Michael Cohen Went to Prison for Crimes He Committed with Donald Trump. The Same Crimes Trump is On Trial For Now... Trump's Obviously Guilty but Will Not Be Convicted... Because Some Jurors believe that Crime Should Be Legal for Trump.

Trump's Afraid that the Bible Will Burst into Flames When he Puts His Hand on it and Swears to Tell the Truth!  Judge Says: The Gag Order Does NOT Prevent Trump from Taking the Stand...  or Taking the 5th... or Getting Arrested for Perjury...

Trump and Flaming Bible

Trump's Afraid that the Bible Will Burst into Flames When he Puts His Hand on it and Swears to Tell the Truth!

Trump: Liar Liar Pants on Fire.  Button Zazzle Gregvan
Buttons for Sale on Zazzle Gregvan

Trump Lives at MAR-A-LOSER, Florida. President Biden Lives at the White House in Washington, DC... WHY? Because Joe Won and Trump Lost... and Then... Trump's Court Cases FAILED. Trump's Cyber Ninjas FAILED. Trump's Recounts FAILED. Trump's January 6th Insurrection FAILED. Trump's Fake Electors FAILED. Trump's Perfect Phone Calls FAILED. Trump'S LYING One Million Times FAILED! and in 2024 Trump Will Not Be Just a LOSER, He'll Be a MAGALOSER!