Why are there NO PHOTOGRAPHS of an Airplane at the Pentagon on 9/11/2001? Where's The Plane? Many Security Cameras near the Pentagon had their Video Tapes Confiscated by FBI... Never to be Released...
WTC7? Why did That Building Fall Down? No Airplane Hit World Trade Center NUMBER SEVEN... It Looks like a Controlled Demolition... Can a Fire burning wood, carpet and office equipment CAUSE a Skyscraper made of Steel to Fall Down? Note the Grenfell Tower, London that had a Massive fire, yet did not fall down!
What about the Explosions heard in the Basement of The World Trade Centers #1 and #2 on 9/11/2001... Why did those buildings fall straight down? If the Airplanes and Fires Caused Structural Damage. Why Didn't the TOP FLOORS Collapse First?
JFK Assassination? RFK Assassination? MLK Assassination?
MKULTRA Cartoon based on Mad Magazine's Spy vs Spy
Feel Free to Use Internet Search Engines to Find Out What Really Happened... Wikipedia has Some Interesting Articles...
The CIA Tested LSD on Americans Without Their Knowledge and That Lead to Massive Use Worldwide.
The FBI Infiltrated Anti Vietnam War and Civil Rights Groups to Spy and Start Illegal Actions.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_involvement_in_Contra_cocaine_trafficking The CIA Imported Cocaine by the TON in order to Finance the War in Nicaragua.
Donald Rumsfeld Sold Weapons to Iraq... Part of Ronald Reagan's CrazyWar® Plan... At One Point we Sold Weapons to Both Iraq and Iran while they were at war with each other.
The American Type Culture Corporation of Manassas, Virginia Sold ANTHRAX to Iraq...
The ATCC legally shipped 70 vials of anthrax, botulism and other deadly substances to Iraqi scientists in the 1980s -- when the U.S. and Iraq were on much friendlier terms -- all with the Commerce Department's approval.
UFO: US Navy Films verified...
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A CIA Employee Spoke to Millions of Americans and said: "Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out." - Was That the DEPLOYMENT of Project Mkultra?
That's Exactly What Happened in the Late 1960s... Dr Timothy Leary (Author of the CIA's Personality Test) Went Coast to Coast Encouraging Young People to Eat The CIA's Miracle Drug, LSD and... Stop Protesting Against The War in Vietnam... because We Were Too Busy Being Holy Men, Saints... and Wanted to Play the Guitar all Day... and Go Live in the Country and Grow Vegetables, Weed and Children... and Make Paintings, Pottery and Tie Dye T-Shirts... Write Poetry... Etc, Etc, Etc...
and All of those Interests Added Up To NOT Being a Menace to The Military Industrial Complex... Dropping Out...
SO... Was "The Sixties" part of the CIA Project Mkultra? The Part Where they Actually USED LSD as a "Weapon" Against "Enemies" in the Hope that We Would Simply Lay Down Our Arms and Surrender...
Review of the Video Game "America's Army". Brainwashing Your Children in the Comfort of Home. Programming Them To Become Killers for Corporate Profit and then Throwaway PTSD Victims...

Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The USA. Not Even Once. Ever Since Victory over Japan, Every War Has Been a BOGUS Marketing Trick Designed to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex.

Chart: US Military Deaths by War.
Massive Decline of Fatalities Right after The Sixties...
Source DOD
50th anniversary of the Summer of Love... The Diggers, Haight Ashbury, LSD and the Grateful Dead. It certainly has been a Long Strange Trip. Congratulations to all those of us who have survived... One thing is for certain... The culture of the United States was radically different After the 1960's...

The conformism of the 1950's was blown away when LSD became widely available. Owsley made the chemical and made it available at Acid Tests with Ken Kesey and the Grateful Dead. He also gave it to the Beatles for their Magical Mystery Tour. The spirit lives on in a yearly camping trip called The Rainbow Gathering. It's like Woodstock but the performers are not paid and I'm in the Band.
A Journey to the Rainbow Gathering in California 2004. Photographs and My Story... and Memories of The Gatherings in Idaho, Utah and Pennsylvania...
#DefundThePolice - LAYOFF HALF THE POLICE NATIONWIDE. Refund Their Wasted Paychecks To The Taxpayers. After All, We Do NOT Need Any More MURDERS of CITIZENS!
Write to Your Senators and Representatives.

DEFUND tRUMP'S SPACE FORCE. I Hope The Space Brothers Are Our FRIENDS Because If They Get Angry, We Are DOOMED! They Have Better Technology and Could Totally Out Gun US... Do Not Shoot Them!
An Alien Attack by UFO is Highly Unlikely....
A BETTER IDEA Would be to De-Classify the Secret UFO Anti-Gravity Propulsion Systems... We Could Reverse Engineer Them and Replace Fossil Fuel Completely... We Ought to Give EXXON-VALDEZ a Couple of Years to Invest in Other Businesses... Like Solar or Wind... because when The UFO Technology is Revealed, They will be totally OUT of the Oil Business... Maybe they could invest in the Insurance Business... Like Phillip Morris (Marlboro Cigarettes) is Doing...
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We All Ought To Live More Like Star Trek. Many Different Races Working Together to Accomplish Great Things. A Year Ago, When The President of the United States Was selling Hate... We all ought to remember our Trekkie Roots...
One reason Star Trek has become more than just a TV Show is that people can see themselves in the show. Gay, Straight, Man, Woman, Russian, Vulcan, Scotch, White, Oriental, Black, Latino, Doctor, Scientist, Hero, Bald, Klingon, Borg... There are positive people in that show for all of us...
People are AWAKENING!

Link to All My
"Hate Won't Make America Great"
Gifts For Sale
Space Exploration is our Destiny. Simply Stop Funding War and We Could Totally Afford Epic Voyages. "LET'S GO Space Truckin'"
Why NOT go to the Stars in Multi Generational
Self Sustaining Environments?
We have not invented the technology YET.
gregvan at the Franklin Museum in Philadelphia.

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