Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

How Does Bubble Up Economics Work? Raise Wages and People Will Spend the Money at American Businesses. Increasing Profits. Everyone Wins! Raise Social Security Checks TOO!

With a $15.00 an Hour Minimum Wage people will have money to spend on things that they cannot afford to buy now. The Money will BUBBLE UP Through Out the Entire Economy. Corporations will get more sales... More Profits... and they will have to HIRE more employees to handle the increased business. More Stock Clerks, More Cashiers, More Truck Drivers... and those people will spend their paychecks at American Businesses... all boats rise on a tide... Employers Win, Employees Win, Stockholders Win... 

So, what can one person DO to get this Economic Plan Enacted? 
Well, Like and Share this Post... Copy and Paste the images and Ideas... Write your own Blog... Rant on Facebook and Twitter... 

What we need to do is spread valid ideas in order to counteract the propaganda spewed by Corporate "Think Tanks" like The Cato Institute or The Heritage Foundation... They will make up any story to enrich the Upper Class. 

They work on the Backwards-World Scientific Principle... Write conclusions first then find "Facts" to support what they want to sell.

Real Science collects Facts first, then looks at them to find conclusion. The exact opposite to Cato & Heritage... 

Check Out My Mirror Image of this blog on WordPress:

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Free Coloring Book by gvan42

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Photographs of Arcata, CA

Located on Highway 101 in Northern California near Oregon. Arcata is a UNIQUE Town… Home of Humboldt State University and Countless Artists, Musicians and Hippies!

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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

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Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves what Medicine is Best…

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Photos of The Sacramento River near Chico, CA

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Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free All the Cannabis Prisoners

A Dramatic Savings of Government Spending CURRENTLY WASTED On Law Enforcement and Incarceration and a MASSIVE INCREASE IN VOLUNTARY TAXES! Everybody Wins! We Could Use the Extra Money to Pay for Education and Healthcare for All.

If you don’t smoke you wouldn’t pay a cent. It’s a Win-Win situation. More money going into the Treasury and Less going out.  In addition, states that have legal medical marijuana have fewer deaths due to opioid addiction. Some people simply choose the safer drug… DUH…

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LEGALIZE VOTING – Fight the GOP Attempt to Overthrow of the US Government... 

DEMOCRACY is Vastly Better than MONARCHY… Especially Mad King Donald… LOCK HIM UP!

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Let’s Stop Advertising Prescription Drugs on TV. Those Ads COST a FORTUNE and The Patients Pay for Them in Higher Drug Prices!

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Secret Trick to Life: Learn How To Do a FACT CHECK on Google.

That Way People CAN’T Lie to You. Because You Refuse To Believe Their Lies… Simply Type the Words “Fact Check” and the Statement You Want to Verify… Read the Results… It Can Be Quite Eye Opening!

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1619 Project: #MoscowMitch McConnell is Reviving Interest Again… Now, It’s a GOP CANCEL CULTURE CAUSE!

He Wants the US Government to BAN Teaching the History of Slavery in the USA… In Public Schools…

I Did a Scientific Experiment On How Drugs Effect My Skill Level Playing Chess.

Results: Coffee Made Me Play Better. Alcohol and Marijuana Made me Worse. LSD Made Me Reject the Entire Idea of Tests and I Refused to Play Games…

It was a Simple Test and You Could Recreate it Yourself for a “PEER REVIEW” – I owned a Chess Computer that Played at Different Skill Levels… I Took Those Drugs – I Played against the Machine and Determined What Level I Could Beat the Machine… and That’s Why… all these years later… the only drug I take is Coffee… and a Dozen “Doctor Drugs” That Don’t Seem to Do Anything but Don’t Seem to Do Any Harm Either… After All... “One Pill Makes You Larger, and One Pill Makes You Small… and The Ones That Mother Gives You Don’t Do Anything at All…” – Grace Slick 

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