Mandala Art ...and... Why Not WAKE UP? Face It, The 1950s are Over... The Time has come to STOP Being Obedient. Think for Yourself and Question Authority...

Mandala by gvan42

Chippy by gvan42

Psychedelic Art animated gif by gvan42

Why Not WAKE UP? Face It, The 1950s are Over... The Time has come to STOP Being Obedient. Think for Yourself and Question Authority...

It's Fun, It's Free and Everybody's Doing It!  Republicans depend upon Uneducated Voters to DO WHAT THEY ARE TOLD. Did you ever notice the ENDLESS LYING of Trump and his Brainwashed Minions? They Keep on Repeating Their Lies until people believe them...

Like my Uncle said... "In the 1950s, When the Government told you to go to War, You Just Went."

Then the 1960s happened and HUGE QUANTITIES of people learned to "Think For Yourself and Question Authority." - A quote from Dr. Timothy Leary...

American Donut in Nano-Nano Land

"Greed, For Lack of a Better Word, SUCKS!" - Michael Douglas MisQuote from the Movie About Michael Milken - Question Consumerism. Does Wayfair Really Deliver Ecstasy? Everlasting Bliss? and a List of Politicians being Bribed by the NRA...

THEY SAY that Money Can't Buy Happiness... If you have been paying attention you will have noticed that "They" say a LOT of Crazy Things... I have Money and I'm Happy. Happier than when I was Poor. Yes, it's true that INSANE GREED FREAKS appear to be having trouble with Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome but... Most People are Happier with Money. 

MEME - compulsive hoarding of money syndrome - gvan42

Smokey the Bear is Lying. Most Forest Fires are Caused by Lightning and YOU Can't Do Anything about Lightning... So Why Is He Laying a Guilt Trip On People? "Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires." is a Slogan that is Obviously False and Once Children REALIZE that they have been lied to they start to Question Authority and Think For Themselves. 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Do Doctor Drugs Make People Sick? Sometimes YES. Question IF The Prescriptions are Doing Harm, Doing Nothing or Doing Good IN YOUR INDIVIDUAL CASE.

Of Course, It is Very Difficult to Tell when Your Prescriptions are For Psychiatric Problems... In My Case LITHIUM did Harm... My Friend says LITHIUM Helped Him. Everyone is Different. 

Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics Sticker FOR SALE!

They might be helpful to some patients... but we will never really know because psychedelics are illegal. What's up with that?

When I Was "Whacked Out of My Mind on Psych Meds" I Was in No Position To Accurately Evaluate Their Supposed Benefit. By LUCK, I Moved to a Different Town, The Prescriptions Ran Out and I Couldn't Find a Doctor to Refill them... AND MY HEALTH IMPROVED GREATLY. 


Remember: 400,000 Dead Oxycontin Patients. Their Doctors Prescribed the Medicine (Poison) that Killed Them. This is a Truly Difficult Drug Because... OF Course... "It Works!" It DOES Relieve Pain... I Know... I Bought some Opium at a Grateful Dead Concert and When Smoked, I Became the Cheshire Cat from the Alice in Wonderland Book. No PAIN AT ALL... 

MANY People I Know are in Better Health Because They Stopped Taking Doctor Drugs.

On a Related Subject. If Your Doctor Refers You to a Specialist for Tests... They Might be Totally Unneeded Tests... In my case, My Doctor Recommended an Eye Test "Because I'm Diabetic" ... Well, I Declined because... MY EYESIGHT IS FINE... and... I'm Not a Diabetic... I'm Borderline and have been borderline for over a decade... I Test my Blood Sugar every day and every day the results are in the GREEN ZONE... I Might Become Diabetic IN THE FUTURE but Right Now... In My Humble Opinion.. The Trip to the Eye Doctor is BOGUS... I did go to the FOOT DOCTOR "because I'm Diabetic" and that was a really short visit... Just In, Doctor said NO PROBLEM and Out... Could it be a referral just to get More Money from Medicare? A Way to Increase Profit? A Flim-Flam? and the part that is Really Important is that BY VISITING THAT WAITING ROOM, I EXPOSED MYSELF TO OTHER PATIENTS THAT COULD HAVE COMMUNICABLE DISEASES. Something to Think About... My Believing the Doctor's Lies Put Me In Danger...
ART - Infinity Sign Made of Spheres by Gregory Vanderlaan AKA gvan42
Infinity Sign Made of Spheres

Infinite Rainbow Coffee Mug for sale.

Magic Art with an Infinity Sign floating over a psychedelic design by gvan42
Infinite Rainbow Coffee Mug
Infinite Rainbow Coffee Mug
by gregvan

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