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Join the Cult of Moral Greyness! Now Accepting GNU Members... Anti-Heroes, Misunderstood Victims and those who Embrace Immorality! BIG FUN!

I found this Paragraph in a Debate in Facebook about the Electoral College. Is it a Good Idea or Totally BOGUS? The Author is Dr. Victor Koman. 

He said: "Strange... I remember when it was the Left that accused the Right of being moralistic and uptight for not merely believing in right and wrong, but believing in reflecting morality in law and culture. The intellectual/artistic Left reacted by promoting the cult of moral grayness, creating TV and movies and novels with "anti-heroes", making villains from literature and history into "misunderstood" victims or even heroes in their own way. Pornography was defended and celebrated and immorality was embraced."

I believe it is important to understand the difference between fiction and reality. While there are "anti-heroes" in books, TV and movies, they are much less significant than real life mass murderers. Compare the CHARACTER played by Peter Fonda in "Easy Rider" with George W Bush the Son. I have spoken to actual people that were Iraq War Veterans suffering from PTSD. I worked at the Welfare Department in Eureka, California and my job was to interview real people who were applying for Food Stamps, MediCal, MediCare, General Relief and Social Security Disability benefits. Many of our Clients were Homeless Veterans. Every single one of them believed that the US Government was Totally Wrong about Going to War in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some believed that George W Bush the son was DEMONICALLY POSSESSED... They felt that SATAN was running the US Military. That's the opinion of people who served, and then couldn't take care of themselves when they got back home. The Experience of Committing Murder for Corporate Profit drove those men Mad. We did offer free rent and food stamps... a bed in a room with roommates in a big old Victorian House and about enough Food Stamps to eat for Two Weeks a Month. We also pointed out the location of the free meals... BUT, they had to quit drinking and smoking weed, meth & heroin. Many did not want to stop their addictions... Many found relief from the nightmares by smoking weed and drinking booze... It's a Fact of life that Booze and Drugs Ease the pain... Especially PTSD... The Vietnam Veterans Organization offered Housing and Food every day but many Veterans ridiculed that offer. They said, "If I wanted Free Food and a Home in the Barracks, I'd Just Re-UP and they would also give me a Paycheck." 

In Contrast, None of my Homeless Clients Blamed CHARACTERS in a Movie for their troubles... "reflecting morality in law and culture" is a TOTALLY BIZARRO WORLD concern and has NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH REALITY. Obviously, "The Right" has totally lost touch with the concept of Right and Wrong.Recently, President Trump has approved the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia to be used to kill people in Yemen... The US Congress voted to block this sale but they did not get ENOUGH Republicriminals to make it a VETO PROOF VOTE. Somehow those people feel that killing People in Yemen is a Good Idea! INSANE! 

I have heard of a Movie influencing a person's behavior... A Young Couple in the South took LSD and then watched the Movie "Natural Born Killers" and they they took a road trip and killed people... REALLY! ...and then... There was The Manson Family... OFTEN pointed to as an example of "Hippie Debauchery" and a LOSS of Family Values... (for sake of argument, let's ignore the influence of Charlie spending over half of his life in Jail) ...and... The Altamont Rock Concert where a member of The Hell's Angels Motorcycle Gang Murdered a person... All of these events are part of American History and I Believe they Really Happened. AND We got that Great TV Show "Charlie's Angels" about a Mysterious Powerful Man who got women to do things For Him... Just Like The REAL Charlie who did not actually kill anyone, he got "The Angels" to kill for him. Of Course, when they submitted the plot to the TV Show production gurus, they switched from a BAD CHARLIE to a GOOD CHARLIE... Hey, better ratings, larger demographic, get kids to watch it too... and we can sell DOLLS if we hare Beautiful Women to play the parts. One fact of life is that Charles Manson's Girls tried to earn a living as Topless Dancers in LA but they were NOT HIRED... 

For those of you Keeping Score, The Manson Family KILLED Seven People, The Natural Born Killers Movie Fans Killed Two people and Altamont had One Fatality... A Grand Total of TEN People. DO THE MATH! I George Bush the Son caused over 6,000 fatalities in his wars in Iraq and Afghanistan... does that mean he is A THOUSAND TIMES AS BAD AS CHARLES MANSON? Yes, It Does!

"Reflecting Morality in Law." What the Fuct! Is this supposed to imply that Republicriminals WROTE LAWS that Reflected Morality? The Patriot ACT is a perfect example... Authorizing Spying on Americans.. Very similar to the ANTI-HERO of George Orwell's 1984... Big Brother is Watching You.

I often hear the excuse "But Mommy, all the Other Kids are doing it, Why Can't I?" For example: some Right Wing Whack Jobs state that Democratic Presidents were Mass Murderers also and that makes the INSANITY of Nixon, Reagan, Bush the Father, Bush the Son and Trump all Forgiven... It's True that Lyndon Johnson Continued the Vietnam War that Kennedy Started... and in the end 58,000 Americans Died for Nothing. Well, LBJ went back to his ranch and DRANK HIMSELF TO DEATH. Instant Karma Gonna Get You! said John Lennon. Libertarians recommends that we take the power to start a war away from the President. Fine Idea until we actually get attacked... and then that idealistic and naive plan fails. We actually have experienced ATTACKS ON THE USA and It was Really Wonderful that Our President was Commander in Chief of the Military. World War Two and 9/11 are perfect examples of why we need to keep the chain of command exactly as it is now. Libertarian Ideas just Make No Sense. Unless you are a CHARACTER in a Book, Like The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged or The Turner Diaries... True, after 9/11 we blew up the wrong country but... that was all George Tenet's Fault... supposedly... at least that's what Evil Dick Cheney says NOW... What ever happened to Donald Rumsfeld? I never hear anything about him. Condi Rice is teaching College at Stanford. Cheney is Campaigning for his Daughter to be Senator from Wyoming. Colin Powell is sometimes seen as a Talking Head on TV News Shows like CNN and MSNBC... Infotainment shows... 30 seconds of news and five minutes of commentary teaching you what to think. 

I look forward to joining another "Cult of Moral Greyness." Presided over by the Nattering Nabobs of Negativity... Did you ever see Rachael Maddow's TV Show about Spiro Agnew the Vice President under Richard Nixon... for a while... until he had to resign in disgrace for taking bribes and getting CAUGHT! Then Nixon appointed Gerald Ford to be Vice President and Later, Ford repaid the favor by Pardoning Nixon... Quid Pro Quo? OH NO! I'm Shocked, Shocked to find Gambling Going on in this Casino! - Casablanca.

I actually have some practical Life experience with Cults... And The WERE Morally Grey! First, I attended 39 Grateful Dead Concerts and ate LSD often. Second, I Joined Alcoholics Anonymous... Often described by outsiders as a Brainwashing Sex Cult. I Have to agree that it's Actually True BUT THAT'S BETTER THAN DRINKING. 

Open the Doors of Perception - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan Self Portrait

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