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FACT CHECK: Pfizer Took NO MONEY From Operation Warp Speed to Develop Coronavirus Vaccine. tRUMP CAUGHT LYING AGAIN.

Pfizer Vaccine’s Funding Came From Berlin, Not Washington. It’s said that success has many authors, and the encouraging data from Pfizer Inc.’s experimental Covid-19 vaccine had plenty of people in Washington lining up to take credit.

Vice President Mike Pence was among Trump administration officials saying support from the government’s Operation Warp Speed program helped accelerate the development of the vaccine, which was found to be more than 90% effective in preventing symptomatic Covid-19 infections in an interim analysis.

The truth is that Pfizer didn’t receive any funding from Operation Warp Speed for the development, clinical trial and manufacturing of the vaccine. Rather, its partner, BioNTech SE, has received money -- from the German government.

Germany funded the development of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine—not U.S.’s Operation Warp Speed.

2,951 Americans Died from Trump's Coronavirus on 12/11/2020 #ArrestInfectedDonaldNOW
2,951 Americans Died from Trump's Coronavirus on 12/11/2020

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - Flying Saucer with a Friendly Alien Waving at You - SPACE BROTHERS
Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42
Flying Saucer with a Friendly Alien Waving at You.

There is No Real Need for Trump's Space Force
as Alien Invasion is Unlikely.
Love Your Space Brothers Don't Shoot Them! 

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