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Has tRUMP Lost His Freaking MIND? Increasingly Bizarre Tweets Reveal PANIC... Fear of Prison... Public Display of Madness has Republicriminals Concerned about His Ability to Serve.

Has a 25th Amendment Inquiry Began at The White House? 

MEME - gvan42 - Has tRUMP Lost His Freaking Mind? 25th Amendment
Even With Putin's Help Hillary Got More Votes and That Fact is Driving Mad King Donald INSANE! Plus Endless Impeachment Hearings and His FAILURE in Syria... 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

HEADLINE: The madness of King Donald: is Trump really losing his mind?
Yonden Lhatoo writes that the US president’s recent struggles with basic vocabulary and facts have triggered fresh public concerns about his mental health and fitness for office...

Letters to the Editor: Trump has lost his mind. It's time to use The 25th Amendment.

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