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Alternatives to LAWNS: Clover... or Decorative rock and cactus gardens that don't use any water. Southern California is a dry climate. Why import water from the North?

clover as an eco-friendly lawn alternative

There is a plan to build tunnels to transport fresh water from the Sacramento River Delta area to Los Angeles. It will cost billions of dollars and will permanently change the ecology of the River killing off the Salmon. A simpler plan would be to reduce the DEMAND for water. Make LAWNS unpopular with homeowners in SoCal. Why fight nature?

Read about the Delta Tunnel Plan here...

Check out these beautiful designs...

Lawn Alternative - photos - save water by Planting Native Plants

I remember that instead of Having a Lawn in Front of Our House, Dad Planted Vinca Minor. That way we did not have to MOW THE FREAKING LAWN... That's a Task that steals precious Time from the Weekend... Smart Move! It also was a Home for Tarantula Spiders... I Never Got Bit... and I Thought They were Really Beautiful... and... I learned to Play THAT SONG on the Piano... a Classic Beginner Lesson... and a MUCH SIMPLIFIED VERSION!

Lawn Alternative - photos - save water by Planting Native Plants

Lawn Alternative - photos - save water by Planting Native Plants

Lawn Alternative - photos - save water by Planting Native Plants

Lawn Alternative - photos - save water by Planting Native Plants

Of COURSE, We Could Simply Desalinate Seawater Using SOLAR ENERGY... 

Generate Electricity and Clean Drinking Water AT THE SAME TIME. A Solar Powered Desalinization Plant Would Convert Seawater into Energy, Pure H2O and NaCl.

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