Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

I Read Banned Books! The Real Reason Republicans Hate Books is: THEY CAN'T READ! Books are SCARY! What Do They Say??? They Don't Know! Danger! Danger! #RUNAWAY

Great Books that Everyone Should Read - 
Insight & Wisdom - Free at the Library!
1984 - George Orwell
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
The Monkey Wrench Gang - Ed Abbey
The Four Agreements - don Miguel Ruiz
Remember, Be Here Now - Ram Dass

Start with these Five Books... They Explain a Lot... Then Continue With These Classics!

Other Great Books!
The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
Silent Spring - Rachael Carson
The Search for the Manchurian Candidate
Alice in Wonderland
Thru the Looking Glass
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
The Whole Earth Catalog
Treasure Island
The Old Man and the Sea
Moby Dick
Robinson Crusoe
The Count of Monte Cristo
Don Quixote
Steal this Book
Revolution for the Hell of It
I, Robot
Caves of Steel
Grapes of Wrath
Tortilla Flat
Tom Sawyer
Huckleberry Finn
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
The Man in the High Castle
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
The Hobbit
Still Here
The Time Machine
The War of the Worlds
20,000 Leagues under the Sea
Around the World in 80 Days
Stranger in a Strange Land
Slaughterhouse Five
Cat's Cradle
Don Juan, a Yaqui Way of Knowledge
The Great Gadsby
The Armies of the Night
Trout Fishing in America
The Psychedelic Experience
Fahrenheit 451
The Doors of Perception
Ender's Game
The Cult of Cthulhu
Chariots of the Gods?
Autobiography of a Yogi
Electric Kool Aid Acid Test
All Quiet on the Western Front
Catch 22

Everything By Edgar Allen Poe... Steven King... 


Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds... 

Just for FUN... Write Your Own List and Post it on Your Own Blog... or FaceBorg... It's a worthy Exercise in Self Introspection!

If there are any Classics I Forgot, Email Me at gregvan(at)yahoo(dot)Com

Bookshelf of Great Books - gvan42 - Classics Library

Bookshelf of Great Books - Classics Library

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and Now for Something Completely Different!
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What Did I Learn from My Near Death Experience? I've Always Had a Feeling that I Had Some Important Goal to Accomplish. Then I realized...

It wasn't so much of a BIG Goal that was Needed 
to Be Done but Helping People Daily Thru My 
Entire Life. Simply Making the World a Better 
Place To Live. That Was The Lesson.
Since I Did Not Die at Age 19... READ MORE:

Trump Received Money From a Russian for His 2016 Campaign. GOP operative Jesse Benton was convicted of funneling Russian donations. Why Hasn't Trump Been Arrested and Convicted for This Crime?

The "Russia Hoax" was Not a Hoax After All. Trump Actually Got Rubles to Help Him Campaign!

Fox “News” Fined $787.5 Million for Intentionally Lying... Further Proof that we are Moving Towards a World Where Truth Matters, Honesty Matters, Justice Matters and...


Many More Lawsuits Coming: Smartmatic is Suing Fox, OANN, Rude Julie Anna, Sidney Powell and the My Pillow Guy...

Will Fox “Learn its Lesson? or Will They Keep on Lying Because That’s All They Have? Time Will Tell!

Rainbow Gathering 2024 - July 1-7 in California.

Stay Away from Florida! Civil Rights Group Issues Warning Against Travel to Florida... They Have GUNS, Floods, The Giant Stinky Seaweed Blob and The Red Tide.

It's A Horrible Place to Take a Vacation!

Forcing Women to Give Birth to Unwanted Babies is the GOP "Solution" to the Death of Children by Guns. Just Breed some SPARES!

Rick Scott: Republican Criminal - He Oversaw the Largest Medicare Fraud in History - Why Isn't He in Prison? DOJ: Do Your Job - OUTLAW CRIME

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