Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

At a Campaign Rally, When Trump Speaks - Set Off a 130Db Personal Alarm... Sonic Payback! Pull the Pin Out so it's Impossible to Silence the Alarm... Disrupt His TV SHOW by Creating a Disturbance in the Force!

To Avoid Overcrowding at The Polls: 
Democrats Vote on November 3rd. 
Republicans Vote on November 4th. 
Set Your Calendar!
Personal Alarm sonic disruptance at a Trump Rally - political theater of the Absurd - Noise Revolution
Disrupt His Campaign Speech by Creating
an Insanely Loud Noise.


 Totally Wanking his Television Show.

Let's SEE What he does with an
Alarm Sounding that CANNOT

Political Theater of the Absurd.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Julián Castro buys Fox News ad to tell Trump, “Americans were killed because you 
stoked the fires of Racists”...

The ad speaks to President Donald Trump directly — linking his rhetoric toward immigrants and people of color to that of the shooter in El Paso who killed 22 and left more than two dozen wounded.

Stop the #MAGAKillers

~~~~~~ QAnon Sucks! ~~~~~~

Rafael Cruz aka Ted Talks

Obviously Senator Rafael Cruz (you may know him by his Gang Name - Ted) is a Puppet of The Super Rich... The LAST thing America Needs is Another Tax Cut for the Rich! and LOOK who his Partner in crime is... Mister Bizzaro Dude Senator Mike (have more Babies to fix Climate Change) Lee... and Senator John (I have the same name as a GREAT President but I'm a POS) Kennedy... The REASON we have a Debt Ceiling Crisis is the Tax Cut for the Rich Law FAILED to collect enough Taxes to Pay for Federal Government Spending... DUH!

A sitting U.S. president who can’t stop attacking black and brown people. A never-ending trade war that has necessitated more than one multibillion-dollar farm bailout. A humanitarian crisis on the border of his own state. These are just a handful of the many issues that Senator Ted Cruz could be focused on. Instead, he’s currently devoting his efforts to a much more important cause: demanding another tax cut for the rich, this time without Congress’s approval.

In a letter sent to Steve Mnuchin on Monday, the senator from Texas urged the Treasury Secretary to use his “authority” to index capital gains to inflation, a move that would almost exclusively benefit the mega-rich. Claiming, falsely, that the United States economy “has experienced historic levels of growth as a result of Congress and the current administration’s policies such as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” Cruz insists that it is now crucial for the Treasury Department to adjust capital gains for inflation “so that everyday Americans can continue to enjoy better lives and livelihoods.” And by “everyday Americans,” he of course means (but doesn’t say) the spectacularly wealthy.

Missing from Cruz’s call for Mnuchin to use “executive authority” to end this “unfair” treatment of taxpayers, which was signed by 20 of his Republican colleagues, is the fact that, according to the Penn Wharton Budget model, a whopping 86% of the benefit of indexing capital gains to inflation would go to the 1 percent (and reduce annual tax revenue by an estimated $102 billion over a decade). Perhaps seeking to address this criticism, Cruz claimed that changing how capital gains are taxed “would…unlock capital for investment, increase wages, create new jobs, and grow the economy, benefiting Americans across all income levels.” In other words, he’s arguing that the executive branch should give the super-rich another tax cut and it’ll benefit everyone because of trickle-down economics which—checks notes—has never actually worked. Including in the case of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Promises Made, Promises Broken Two-Tone Coffee Mug FOR SALE!

Upside Down Flag Signalling Distress 

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