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Music Video: Floating thru space and time with a Spiral of Deadheads...

Imagine that you are floating in a tub of warm water...
every muscle in your body is completely relaxed...
your mind drifts and contentment blooms
like a time lapse film of a rose...

you leave your body and rise up to the ceiling...
you look back and see your body...
it is resting with a cup of tea in it's

as you watch your body,
your mind seeps thru the ceiling and you see the world.
there is a is

on the shore of a lake a spiral of deadheads dance around a fire.
the flickering light seems to be perfectly synchronized to the rhythm of the drums... alas...the reversal
of entropy is merely an illusion.

one of the deadheads reaches into the shadows and lifts
a five gallon can of gasoline.
it is tightly sealed.he places it on the fire...
they all move back...

it will take time for the gas to expand enough to burst the can...
a slender woman with strawberry blond hair raises a conch shell
to her lips and draws a deep breath.
she blows a long note signaling
the beginning of a new era of mankind.

everything is dripping with meaning.
significance saturates every leaf of every tree ...
then a tiny hole appears in the gas can and
a cone of fire reaches for the sky...

you contemplate metallurgy,welding and strength of materials...
then the gas can resigns itself to fate
and a ball of fire searches for oxygen and of course finds it.
the spiral of deadheads emit a massive yeah! and you drift on...

Seeing luminous eggs around every person - Don Juan
Seeing luminous eggs around every person - Don Juan

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