Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

JET SETTERS: When Will They Ever Learn? Flying causes Climate Change... Records were broken for travel on Thanksgiving, 2024 as the vast majority of Americans just don't get it!

On TV news I see that mindless vegetables are unhappy at the airport... Huge crowds, delays, lost luggage... 

Frankly it's a lot more fun to Simply stay at home and visit your family on the computer... Zoom zoom zoom!

And then the public complains about hurricanes, wildfires and tornadoes without realizing that their own behavior is making the problems worse... And the Mad Man Donald Trump says: "Human caused climate change is a hoax." - just like he said Coronavirus was "the Democratic hoax"... And then over a million Americans died... 

Here's a little historical event... An IT outage has caused Delays and Cancellations with airlines across Globe. Worldwide travel chaos after cybersecurity update hits IT systems...

Microsoft users hit with ‘blue screen of death’ after massive outage...
“CrowdStrike is actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts. Mac and Linux hosts are not impacted,” CEO George Kurtz said in a statement on X. CHROMEBOOK NOT IMPACTED... ONLY MICROSNOT

JET SETTERS: When Will They Ever Learn? Causing Air Pollution and Climate Change is No Longer "Totally Groovy" 

Labor Day Weekend 2023... The Largest Quantity of Flyers Ever... Obviously "Someone" is Not Getting the Message... Ecology is Important!

January 11th, 2023: Thousands of Flights Delayed or Cancelled... Instant Karma?

... SO... The Universe Delivers a Stern Message! Get Stuck in an Airport!

JET SETTERS: When Will They Ever Learn? Causing Air Pollution and Climate Change is No Longer "Groovy"

DO NOT FLY on Jet Airplanes... 

Remember: Climate activist Greta Thunberg made a double crossing of the Atlantic Ocean in 2019 to attend climate conferences in New York City and, until it was moved, Santiago, Chile. She sailed from Plymouth, UK, to New York, United States aboard the racing yacht Malizia II, returning from Hampton, Virginia, to Lisbon on the catamaran La Vagabonde. Thunberg refuses to fly because of the carbon emissions of the airline industry[1] and the trip was announced as carbon neutral.

You All Breathe The Same Air and Infect Each Other with The FLU & COVID... 
and They Keep On Falling Out of the Sky! Especially Boeing 737 - Danger Danger!

Just Visit Your Friends and Business Contacts on the Internet using Picture Phone... Zoom, Skype Etc... No Need to Actually Travel using Jet Airplanes... 

Airplane Graveyard - Where your Military Budget goes to Rust Forever
What happens when an aircraft is no longer needed and its engines are turned off and allowed to cool down for the final time? What comes after that?

Headline: American Airlines Ditches Social Distancing, Will Book Planes At Full Capacity... Endangering Passengers...

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
and Now, For Something Completely Different...
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Trippy Hippie Gifts for Charity. BENEFIT ART SALE!  Original COSMIC Designs Painted on Coffee Cups, Buttons, Earrings, Posters and BLING! zazzle/gregvan

Free Coloring Book Art Feel Free to Print as Many Copies as you Like and Color Using Felt Pens, pencils... Share With Friends... gvan42
Free Coloring Book Art
Feel Free to Print as Many Copies as you Like
and Color Using Felt Pens, pencils...
Share With Friends...
Free Coloring Book Art Feel Free to Print as Many Copies as you Like and Color Using Felt Pens, pencils... Share With Friends... gvan42
Free Coloring Book Art Feel Free to Print as Many Copies as you Like and Color Using Felt Pens, pencils... Share With Friends... gvan42

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