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tRUMP's Business Model is Borrow Money and Default... Invest in Loser Real Estate Projects... and then Borrow More... THAT WHAT HE'S DOING WITH THE ENTIRE US ECONOMY... as Congress Passes ANOTHER $484 Billion Dollar Giveaway to the Rich...
tRUMP's Business Model is Borrow Money and Default... Invest in Loser Real Estate Projects... and then Borrow More... THAT WHAT HE'S DOING WITH THE ENTIRE US ECONOMY... as Congress Passes ANOTHER $484 Billion Dollar Giveaway to the Rich...
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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 |
Oddly, I Expressed These Opinions during a Group Discussion at an Ecology Class at Humboldt State University and ALL THE OTHER STUDENTS SAID I WAS WRONG... They said that Used Stuff Still Requires Ecological Damage to Exist at All... I tried to explain that the Manufacturing Damage Happened IN THE PAST and it is impossible to Change History but Buying New Stuff CAUSES Purchasing Agents at Corporations to Hire People to Create New Stuff IN THE FUTURE to Fill the Shelves At The Store. No One Grasped the Concept. But I Did Make The Other Students Think. and That's a Good Thing. It's a difficult concept... I Wish I Could Explain it in a Shorter Sentence... Maybe YOU can Re-Write the Concept Better and Post it in the Comments Section... Thanks!
Remember: There are Two Ways to Get Everything You Want. Get More or Want Less. and... You Can Get More Stuff Per Dollar At The Eureka Rescue Mission Thrift Shop... or Your Own Store... Did You Know that There is a Fashion "Thing" where Corporations PRE-RIP Clothes? Intentionally Making Them LOOK USED! Really! They Hire People to Rub Jeans over Rough Surfaces to SIMULATE Wear and Tear of Normal Use... I'm Not Making This UP! All the Pathetic Dupes are Wearing Clothes Like That! On My Own Webstore... I Offer Hats that have been "Distressed" to look like they are Old... It's an Option... I wish I could write a Mocking Slogan Poking Fun at this Fashion Trend... Then I Could Sell a Hat with That Saying... Sort of like the Question: "Can You Imagine a World Without Hypothetical Situations?" or The Page that says: "This Page Is Left Blank Intentionally." A Cosmic Haiku Slogan... I do sell a Hat that says "PRESS" so people can wear it at Protest Marches and Avoid Being Bashed on the Head By The Police... I Do Not Really Know if It REALLY Helps Avoid Police Violence... I Do Know That People Made T-Shirts Saying "Backstage Pass - Shoreline Amphitheater - Bill Graham Productions" and Used them to sneak past Security Guards... I admire the Guy that Made a Sign that Says "This is a Sign." Was That Absurdist Theater or End Times Warning?
"Life is More Complex than a Slogan on a Hat."
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We Raced to The MOON. Let's Race to CLEAN ENERGY . |
LINK: Skolstrejk för klimatetat #ClimateStrike - Protest Online Using "digital strikes" Instead of Mass Rallies in the Streets - Take Worldwide ECO-ACTION! - Greta Thunberg says: “We Are Striking to Disrupt the System”
Friends of the Earth Action Wrote me this Email... https://foeaction.org/
The first Earth Day led to the creation of the EPA and our country’s bedrock environmental laws, including the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act. Now, our President is trying to erode these hard-won protections, for the sake of corporate greed.
Just in the past few weeks, Trump’s EPA weakened the Endangered Species Act and enabled more lethal pesticides linked to bee declines, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service just decided NOT to categorize monarch butterflies as endangered -- despite recent counts showing these essential pollinators at near-collapse, largely due to industrial agriculture’s growing use of glyphosate (aka Monsanto’s Roundup®) and habitat destruction.
With your support, Friends of the Earth Action has been monitoring and fighting back against these attacks on bees and butterflies, which threaten our food system and our very survival. But... Then they asked for Money... and NO, I did not Give any Money BUT... You May at: https://foeaction.org/
About Us:
Founded by David Brower in 1969, Friends of the Earth Action has a more than 40-year record of not only fighting the tough battles, but winning them too. https://foeaction.org/about-us/
David Ross Brower (/ˈbraʊ.ər/; July 1, 1912 – November 5, 2000) was a prominent environmentalist and the founder of many environmental organizations, including the John Muir Institute for Environmental Studies, Friends of the Earth (1969), Earth Island Institute (1982), North Cascades Conservation Council, and Fate of the Earth Conferences. From 1952 to 1969, he served as the first Executive Director of the Sierra Club, and served on its board three times: from 1941–1953; 1983–1988; and 1995–2000. As a younger man, he was a prominent mountaineer.
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Other Posts of Interest:
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"RISK MY CHILD'S LIFE? NO!" - Vast Majority of Parents REJECT Trump's School Early Reopening Plan. "Corporate Profits Are Not as Important as Children's Health." https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/07/risk-my-childs-life-no-vast-majority-of.html
tRUMP Has Made Crime Legal For His Friends... and Himself... It's VERY Important To Campaign Against Him. Online, In The Streets, On The Phone... EVERY WAY POSSIBLE! The Time Has Come for a Million Patriots To Surround The White House and Perform an EXORCISM... Burn Sage, Beat Drums, Dance, Chant, Sing, Blow Whistles, Set Off 140dB Personal Alarms... What Ever Works! We Must Drive The Evil One OUT! https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/07/trump-has-made-crime-legal-for-his.html
"HATE Won't Make America Great" Slogan Printed on a Rainbow Flag - ROY G BIV - Buttons, Coffee Cups, Stickers, Paper Plates, Gift Boxes, T-Shirts ETC ETC ETC - AND - "LOVE JUSTICE TRUTH" Slogan - AND - "#Vote4Joe He's Not Insane!" Slogan...
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Universal Basic Income... If we simply TAXED THE RICH we could afford to Pay The Poor... and The Poor would SPEND THAT MONEY AT AMERICAN BUSINESSES... increasing Profits... BUBBLE UP ECONOMICS! https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/02/video-what-is-bubble-up-economics-short.html
What IS The Cure for COMPULSIVE HOARDING OF MONEY SYNDROME? Suppose You Know a Corporate Greed FREAK, How Can We Help Them? https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/04/what-is-cure-for-compulsive-hoarding-of.html
Great Books: The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey - Illustrated by Robert Crumb - The Classic Novel That Inspired People to Form the Earth First! Ecology Group... https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2017/06/great-books-monkey-wrench-gang-by.html
Alternatives to LAWNS: Clover... or Decorative rock and cactus gardens that don't use any water. Southern California is a dry climate. Why import water from the North? https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2018/04/alternatives-to-lawns-decorative-rock.html
We need to Undo the Disaster at the EPA... tRUMP Has Reversed It's Mission... It's Now the Enable Polluters Agency... The Damage of tRUMP's Policies Could Last for Decades, Centuries or Maybe FOREVER... Feel Free to Share any Words or Pictures You See Here... Just Copy and Paste into Social Media or Your own BLOG... https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/04/we-need-to-undo-disaster-at-epa-trump.html
American History: The Humboldt County Timber Wars... A Hostile Takeover of Pacific Lumber Company and The Extreme Logging of Old Growth Redwoods in Northern California. MAXXAM SUXX
In 1985 Charles Hurwitz borrowed money (Junk Bonds) from Michael Milken and bought the company Pacific Lumber, located near Eureka, California. Then Hurwitz increased the rate of logging in the Redwood Forest and cut down all the highly profitable trees. Then he split his corporation MAXXAM into two divisions. One division was used to do actual logging and sawing of boards and the other division was used to hide the profits. When the bill came due on the Junk Bonds, Hurwitz declared bankruptcy and took the money back to Texas. Including the pension funds that paid retirement benefits for employees...