Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Photographs of Antique Logging Equipment in Eureka, California - Steam Driven Machines used in the Timber Industry. Including the Dolbeer Steam Donkey.

An Exhibit by the Timber Heritage Association

Antique Logging Equipment Show in Eureka, CA - photograph - Redwood Acres Fair Ground - gvan42
Antique Tractor used to Haul Logs

Antique Logging Equipment Show in Eureka, CA - photograph - Redwood Acres Fair Ground - gvan42
Buffalo Springfield Paving Machine
The Band Named Themselves After a Tractor...
I Guess That Made Sense in the Sixties...

Antique Logging Equipment Show in Eureka, CA - photograph - Redwood Acres Fair Ground - gvan42
Machine designed to Pick Up a Log

Antique Logging Equipment Show in Eureka, CA - photograph - Redwood Acres Fair Ground - gvan42
Chopping Competition - Hand Ax

Antique Logging Equipment Show in Eureka, CA - photograph - Redwood Acres Fair Ground - gvan42
Dolbeer Steam Donkey
a Machine designed to haul logs out of the forest
replaced animal power

Antique Logging Equipment Show in Eureka, CA - photograph - Redwood Acres Fair Ground - gvan42
Steam Train used to haul logs

Antique Logging Equipment Show in Eureka, CA - photograph - Redwood Acres Fair Ground - gvan42
Dolbeer Steam Donkey
Let's use The Bark from Redwood Trees to Prevent Weeds instead of RoundUP! We use Bark in our garden and it works great. AND! It doesn't kill people... It's a One Time Cost for the Farmer and the Money is Kept within the State of California... Currently, a Giant Barge of Redwood Bark and wood chips Leaves Eureka, California Every Week headed for China... We also ship entire logs... They don't want the logs sawed up into boards because they have their own sawmills... and it's cheaper to employ Chinese Slaves to do the Work. 

Farmers have to pay for RoundUP every year and The Costs of all those Lawsuits MUST be passed on to the Farmers and the people that buy the Food. AND! We Eat That Poison! We could have healthier Food if we just used Redwood Bark and Wood Chips to Prevent Weeds. 

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BIOMASS Electric Power Plants Could Dispose of the Millions of Dead Trees in California that are a Fire Hazard. Before we have another Disastrous Wildfire like we had in Paradise last summer, we could remove the fuel from the forests and use it to generate electricity. 

"The number of biomass plants, another option for disposing of trees, has fallen to about two dozen from 66 in the 1990s, in part due to the expiration of government price subsidies." - according to the California Energy Commission.

Why not REOPEN those unused BIOMASS plants and clean up our forests before we have a Disaster? 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Photographs of the Avenue of the Giants - on the Eel River Humboldt County California - Chainsaw Carving of Bigfoot - Dolos make the Harbor Jetty

Mom's Car under the trees

Eel River

Chainsaw Carving of Bigfoot at the Elfin Glen Gift shop on Highway 101

July 4th Carnival

Dolos - giant Concrete Shapes
used to Make The Jetty Protecting
the Channel into Humboldt Bay

Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue OX
at the Trees of Mystery

Mural of St Francis in Willits

Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox Sculptures at the Trees Of Mystery - Roadside Attraction - Highway 101 Northern California - One Adventure That I Failed to Do was RIDE the SKY RIDE... It's Gondolas That Float thru the Redwood Trees High above the Ground... OOPS! Next Time I Go I'll Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride!

Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue OX

Mural of Salmon at
The Forest Cafe across the street

Redwood Trees


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