I Guess They Want to Shout Their Racism and Obama is a Handy Target...
TwitterX Changed its Name to Honor Malcolm X - Black Power Activist and Personal Hero to Elon Musk...
Never Pay to Advertise on TwitterX... The People That READ TwitterX are Poor and Angry... Are THEY Your Target Market? Really? They are Not Buying Anything... and They are Angry that their Lives Just SUCK!
Elon Musk restores X account of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones...
Your Classic Trumpanzee has a Life that is a Failure and is Getting Worse... Frantic to find Someone to Blame, they Attack anyone that is Not Like Themselves... Just Like How Hitler Blamed the Jews, Trumpanzees Blame ALL NON WHITES, Democrats and RINOS...
and Trump Promises to Make All Those People Suffer! REVENGE 2025... Mass Arrests... Concentration Camps... and Deportation! GTFO!
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