Hartford N. Gunn Jr.
John Macy
James Day
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Sesame Street - an American Miracle |
I'm Glad That I Made A Difference With My Life. At Work, I Helped People... So Many People Do Evil Because It Pays a Lot of Money... That's CRAZY!
For Seven Years I Worked at The Welfare Office in Eureka, California Helping Poor People Get Jobs, Food Stamps, Medi-Cal, Social Security Disability, and General Relief (Free Rent) ... We Also Had a "ONE WAY Bus Ride" Out of Humboldt County. Very Popular and Truly Useful... GTFO!
Many People Wind Up as Homeless People in Eureka... Some are Veterans Who Have PTSD... Some are Battered Wives... Some are Recently Paroled From Prison... and... Some are Kids Who Came Here to Work as Trimmers at the Marijuana Farms. That is Seasonal Work and When the Harvest is Over... They are all Laid Off and Are Broke, Homeless, Stoned, Confused and Hungry... We Feed 'em and Send them Right Back to YO MAMA's House... I Cannot Count How Many People I Have Helped... and they ALL were in Desperate Trouble... We Also Helped People Find a Room To Rent, Find a Doctor and FIND OUT WHERE THE FREE MEAL IS... There are Two... The Eureka Rescue Mission on 2nd Street at "C" and the Betty Chin Truck at the Corner of Koster and Washington Streets... (that's where the Welfare office is)
My Life was NOT Always Doing Good... I DID Work for Six Years Making Electronic Equipment for the US Air Force... High Pay but Evil Work... Making Weapons... However, I Grasped The Concept of "Right Livelihood" and Switched to Designing Machines for the US Postal Service... Much More Fun to DO GOOD! We Also Designed Computers to Prevent Bank Robbers from Stealing Money using an ATM... and We Designed Computers that Remembered The Patients "Chart" for Doctors. That was a Big Deal in 1976... Now, ALL Doctors Store Patient's Information on a Computer... Useful!
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Gregory Vanderlaan at Mount Shasta. |
Consider the Fact That There are People That Work at Dow Chemical, Monsanto or Dupont... Making Horrible Poisons and Causing Sickness... Harming People... All for Profit... Imagine Being the Guy Who Invented Agent Orange or Napalm... Or RoundUP... or Plastic... WOW... all that Stuff is Killing Life on Earth! On Their Deathbed They Can Look Back on a Life of Evil... Every Day Making the World a Worse Place To Live... Imagine Being the Guy that Invented the Gasoline Powered Leaf Blower... That's Basically an Expensive, Noisy, Polluting RAKE... A Total Disaster!
Another Example: There are People Who Work at Wall Street Doing Mergers and Acquisitions... They Do Hostile Takeovers of Actual Businesses, Lay Off Employees, Sell Equipment and Make a Huge Profit for themselves...
A Classic Example of this is Charles Hurwitz of MAXXAM Corperation and Michael Milken, The Junk Bond King. They Bought The Pacific Lumber Company of Northern California. Vastly Increased The Logging of Old Growth Redwoods... Hid the Profits in Shell Companies, Stole the Employee Pension Fund and Then... When the Highly Profitable Trees Were All Cut Down... Hurwitz Declared bankruptcy and Went Back To Texas... Keeping The Money.
The Employees Suffered, The Trees Died, The Ecology of the Forest was Damaged (mudslides) and Animals Were Harmed When their Homes (Trees) Were Clearcut. All Because ONE MAN Was Insane... and He's NOT DEAD YET!
He was also Part of the Savings and Loan Crisis of the 1980s... Costing the American Taxpayer 1.6 Billion Dollars... and a Hostile Takeover of Kaiser Aluminum and It's Bankruptcy.
What Does a Hedge Fund Manager DO? Do They Create Goods? Jobs? Services? Anything? A Classic Example of a Parasite...
"Doing Evil for Money - a Novel" by Gregory Vanderlaan [another NSA Kiss and Tell Book]
Preface: I Have Had Personal Experience Working as a Defense Contractor Designing Equipment for the Air Force. By Accident I Got Laid off and the Next Job was for the United States Postal Service... Designing Machines for Sorting Mail and Vending Stamps... I Felt a Lot Happier DOING GOOD WITH MY LIFE instead of DOING EVIL. Making Weapons is Fundamentally Unsatisfying... What if My Stuff Actually Got Used? HOWEVER... It Was High Pay and so I Gladly Did Evil for Money... Most People Would... I Had a Wife and a Mortgage and was what was Called a Yuppie... Soon to Be Divorced and We Sold the House and That was Freeing... Believe it or Not, During the Late 1970s I Had DOUBTS About My Hippie Values... What IF We Were Wrong During the Sixties?
and I Was a Stranger in a Strange Land. The Only Californian Living and Working in McLean, Virginia... Everyone Else I Knew Had No Doubt At All about Working for the Military Industrial Complex... They Were All "East Coast" People... Even that Math Wizard that Seemed to Have No Tasks at Work... He Had a Decorative Box on His Coffee Table at Home Filled With Marijuana... Even He Was Not Concerned With War and Peace...
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Chapter Zero: A Continuation of "The Violet Overgrow: An Eco-Warrior's Journey"
Preface: I Have Had Personal Experience Working as a Defense Contractor Designing Equipment for the Air Force. By Accident I Got Laid off and the Next Job was for the United States Postal Service... Designing Machines for Sorting Mail and Vending Stamps... I Felt a Lot Happier DOING GOOD WITH MY LIFE instead of DOING EVIL. Making Weapons is Fundamentally Unsatisfying... What if My Stuff Actually Got Used? HOWEVER... It Was High Pay and so I Gladly Did Evil for Money... Most People Would... I Had a Wife and a Mortgage and was what was Called a Yuppie... Soon to Be Divorced and We Sold the House and That was Freeing... Believe it or Not, During the Late 1970s I Had DOUBTS About My Hippie Values... What IF We Were Wrong During the Sixties?
and I Was a Stranger in a Strange Land. The Only Californian Living and Working in McLean, Virginia... Everyone Else I Knew Had No Doubt At All about Working for the Military Industrial Complex... They Were All "East Coast" People... Even that Math Wizard that Seemed to Have No Tasks at Work... He Had a Decorative Box on His Coffee Table at Home Filled With Marijuana... Even He Was Not Concerned With War and Peace...
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Chapter Zero: A Continuation of "The Violet Overgrow: An Eco-Warrior's Journey"
Chapter Zero:
"tRUMP's EPA=Enable Polluters Agency." Shouted Suzy into the Megaphone. "Let's Flip The Mission! Bring Back Protection of the Environment! #FRANCE1789 #FRANCE1789" and Everybody Chanted Along... "#FRANCE1789... #FRANCE1789..."
They Were at a Protest March in Arcata, CA... Disrupting the Military Industrial Complex...
Billy Replied: "Oh Susan, You Are Just Preaching to The Choir Here... All These Earth First! People ALREADY Agree With You... Let's Take Our Message to Washington DC and Speak Truth To Power! Let's Go To The Actual EPA and Raise a Ruckus!"
"The Time Has Come for the Violet Overgrow of the Government!" Shouted Suzy into the Megaphone.
"Will You Shut The F*CK UP?" said Billy "Don't You See That Short Haired Guy Wearing a Wig? He's an Obvious NARC! We Will Get More Done IF We are a Bit More Clandestine from Here on OUT. "
"OK... I'll Take a Break... I Won't Say a Thing..." Whispered Suzy into the Megaphone... With the Switch ON... and Everybody Heard Her...
Billy Started Making Plans for "Storming The Castle" and In His Mind He Remembered Exactly What it Looked Like... He Started Daydreaming... Floating Off Into a Trance... ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM
Billy Replied: "Oh Susan, You Are Just Preaching to The Choir Here... All These Earth First! People ALREADY Agree With You... Let's Take Our Message to Washington DC and Speak Truth To Power! Let's Go To The Actual EPA and Raise a Ruckus!"
Billy Started Making Plans for "Storming The Castle" and In His Mind He Remembered Exactly What it Looked Like... He Started Daydreaming... Floating Off Into a Trance... ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM
Gregory Vanderlaan playing "Global Economic Collapse" - a Bubble Gum Techno Pop Song -
I'm Glad That I Made A Difference With My Life. At Work, I Helped People... So Many People Do Evil Because It Pays a Lot of Money... That's CRAZY! I Thank My Parents For "Raising Me Right." We Are in Favor of Doing Good and Opposed to Doing Evil...
Free Coloring Book by gvan42
Photographs of Arcata, CA
Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42
Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves what Medicine is Best…
Photos of The Sacramento River near Chico, CA
Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free All the Cannabis Prisoners
A Dramatic Savings of Government Spending CURRENTLY WASTED On Law Enforcement and Incarceration and a MASSIVE INCREASE IN VOLUNTARY TAXES! Everybody Wins! We Could Use the Extra Money to Pay for Education and Healthcare for All.
If you don’t smoke you wouldn’t pay a cent. It’s a Win-Win situation. More money going into the Treasury and Less going out. In addition, states that have legal medical marijuana have fewer deaths due to opioid addiction. Some people simply choose the safer drug… DUH…
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LEGALIZE VOTING – Fight the GOP Attempt to Overthrow of the US Government...
DEMOCRACY is Vastly Better than MONARCHY… Especially Mad King Donald… LOCK HIM UP!
Let’s Stop Advertising Prescription Drugs on TV. Those Ads COST a FORTUNE and The Patients Pay for Them in Higher Drug Prices!
Secret Trick to Life: Learn How To Do a FACT CHECK on Google.
That Way People CAN’T Lie to You. Because You Refuse To Believe Their Lies… Simply Type the Words “Fact Check” and the Statement You Want to Verify… Read the Results… It Can Be Quite Eye Opening!
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1619 Project: #MoscowMitch McConnell is Reviving Interest Again… Now, It’s a GOP CANCEL CULTURE CAUSE!
He Wants the US Government to BAN Teaching the History of Slavery in the USA… In Public Schools…
I Did a Scientific Experiment On How Drugs Effect My Skill Level Playing Chess.
Results: Coffee Made Me Play Better. Alcohol and Marijuana Made me Worse. LSD Made Me Reject the Entire Idea of Tests and I Refused to Play Games…
It was a Simple Test and You Could Recreate it Yourself for a “PEER REVIEW” – I owned a Chess Computer that Played at Different Skill Levels… I Took Those Drugs – I Played against the Machine and Determined What Level I Could Beat the Machine… and That’s Why… all these years later… the only drug I take is Coffee… and a Dozen “Doctor Drugs” That Don’t Seem to Do Anything but Don’t Seem to Do Any Harm Either… After All... “One Pill Makes You Larger, and One Pill Makes You Small… and The Ones That Mother Gives You Don’t Do Anything at All…” – Grace Slick