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Video of The Grateful Dead New Years Eve 1978 - This is a TRULY EPIC Concert... Filmed by KQED TV for Broadcast to The People of The Bay Area... High Fidelity...

The Closing of Winterland (12/31/78)  It Started at Midnight With a New years Eve Celebration and Ends at 4 AM... Includes a Dark Star/The Other One/Dark Star... GEE, That’s Something You Don’t See Everyday... 

It’s Wonderful to see so many people that Have Passed On... Alive and Healthy... Bill Graham, Ken Kesey, John Belushi, Jerry Garcia, Keith the Piano Player... 

Jerry actually Jumps Up and Down during the Song Johnny B. Goode... 

For Some Unknown Reason The Video of New Years Eve 1978 is NO LONGER Available... It's Marked Private...

As An Alternative... Try This One... 
During the Brent Era... Truckin' Up To Buffalo... 

This was During the Keith/Donna Era... So It Has Some Great Singing By Donna and Bob - Like Samson and Delilah... and The Rascals Song Good Lovin'  

The Drums/Space Section Has a Harmonica Player and Three Drummers... and Ken Babbs on Penny Whistle... Ken Kesey inside a Sculpture That Looks Like a Seashell Playing Bells... 

The Concert Starts With Balloons Dropping from the Ceiling Bouncing on the Dancers and the Song Sugar Magnolia... then they Play Scarlet Begonias, Fire on the Mountain, Me and My Uncle, Johnny Cash's Big River, Friend of the Devil, It's All Over Now, Stagger Lee and Then They Finish Sugar Magnolia by Playing the Sunshine Daydream CODA... 

The OTHER Bands on the Show Were The New Riders of the Purple Sage and The Blues Brothers... They are not Included in this Video... But Dan Ackroyd Does Do the New Years Eve Countdown and The Announcement of the Giant Flying Joint Float that travels over the Crowd... 

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