Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

People All Over the USA Are WAKING UP! OK, So You Made a Mistake and Voted for Trump in 2016... Well, 2020 is Another Day! An Opportunity to DO GOOD instead of EVIL!

Suppose You were Easily Fooled... or Not Very Bright... or a Closet Racist... or a MKULTRA Brainwashing Victim... 

You CAN Get a CLUE! Now Would Be a Great Time to Pull Your Head OUT of Your A** and Wake The F*CK UP!

MEME - Wake the F*CK UP! - gvan42

We are Going to Win in 2020 and We Will Rule The House, The Senate and The White House... and the Republicrime Party will be a Footnote In History for Decades, perhaps Centuries. Future Generations will Sigh and say: Remember When Evil Ruled the USA? No, Grandpa, That Was Before I Was Born...

Maybe we will become a Country with a Three Party System... Green, Libertarian and Democrat. There is no need for a FOURTH Party... Things Like this Have Happened in the USA Before. Once there was a "Whig" Party and a "Know Nothing" Party... Really! 

Remember, Racist White Men are a Minority Group. Most People are Women or Minorities. The Republicrime Party is Getting Smaller Every Day. Old White People Die and There are Fewer and Fewer Republicriminals Born to Replace them. That's because Republicriminals Have Fewer Babies Than Everyone Else. Women Simply Refuse to Have Sex With Insane Gun Nuts... TRUE! 

Did You NOTICE That Trend about #MAGAKillers? Often they are Pathetic Wankers that Enjoy The Endorphin Dump Of Shooting a Gun instead of Actually Having a Girlfriend. 


Rubber Stamp #ImpeachTrump on a Dollar Bill - Get One Today and Vandalize The Currency!

QAnon Sucks!
He's an Economic Disaster 
Self-inking Stamp FOR SALE!
Handy for Printing This Message Anywhere! 
Get the word out! #IMPEACH TRUMP
#IMPEACH TRUMP He's an Economic Disaster Self-inking Stamp
#IMPEACH TRUMP He's an Economic Disaster Self-inking Stamp
by gregvan

Backwards NRA LOGO with the Slogan - Refuse to Pay Your Membership Dues - MEME - Feel Free to Pirate This Image and Post It Anywhere!

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