Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Now That I Have Become a Member of the Silent Majority, I Totally Support the FBI ARRESTING Crazy TrumpNiksĀ® #FundThePolice - We Will Need a LOT of Empty Jail Cells for Domestic Terrorists... So... FREE ALL THE CANNABIS PRISONERS to Make Room!

Vote Democratic Nationwide - meme - gvan42 - please share on social media - thanks!
Vote Democratic Nationwide - meme 
- gvan42 - 
please share on social media - thanks!

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On 12/6/2020 I Wrote The Following Blog Post... I've Changed My Mind Since Then! I Find That WHEN I'M WRONG It's Really Easy For Me to Change My Mind... Try IT! You Might Like IT!

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Let's Cut The Police Force in Half. How to Contact Your Senators and Representatives. Fewer Police = More Safety. Police Need MORE TRAINING About How to STOP MURDERING UNARMED CITIZENS
You may phone the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate or House office you request.

Senate EMAIL:

House EMAIL:

They Won't Know Your Opinion Unless You Contact Them... 

Here is what I Wrote to Ami Bera and Dianne Feinstein:

"Let's CUT the Police Force in Half Nationwide. 
Fewer Police = More Safety. Let's Lay Off Half of the Policemen and Refund Their Wasted Salaries TO THE TAXPAYERS. Since ACTUAL CRIME is Down, Why Do We Need So Many Cops? Legalize Marijuana Nationwide and Free ALL The Cannabis Prisoners. More VOLUNTARY TAXES going into the Government's Coffers and LESS SPENT on Law Enforcement. EVERYBODY WINS!"

and... To Kamala Harris I Said:

"Let's Cut The Police Force in Half Nationwide. Refund Their Wasted Salaries to the Taxpayers. and... Legalize Marijuana, Free All the Cannabis Prisoners.

Police are a Menace to Society. Fewer Police means More Safety. Fire Half of them. Retrain them to Do USEFUL WORK... and... Legalize Marijuana Nationwide. Collect VOLUNTARY TAXES on it. Free All the Cannabis Prisoners. That Means MORE MONEY GOING INTO THE GOVERNMENT AND LESS SPENT ON LAW ENFORCEMENT. Everybody Wins. We Could Use the Empty Jail Cells as a Homeless Shelter..." 

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Remember: The Actual Crime Rate Is Down. Let's Lay Off Half The Police For LACK OF NEED... They are Bored, Heavily Armed with Nothing to Do and Therefore It's No Surprise That They GET IN TROUBLE...

Highway Patrol Cars at an Earth First! Tree Sitter Eviction.  No Traffic Problems in this Forest.
Highway Patrol Cars at an Earth First! Tree Sitter Eviction.
No Traffic Problems in this Forest.

Read a Newspaper Article I Wrote for the Humboldt State University Lumberjack Newspaper: 

Welcome to Freshwater, California USA. Location of a year long tree-sit Protesting Logging of the Redwood Forest. The people living in the trees were evicted by Eric Schatz... A Sub contractor working for MAXXAM Corporation.

View from the top of Freshwater Valley near Eureka, California. Looking at the Ocean... Now that MAXXAM has cut down all the trees, it's easy to get a fine view of the valley below. 

Freshwater, CA Ecology Protest Tree Sit Earth First! - Redwood Trees

We went to a tree-sit/ecology action where 9 Earth First!ers were arrested. (full text of newspaper article I wrote) It Happened on Greenwood Heights road. That road goes very far up into the hills of the Trinity Alps near the area called Kneeland. It's a totally different climate up there in comparison to Eureka. It's hot grassland with cattle ranches.

Freshwater, CA Ecology Protest Tree Sit Earth First! - Redwood Trees
This is a picture of the clearcut forest two years later when pampas grass has grown where redwood trees used to be.

Freshwater, CA Ecology Protest Tree Sit Earth First! - Redwood Trees
Scenes before the trees were all cut down... very dark pictures in the forest... Protesters watch the eviction of the treesitters by Eric Schatz... a contractor that specializes in removing ecology activists from PALCO trees... yep, that's a business here in Eureka...

Freshwater, CA Ecology Protest Tree Sit Earth First! - Redwood Trees
 Eco-Action Families... the forest people...

"No Compromise 
in the Defense of Mother Earth"

Read More Here:

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4th of July Tip: Many Veterans Hate Surprise Firecrackers. They Think That The Enemy is Shooting at Them. SO... If You are at a Party With Veterans... Don't Blow Things UP!

and DOGS Don't Like Firecrackers Either... 

Fireworks Safety - Smart Plan - Don't Burn Down The Freaking Forest - meme

Remembering Veterans:
Vietnam Veterans - The Wall That Heals - a Traveling Wall for People That Can't Travel to Washington DC
Vietnam Veterans - "The Wall That Heals"
a Traveling Wall for People That Can't
Travel to Washington DC

in Loleta, California... at the Bear River Casino...

I heard a flock of Motorcycles Drive by my house on Highway 101, then followed them to the exhibit.

The Bikers were escorting this Traveling Wall That Heals all around the country... 

Vietnam Veterans Traveling Wall That Heals Memorial

Vietnam Veterans Traveling Wall That Heals Memorial

Vietnam Veterans Traveling Wall That Heals Memorial

Vietnam Veterans Traveling Wall That Heals Memorial

Vietnam Veterans Traveling Wall That Heals Memorial

Vietnam Veterans Traveling Wall That Heals Memorial

Vietnam Veterans Traveling Wall That Heals Memorial

The Wall That Heals: Mobile Exhibit. On Veterans Day 1996, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) unveiled a half-scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., designed to travel to communities throughout the United States.

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How to fix the Waiting for Edge Chat error in the Farmville Game. DELETE COOKIES, RESTART GAME. and tips for playing Farmville.

In Google Chrome: Delete History/Clear Browsing Data prevents the error message from appearing... I keep the Passwords only...

Be aware that you will have to sign in again to all the websites you like... but the passwords will be stored, so that's easy to do... be aware that this is a temporary fix... I have to do it every time I want to play Farmville... and I have read that this infection happens on all games.

I Check EVERYTHING except passwords... 

A simple way to avoid annoying error messages on the computer is to put a piece of paper over the location of the message... often while I play Farmville, it says "waiting for edge chat facebook com" ... because the game is failing to connect with something I don't care about... the message is always in the lower left hand corner of the screen... so, a piece of paper folded in half removes that message from my sight...

Optional: Run Disk Cleanup... Good to do Occasionally... 
When I run Disk Cleanup... I select My Files Only, 
Drive C: OK... OK... Are You Sure? Delete Files.
deleting unnecessary files from my computer. 

Sometimes the error message will re-appear days later... so once again I delete history in Google Chrome... everything except passwords and the message stops appearing...

Clear cache and cookies

Cookies, which are files created by websites youā€™ve visited, and your browserā€™s cache, which helps pages load faster, make it easier for you to browse the web.

Clearing your browserā€™s cache and cookies means that website settings (like usernames and passwords) will be deleted and some sites might appear to be a little slower because all of the images have to be loaded again.

How to clear cache and cookies in Google Chrome.
Open Chrome.
On your browser toolbar, click the Chrome menu Chrome menu.
Click More tools > Clear browsing data.
In the box that appears, click the checkboxes for "Cookies and other site and plug-in data" and "Cached images and files."
Use the menu at the top to select the amount of data that you want to delete. Choose beginning of time to delete everything.
Click Clear browsing data.


Waiting for:

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