Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

I Did a Scientific Experiment On How Drugs Effect My Skill Level Playing Chess. Results: Coffee Made Me Play Better. Alcohol and Marijuana Made me Worse. LSD Made Me Reject the Entire Idea of Tests and I Refused to Play Games...

It was a Simple Test and You Could Recreate it Yourself for a "PEER REVIEW" - I owned a Chess Computer that Played at Different Skill Levels... I Took Those Drugs - I Played against the Machine and Determined What Level I Could Beat the Machine... and That's Why... all these years later... the only drug I take is Coffee... and a Dozen "Doctor Drugs" That Don't Seem to Do Anything but Don't Seem to Do Any Harm Either... "One Pill Makes You Larger, and One Pill Makes You Small... and The Ones That Mother Gives You Don't Do Anything at All... Go Ask Alice... " - Grace Slick 

Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics - meme - gvan42
We Ought to Let Doctors and Patients Determine What the Best Treatment is For Themselves... DUH...

Caffeine can cause a short, but dramatic increase in your blood pressure, even if you don't have high blood pressure. It's unclear what causes this spike in blood pressure. Some researchers believe that caffeine could block a hormone that helps keep your arteries widened...

We Need to Invent a way to distribute electricity safely... The WIRES that PG&E Use Cause Wildfires... Like Paradise... If we all Just Generated Electricity at the Home we could do away with wires entirely... on obvious solution is to install Solar Powered Streetlights... That would eliminate a LOT of the Need for WIRES... another thing to do is buy a Diesel Generator and Solar Cells on the Roof... Then UNPLUG From PG&E Entirely... Get Ready, this Summer is Scheduled to Be the Worst Wildfire Season Ever... Look at How Early Spring Came and The Drought... The Entire Western USA is in Danger...

"Lessons Learned" by Gregory Vanderlaan. A Lifetime of Trial, Error and Survival Yielded These Words of Wisdom... For Maximum Effect, Don't Read This Book. Write Your Own!

Orange Rose at Home
Intentionally Seek Beauty

"Live Your Life as If Every Action Was Going to Be Published on the Front Page of the Newspaper." - J. D. Vanderlaan

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Secret Trick to Life: Learn How To Do a FACT CHECK on Google. That Way People CAN'T Lie to You. Because You Refuse To Believe Their Lies...Simply Type the Words "Fact Check" and the Statement You Want to Verify... Read the Results... It Can Be Quite Eye Opening!

Owning a Gun Makes Your Own Family Less Safe and Puts the Rest of Us in Danger.

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I remember Playing Volleyball on Magic Mushrooms at a Grateful Dead New Years Eve Show in San Francisco... Bill Graham Let people in WAY Early... and It was Something to Do To Pass the Time Before the Concert... BIG FUN!

Rainbow Spiral Multiverse Multiple Rainbow Spirals form a Trance Inducing Icon. A Visual Mantra. You May Add Words if You Want To... The Name of Your Band or Business... or a Slogan... Manifesto...
Rainbow Spiral Multiverse  Multiple Rainbow Spirals form a Trance Inducing Icon. A Visual Mantra. You May Add Words if You Want To... The Name of Your Band or Business... or a Slogan... Manifesto...   rainbow, spiral, multiverse, trance, bliss, gvan42, automatic, hypnosis, freedom, quest
Original Art Printed on Many Different Types of Gifts:

LINK to all my Spiral Artwork Printed on Gifts:

LINK to all my Most Popular Rainbow Gifts:

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As We All Learned by Reading the Book: "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" the Secret Trick to Life is: Pay Attention and Notice Reality... The Universe Does Not Change Due To Your Believing Lies... NOPE... Awaken!

Hey TrumpNiks Wake Up selfie gvan42

In Fact, The USA is Better Off Now That Trump Has Been Banished to Mar-A-Loser Florida... 

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