Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

"Go Woke, Go Broke" NOT! Barbie, Taylor Swift and Liz Cheney's Book. WOKE Means Mega Bucks! Please Share these Memes! Let's Beat Trump, The GOP & All QAnon Freaks Everywhere!

The Republican ANTI-WOKE Freakout has been a Disaster for the GOP... The Vast Majority of Americans are WOKE THEMSELVES or Just Don't Care! Campaigning Againt WOKE Just Makes Republicans Look Like Idiots... 

My Most Popular Buttons!

LINK to Buy Buttons!

"Go Woke, Go Broke" NOT! ---> Notice Barbie, Taylor Swift and Liz Cheney's Book... "WOKE" Means Mega Bucks! ---> Observe the Failure of MTG's Book...

Register & Vote meme - 1080 Wide by 1920 tall
The meme above fits the FaceBorg "My Story" 
1080 Wide by 1920 Tall... It Could be "Your Story" too...

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!
LINK to Buy this Book!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

As a longtime Saturday Night Live sketch player and brain behind the Austin Powers and Wayne’s World franchises, Mike Myers has created a massive number of quotable jokes. Among those that have lingered is the evergreen “not!” joke — that is, the seemingly genuine assertion followed by a loud exclamation of “Not!” (To quote Wayne in Wayne’s World, which came out 25 years ago this month, speaking to the inventor of a hair-removal system called the Suck Cut: “What a totally amazing, excellent discovery — not!”)

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Collection of memes I found on FaceBorg... 
Like and Share Worldide... 

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Anti-Trump meme - He's EVIL - the GOP is also EVIL - Vote Democratic Nationwide!

Donald Trump: The real danger he presents to the nation as a candidate for the presidency of the now clear and apparent. He is an obsessive liar, a deeply mentally disturbed man...ignorant, ruthless, aggressively vengeful, narrow minded, self-centered in the extreme, simplistic, spiteful and viciously ready to attack

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