The US House is STILL Broken so Republicans Go On Vacation... No Plan for ACTUALLY Doing anything to Make America Great... NONE AT ALL...
They are All TrumpNik® Swamp Creatures... Trumpanzees!
Write Your Senator & Representative and Tell 'em NO MONEY FOR ENDLESS WAR. No US Soldiers to Fight in OTHER PEOPLE'S WARS. Frankly, I Believe there are Bad People on Both Sides... and if they Kill Each Other... EXCELLENT! Dead People Stop Behaving Bad!
Tell 'em What You Think! They Won't Know Unless You Tell 'em... DUH

To be Fair... The US Government Does SOME Things That Are Good. I Like the Interstate Highway System. I Like The DARPANET that became The Internet. I Like National Parks... I liked Going to the Moon... AND... UH... UH... I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE AT THIS MOMENT... But Give me a Moment...
OK... I Like the Fact That We Won World War Two. Dropping Atom Bombs on Japan CURED Their Bad Attitude Problem... and They Switched from Being Insane War Mongers to Becoming Rather Nice People That Build Great Cars and Electronics...
However... Every War Since then Has Been BOGUS... I asked a Korean War Veteran: "What Was that War all About? Why Were We There?" and He Said... "I Have No Idea! and If You Find Out, Please Tell Me!"
and the US Government Has Forced Americans to Go Fight in Extremely STUPID WARS for No Reason... Vietnam, Nicaragua, Iraq and Afghanistan... We Lost them All and NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!
on the Other hand... The US Government was PURE EVIL When They Outlawed Marijuana, LSD, Peyote and Magic Mushrooms... WOW... Those People That Write Laws are BRIBED PUPPETS of the Alcohol Industry and The Pharmaceutical Business... not to forget GUNS... The GUN Laws are Insane and OBVIOUS BRIBERY Is The Cause...
Someone ELSE for President 2024 - I Don't Like Any of the Current Candidates. Remember, Kamala Harris is REALLY LIKELY to Become President if Joe Dies.
Keep that in Mind when Voting for Old Men... Trump is Knock, Knock, Knocking on Hell's Door also... and we don't know WHO his Vice President Will Be...
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at Zazzle Gregvan
Of Course, Since I Live in California MY VOTE Doesn't Really Matter... all Electoral College Votes will go to the Democratic Candidate... I Skipped Voting in 2016 and California Went to Hillary... Somehow They Got along without Me just fine...
LINK to All My "Someone Else" Buttons and Hats!

In 2024 I Will Vote for Joe Biden if He Survives until Election Day... Because Kamala Would make a Fine President... and We MUST BEAT TRUMP LIKE A PINATA!

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THIS is the Link to My Main Page
at Zazzle Gregvan
Of Course, Since I Live in California MY VOTE Doesn't Really Matter... all Electoral College Votes will go to the Democratic Candidate... I Skipped Voting in 2016 and California Went to Hillary... Somehow They Got along without Me just fine...
LINK to All My "Someone Else" Buttons and Hats!

In 2024 I Will Vote for Joe Biden if He Survives until Election Day... Because Kamala Would make a Fine President... and We MUST BEAT TRUMP LIKE A PINATA!