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Taylor Swift says VOTE 4 JOE - "I will proudly vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in this year's presidential election. Under their leadership, I believe America has a chance to start the healing process it so desperately needs."

 Please Share These Memes Nationwide!
Taylor Swift says VOTE 4 JOE

Taylor Swift explained why she's 'proudly' voting for Joe Biden for president... 

  • "The change we need most is to elect a president who recognizes that people of color deserve to feel safe and represented, that women deserve the right to choose what happens to their bodies, and that the LGBTQIA+ community deserves to be acknowledged and included," she said.

A Taylor Swift Instagram post helped drive a surge in voter registration... 

Republicans to blur faces in January 6 footage as ‘We are Ashamed of our Behavior’ - Speaker Mike Johnson to release Capitol riot video but his office later acknowledges that justice department already has footage...
Republicans to blur faces in January 6 footage as ‘we don’t want them charged’
Leaders from Generations X, Y and Z are asking Young People to Register and Vote... If Taylor Swift, MTG and AOC Can Agree... Then It's a Great Idea! - Here are Some Free MEMES to Like and Share!

Young People Overwhelmingly Vote for Democrats... and One way we Can Beat Trump and Exterminate the Republicriminal Party is to Get the Members of Generations X, Y and Z Motivated... They are NOT Easily Fooled! They NOTICE Brainwashing and Propaganda and REJECT IT! and They Have Proven That they Register When Taylor Swift Tells Them To!

Click Here to Buy this REGISTER & VOTE Button

Click Here for ALL My Buttons!

Please Share this Meme... The only way we will be able to have SANE GUN LAWS is if we Throw Out The Bribed Politicians... The NRA Owns so many of those Senators and Congressmen... TOTAL CORRUPTION! Remember... YOU HAVE A SAY... SAY IT!

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The leading candidate for the GOP in 2024 ex-president Spraytantrum is a criminal defendant for 91 felony charges in 4 separate jurisdictions and has been found liable for sexual assault.
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Tяump’s former advisors are now speaking out about Prima Donnie’s incompetence and lack of ethics… most of the witnesses in the indictments of Tяump are Republicans, many of whom worked for Tяump.
All of this must be tough for Tяump’s cult to comprehend after years of making fools of themselves screaming “LOCK ‘EM UP.” Tяump’s gullible groupies need to rethink who actually is “crooked,” but they are far too dim and far too detached from reality.
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The recent 2023 midterm elections showed that voters are tired of Tяump endorsed election denying right-wing extremists and anti-abortion radicals… the GOP got clobbered in Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Kentucky. Democrats will take this positive Joementum into 2024!
In 2024, I will proudly vote for the candidate who is kind and civil, the candidate who keeps his promises and who acts like an adult.
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Thank goodness Joe Biden is the POTUS and thank God the American people FIRED the IMPOTUS (IMpeached President Of The United States) D’ohnald Tяumpertantrum!
If Tяump is the nominee for the GOP then Joe Biden will beat the Manchurian Cantaloupe again.

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