Included such forgotten events as the Fire Balloons... These were Hydrogen Balloons Launched from Japan that Flew all the Way to the USA, Landed and Exploded. The Goal was to Set The Forests of Washington State, Oregon and Idaho on FIRE... Killing Millions... Thankfully, They were Launched IN THE WINTER when the Forests were WET with Snow... and While The Balloons DID Reach the USA and they DID Explode, They FAILED to Kill Millions of Americans... What IF We Had Thousands of Japanese/Americans FREELY Walking Around During World War Two... Who is to Say that One of Them Wouldn't have Set the Forests on Fire IN THE SUMMER?

In Fact, Before Hiroshima and Nagasaki, The Emperor of Japan HAD A BAD ATTITUDE! He Was All in favor of Invading other Countries and Stealing their Wealth... AFTER He Was NUKED, His ATTITUDE CHANGED! All of a Sudden, Japan Became interested in Creating Great Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Stereos and Electronic Equipment... Ever hear of Sony, Yamaha, Roland, Honda, Nissan, Mitsubishi?
Without That "Bright Light Going Off in Their Minds." It's Possible That Here in California, We Would Be Speaking Japanese!

Who Exactly are "They"??? Well, I often Hear this Opinion on PBS TV Shows... and the Senator Dianne Feinstein has Spoken out about how Horrible it was to Drop Atom Bombs on Japan... REALLY! As a matter of Fact, We Blew Up Over 100 Atom Bombs in NEVADA! and the Fallout Floated on the wind over UTAH and The Entire USA East of the Nevada Test Site... Brilliant! NUKING OURSELVES...

"They" Also Complain About the Chinese Exclusion Act... WELL, That Prevented a Million Chinese from Coming Here... FANTASTIC!

After the Nuclear Meltdown in Fukushima, Ecology Researchers were concerned that Radioactive Pollution would Float over the Pacific Ocean and Cause Poisonous FISH in the USA. making them so Toxic that we could not Eat them... In Fact, The Oceanographers Did Find Small Amounts of Cesium from Fukushima in the Ocean off the Coast of Washington State, Oregon and California... However they Found Massive Amounts of Cesium Left Over From the Bikini Hydrogen Bomb Tests in The Pacific... Some of those Chemicals Have a Half Life of Thousands of Years... and The Tests Conducted in the 1960s are STILL HOT... and We Have Been Eating Radioactive Fish for Decades... 

Did You Ever Notice that The First Two Syllables of Fukushima are a Swear Word in English... F*CK YOU Shima!


MEME - No Nukes! - gvan42 purple64ets Gregory Vanderlaan

MEME - No Nukes! - gvan42 purple64ets Gregory Vanderlaan

A total of four nuclear reactors (two originally; and two of new designs), have been proposed for the site over a 40-year period, with over $4 billion having been spent (constructing the preliminary plant infrastructure and ordering/delivering/installing major equipment items).[3] But no nuclear reactor nor electric generating plant was ever completed; two cores of nuclear fuel were originally delivered however these were returned on plant deferral. Meaningful construction progress at the site was halted in 1988. Starting after its termination in 2005, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) implemented an investment recovery effort to recoup some of the costs associated with Bellefonte. As part of the investment recovery effort, all or parts of some major plant components, including steam generators, feedwater heaters, large pumps and motors, demineralized water and condensate storage tanks, main condenser tubes, and some piping and valves were removed and sold. Additionally, some usable components were transferred from Bellefonte to other TVA facilities as spares.[3]

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