Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

My Music Video: eARThsong - about Growing Our Own Food in Chico, Living With Horses...

This Song was written at a time that we were living in Chico, California and were surrounded by a corral with 4 horses. We were also growing many plants including Morning Glory Flowers that eventually got so tall that they climbed up to the roof of the little house. The tomato plants produced an abundance of food... quite a miracle... especially to eat them hot off the vine... the earth in Chico is dark black and fertile... 

(lyrics) Bm A D G Planting, planting, planting seeds D A D May our garden grow... Bm A D G May God bless the earth and rain D A D And sprout the seeds I sow D A D And sprout the seeds I sow CHORUS: G Bm We've been tilling soil since the dawn of time A E The fertile loam of home is nature most divine G Bm The lady with the hand upon the plow A E is identical, then and now Weeding, weeding, weeding weeds feed 'em to the horses may God bless the new-born foal and teach it natures forces and teach it natures forces Riding, riding, riding steeds just like long ago May God bless the hay they eat and set their eyes aglow and set their eyes aglow

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another Video: White Rabbit
performed by the Dirty Cello Band...

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Question from 2021:

I Wonder Why Fresh Water from The Sacramento River Flows into the Ocean? Why Not Use It To Water Crops? After All, The Colorado River is Pumped Dry... and That's a BIG River... It Dug the Grand Canyon... 

We are Having a Drought Here in California... This Water COULD be used to Grow Crops, Water Livestock, Take Showers or Make Ice Cubes for a Scotch on the Rocks... But NO... It Flows Out into The Ocean at San Francisco... 


Many People say we Need to Provide a Lot of Cool Water for the Salmon to Swim in... I Wonder... What if We Cared More about Human Life than Fish? What if the Salmon All Died in the Sacramento River... They Still Have The Klamath and Columbia Rivers to Swim in... What if We Just Pumped the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers Dry and Spread all that water over Farmland in the Central Valley... A LOT Would Evaporate and Fall as Rain When It Reached the Sierra Nevada... In Effect RECYCLING The Water... and Allowing the Hydroelectric Power Plants to Generate Electricity... In My Area, SMUD Generates all Electricity Using Power Plants on the American River... But They Create NO Electricity Without Rain... 


closeup of golden bear at the Klamath River Bridge - Yurok Reservation

Sadly... The Klamath is a River is Having a Water Crisis too... It is Home to The YUROK and HOOPA Tribes. When I worked at the Welfare office in Eureka I Had a LOT Of Contact With People from those Tribes... They REALLY Understand The Salmon as They Have been Living in Harmony for a Thousand Years... The Fish have a FIVE Year Cycle and If One Year (like 2021) has a Massive Kill then The Total Population is Reduced by 20%... The Four Years of Salmon living in the Ocean are not Affected... 

We Had a Massive Kill During the Presidency of George Bush the Son... Same Problem... The Potato Farmers in Oregon wanted the Water for crops but the Fishermen wanted to Keep the Fish Alive... My Brother in Law is a Tourist Fly Fisherman who came out here from Delaware on Vacation specifically to Fish the Klamath and Trinity River... 

What Finally Happened was there was a Huge Loss of Money for the Motel Owners, Tour Guides and Restaurants who depend on the Salmon to Attract Tourists... about ten times the Increase in profit of the Potato Farmers... 

Photo of the Yurok Golden Bear at the Klamath River Bridge

Photo of the Golden Bear on the Klamath River Bridge... This is where Highway 101 Crosses the River... It's the Location of the Tribal Headquarters... and I Always stopped there to Buy Gas (no California Taxes on a Reservation) and Get a big bottle of Coke...  


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