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Gentrification SOLVED the East Palo Alto Murder Problem... and... 10 Towns That Changed America... a PBS TV Show...

A California city’s transformation from ‘murder capital’ of the U.S. to zero homicides...

Gentrification COULD Be Used to Fix San Francisco's Problems in the Tenderloin District... Might Transform it into the Next South of Market District... 

In 1992, East Palo Alto was dubbed the “murder capital” of the U.S., with 42 murders in its 2.5 square miles — a per capita rate higher than that of any other city of any size. In 2023, according to East Palo Alto Police Department statistics released last week, the turnaround seemed complete: zero homicides.

Law enforcement leaders, residents and city officials point to a complicated mix of circumstances that turned a crime-ridden community into what the mayor now calls “one of the safest places to live in the peninsula.”

The San Francisco Peninsula that Mayor Antonio López referred to is home to Stanford University, the opulent town of Atherton and well-heeled Palo Alto. Residents and city leaders scoff at the overly simple idea that gentrification solved the city’s problems, although the median household income has drastically increased, and the typical home price is a little more than $900,000.

Southwest Washington DC
South West Washington DC Transformed from a Shantytown into a Clean Safe Location for High Rise Apartment Buildings
and Government Offices...

10 Towns That Changed America...

Ever since the first European settlers arrived, North America's town founders and planners have asked some big questions about how to shape the places we live.

What if we arrange our homes and businesses around an orderly grid of streets? What if we build a company town with housing for all of our workers? What if we lay out a town to provide people with more green space? What if we build homes ultra-efficiently, the way Henry Ford built cars? What if we tear down old neighborhoods to build new ones? What if we don't?

The pursuit of these "what ifs" has led to some great experiments in urban planning, with results that have impacted many other places-for better and occasionally for worse.

St. Augustine, Florida
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Salt Lake City, Utah
Riverside, Illinois
Pullman, Illinois
Greenbelt, Maryland
Levittown, New York
Southwest Washington, DC
Seaside, Florida
Pearl District, Portland, Oregon

Let's Pass the Dianne Feinstein Assault Weapons Ban Law... 
A Smart Approach to Mass Murder!
Let's Pass the Dianne Feinstein Assault Weapons Ban Law - A Proven Way to  Save American Lives.
Republican'ts Oppose the Assault Weapons Ban Because THEY ARE PRO-DEATH. but The Era of Evil is Coming to an End... 
Let's Pass the Dianne Feinstein Assault Weapons Ban - A Proven Way to  Save American Lives. We Have the Opportunity to DO THE RIGHT THING. 

Let's Pass the Dianne Feinstein Assault Weapons Ban Law - A Proven Way to  Save American Lives.  

""The GOP today is less a political party and more an inchoate mass of cultural grievances, conspiracy theories and lowest common denominator political slogans. Trump, for all his toxicity, is a symptom of the GOP's decades-long descent into madness. Legislating is not seen as a tool for bettering the plight of the American people but rather an opportunity to troll Democrats and play to the perceived slights of the party's rank-and-file supporters."
"If there is any silver lining, it is this: for all the Republican voters who love Trump, there is a larger mobilized group of voters who loathes him!!

Anti-Trump Meme - Let's Exterminate the Republicans Party Forever in 2024 - gvan42 - Zazzle Gregvan - purple64ets

Anti-Trump Meme - Let's Exterminate the Republicans Party Forever in 2024 - gvan42 - Zazzle Gregvan - purple64ets

Anti-Trump Meme - Let's Exterminate the Republicans Party Forever in 2024 - gvan42 - Zazzle Gregvan - purple64ets

Anti-Trump Meme - Let's Exterminate the Republicans Party Forever in 2024 - gvan42 - Zazzle Gregvan - purple64ets

Anti-Trump Meme - Let's Exterminate the Republicans Party Forever in 2024 - gvan42 - Zazzle Gregvan - purple64ets

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