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Rep. Matt Gaetz Apparently Thinks ‘Kangaroo Court’ Comes From Kid TV Show ‘Captain Kangaroo’ - Classic RetardoPublican Repeating What He Was Told To Say...

Failing to THINK FOR HIMSELF, Matt is Just a Walking, Talking Echo Box PUPPET... Obviously TOO YOUNG to Have Actually SEEN The TV SHOW... He Just Babbled Nonsense...  Because That's His Job! Repeat Whatever The Evil tRUMP Says!

After President Donald Trump claimed the House’s planned deposition with Ambassador Gordon Sondland would be a “totally compromised kangaroo court,” Trump loyalists such as Gaetz faithfully fell in line with the President’s attacks — or tried to, anyway.
“What we see in this impeachment is a kangaroo court and Chairman Schiff is acting like a malicious Captain Kangaroo,” Gaetz fumed.

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