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Great Book: "The Whole Earth Catalog" by Stewart Brand. He was an MKULTRA Participant at Stanford with Ken Kesey and Robert Hunter.

A Classic Book that Connected People who wanted to Pursue Alternative Life Styles with Companies That Sold Stuff That Could assist Making that Happen... Popular with People that Built Hippie Communes and People That DREAMED ABOUT Building Hippie Communes...
A catalog that provided links to tools that would be useful to build a commune. What if you needed something? Here were people that sold that very thing... with phone numbers and addresses of the suppliers. It was a book that enabled people to live alternative lifestyles...

The Whole Earth Catalog (WEC) was an American counterculture magazine and product catalog published by Stewart Brand several times a year between 1968 and 1972, and occasionally thereafter, until 1998. The magazine featured essays and articles, but was primarily focused on product reviews and it had a story that had a paragraph or two on every page... Called Divine Right's Trip... It is kinda autobiographical of a Magic Bus Trip around the USA. by Gurney Norman... In 1960, he received a Wallace Stegner Fellowship in Creative Writing at Stanford University... Ken Kesey studied Creative Writing at Stanford at the same time... 

MKULTRA was a CIA Experiment where they studied the effects and usefulness of DRUGS as a weapon of war. LSD was given to volunteers to see if it had any value for the military in interrogation of prisoners... At The Stanford University experiments Ken Kesey, Robert Hunter and Stewart Brand took LSD and then decided that EVERYONE should have that experience... Ken Kesey started holding Acid Tests where hundreds of people took LSD and The Grateful Dead played Music... Robert Hunter wrote lyrics for the Dead and eventually hundreds of thousands of people took LSD at Grateful Dead Concerts... 

So, was "The Sixties" a CIA Experiment to see what would happen if thousands of people too LSD? Did they hope that LSD would make people so spaced out that we  would stop protesting against the War in Vietnam? That might have been their plan but... it didn't work... Just look at Abbie Hoffman and the Yippies.


The plot is set in the 1960s, which chronicles the awakening of the hippie stoner Divine Right (alter ego of the main character D.R. Davenport) as he travels from Kentucky with his girlfriend Estelle across the country, in a patient and introspective 1963 VW Bus, Urge. Divine Right has no idea where he is or where he is going.

D.R. and Estelle take turns sleeping and driving, but D.R.'s constant straddling between waking and sleeping makes the journey as much an inner trip as it is a physical seemingly random trip from Urge to anywhere. The first helper character to be encountered is the Lone Outdoorsman who is a non-moving object in this road-trip story, stuck camping on the same site since years ago, watching TV in his solitude. He is suspicious soul.

Impossible Object Poster for sale.
Plenty of Whitespace to add WORDS! or Color with Felt Pens...

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