Showing posts with label Republicrime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republicrime. Show all posts

How Does Bubble Up Economics Work? Raise Wages and People Will Spend the Money at American Businesses. Increasing Profits. Everyone Wins! Raise Social Security Checks TOO!

With a $15.00 an Hour Minimum Wage people will have money to spend on things that they cannot afford to buy now. The Money will BUBBLE UP Through Out the Entire Economy. Corporations will get more sales... More Profits... and they will have to HIRE more employees to handle the increased business. More Stock Clerks, More Cashiers, More Truck Drivers... and those people will spend their paychecks at American Businesses... all boats rise on a tide... Employers Win, Employees Win, Stockholders Win... 

So, what can one person DO to get this Economic Plan Enacted? 
Well, Like and Share this Post... Copy and Paste the images and Ideas... Write your own Blog... Rant on Facebook and Twitter... 

What we need to do is spread valid ideas in order to counteract the propaganda spewed by Corporate "Think Tanks" like The Cato Institute or The Heritage Foundation... They will make up any story to enrich the Upper Class. 

They work on the Backwards-World Scientific Principle... Write conclusions first then find "Facts" to support what they want to sell.

Real Science collects Facts first, then looks at them to find conclusion. The exact opposite to Cato & Heritage... 

Check Out My Mirror Image of this blog on WordPress:

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Free Coloring Book by gvan42

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Photographs of Arcata, CA

Located on Highway 101 in Northern California near Oregon. Arcata is a UNIQUE Town… Home of Humboldt State University and Countless Artists, Musicians and Hippies!

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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

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Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves what Medicine is Best…

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Photos of The Sacramento River near Chico, CA

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Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free All the Cannabis Prisoners

A Dramatic Savings of Government Spending CURRENTLY WASTED On Law Enforcement and Incarceration and a MASSIVE INCREASE IN VOLUNTARY TAXES! Everybody Wins! We Could Use the Extra Money to Pay for Education and Healthcare for All.

If you don’t smoke you wouldn’t pay a cent. It’s a Win-Win situation. More money going into the Treasury and Less going out.  In addition, states that have legal medical marijuana have fewer deaths due to opioid addiction. Some people simply choose the safer drug… DUH…

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LEGALIZE VOTING – Fight the GOP Attempt to Overthrow of the US Government... 

DEMOCRACY is Vastly Better than MONARCHY… Especially Mad King Donald… LOCK HIM UP!

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Let’s Stop Advertising Prescription Drugs on TV. Those Ads COST a FORTUNE and The Patients Pay for Them in Higher Drug Prices!

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Secret Trick to Life: Learn How To Do a FACT CHECK on Google.

That Way People CAN’T Lie to You. Because You Refuse To Believe Their Lies… Simply Type the Words “Fact Check” and the Statement You Want to Verify… Read the Results… It Can Be Quite Eye Opening!

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1619 Project: #MoscowMitch McConnell is Reviving Interest Again… Now, It’s a GOP CANCEL CULTURE CAUSE!

He Wants the US Government to BAN Teaching the History of Slavery in the USA… In Public Schools…

I Did a Scientific Experiment On How Drugs Effect My Skill Level Playing Chess.

Results: Coffee Made Me Play Better. Alcohol and Marijuana Made me Worse. LSD Made Me Reject the Entire Idea of Tests and I Refused to Play Games…

It was a Simple Test and You Could Recreate it Yourself for a “PEER REVIEW” – I owned a Chess Computer that Played at Different Skill Levels… I Took Those Drugs – I Played against the Machine and Determined What Level I Could Beat the Machine… and That’s Why… all these years later… the only drug I take is Coffee… and a Dozen “Doctor Drugs” That Don’t Seem to Do Anything but Don’t Seem to Do Any Harm Either… After All... “One Pill Makes You Larger, and One Pill Makes You Small… and The Ones That Mother Gives You Don’t Do Anything at All…” – Grace Slick 

Actually, With Manafort and Cohen GUILTY, "Resistance is WORKING!" Ann Coulter Got the Name of her Book Wrong... "Resistance is Futile" is what the VOGONS say to the Heroes when They are abducted In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Dear Anne: Maybe you need to write a new introduction to this book... Stating that everything you believe is backwards... Did you happen to notice a Nationwide Protest March called "Keep Families Together" and then Trump switched his Zero Tolerance Policy 180 Degrees?

In the Book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "Resistance is Futile" is what the aliens (VOGONS) say to the hero when he is abducted... I guess she is a fan of Douglas Adams or maybe she is a VOGON herself...
Here is what they say about her book on Amazon...

"Since the day Donald Trump announced his presidential campaign, the left has waged a demented war against him. and we are winning! [FALSE - 2018 Election - Total Rejection of Trump ]

Liberals used to pride themselves on their ultra-hipness, but Trump has turned them into weeping little girls in pink party dresses. The very people who once mocked right-wingers for (allegedly) overreacting to every little thing are now the ones hyperventilating and hatching insane conspiracy theories.

During the campaign, and even more so after his victory, the left went nuts. Everything Trump does sends them into a moral panic. Everything is a constitutional crisis.

Members of the self-proclaimed "Resistance" -- journalists, politicians, professors, judges, comedians, movie stars, Twitter pundits, even Oprah and Lindsey Vonn! -- are literally shaking because Trump is literally Hitler!

Now Ann Coulter skewers the various elements of "The Resistance" -- the pussy-hat brigade, the Russian-collusion witch hunters, the media alarmists, the campus hysterics, and more. They talk about Russia? They're the ones meddling with our democracy by trying to overturn the results of the election with their relentless attacks.

The biggest result of the Trump era may be our cultural institutions' total loss of credibility."

Ann Coulter has written a New Book about Resistance.

Remember: Laugh... Saturday Night Live ridicules The Emperor with no Clothes... Impeach Both Czar Donald and his Flying Monkey Brett!

A Real Emergency: Presidential Alerts Read Like Trump’s Tweets In ‘SNL’ Spoof.   “Warning: White men are under attack!”

This week, ‘Saturday Night Live’ took viewers inside the GOP’s Kavanaugh locker room victory party. 

The Daily Beast reported on Friday that Republican senators were literally fist-bumping each other once it became clear that Brett Kavanaugh had the votes to become a Supreme Court justice. Saturday Night Live took viewers inside their locker room victory party in this week’s cold open.
“There are a lot of pacemakers being put to the test tonight,” Heidi Gardner, as CNN’s Dana Bash, reported. Putting their “victory in context,” Sen. Mitch McConnell told her, “It’s up there with Vietnam, for sure.”

I'm in Favor of Free Speech on College Campus. Even if the Speech is Crazy Nazi Ranting or Republicrime Propaganda. We should Teach Critical Thinking and Use These as Examples.

Some people state that God is Real and Jesus is the ONLY way to Go to Heaven... That's Bizarro-World Yadda Yadda but... I respect their rights to Shout that the World is Flat... or Two Plus Two equals Five. Some people cry Allah, Allah All Come Home Free... but I don't believe them either.

Recently, So Called "Hate Speech" has been Outlawed on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube... Who defines what is or is not Hate Speech? Is it speech that supports opinions that you do not agree with? Is THAT the definition of Hate Speech? or is that Fake News? Trump says that Accurate Reports that Make Him Look Bad is actually Fake News. Truth isn't Truth...  Facts are not Real...

Well, a friend of mine did not believe that a LOGGING TRUCK was driving right at her until she went thru the windshield of her car, head first... What you believe is not always what is real... Facts can Cause a Severe Headache... DUH.

Did you ever notice that Holocaust Deniers are very similar to Puerto Rico Hurricane Death Count Deniers? Some say, the body count is inaccurate... Hitler REALLY only killed FIVE Million Jews... The Fake News made Hitler look bad by saying he Murdered SIX Million...
American History: The Free Speech Movement (FSM) was a college campus phenomenon inspired first by the struggle for civil rights and later fueled by opposition to the Vietnam War. The Free Speech Movement began in 1964, when students at the University of California, Berkeley protested a ban on on-campus political activities. American Civil Liberties Union
Sign the Petition:
Leaked budget documents show that the Trump administration transferred almost $10 million from FEMA to ICE, the agency at the forefront of Trump’s family separation policy. That’s money meant for disaster relief – like hurricanes – funneled directly into Trump’s inhumane child detention and deportation machine.

Actual Quality of Life Has DECLINED Under Trump. Wages are Stagnant, Prices are Higher. Healthcare Costs are WAY Higher. Trade War Hurts Jobs.

That's why it is important to Vote Democratic this Year. Vote Your Wallet...

The Deregulation of Business HARMS PEOPLE by Legalizing Pollution.
The Tax Cut for The Rich Law does NOT Benefit The WORKING CLASS.

The GOP’s new attack: Democrats want to ‘end’ Medicare. 

Note the quotation marks around the word 'end'... That REALLY means NOT END... 

Two months before Election Day, some Republicans have embraced an unexpected new way to attack Democratic candidates: The party of Medicare for All, they charge, actually wants to take away Medicare from senior citizens. 

It’s an attack Democrats hotly contest, dismissing it as proof positive the GOP is failing to find a winning message in a challenging political climate.

Since they can't get re-elected on the FACTS... Craziest Things Republicriminals Have Said This Year. Lead by the Liar in Chief Czar Donald the First... 
It's been quite a year. In addition to a Donald Trump presidency (and all that entails), members of the GOP have been saying some *truly* unbelievable things... 
As it turns out, sheer repetition of the same lie can eventually mark it as true in our heads. It’s an effect known as illusory truth...
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump

Great Book: Everything Trump Touches Dies: A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever. by Rick Wilson 

In Everything Trump Touches Dies, political campaign strategist and commentator Rick Wilson brings his darkly funny humor and biting analysis to the absurdity of American politics in the age of Trump. Wilson mercilessly exposes the damage Trump has done to the country, to the Republican Party he served for decades, and to the conservative movement that has abandoned its principles for the worst President in American history.

No left-winger, Wilson is a lifelong conservative who delivers his withering critique of Trump from the right. A leader of the Never Trump movement, he warns his own party of the political catastrophe that leaves everyone involved with Trump with reputations destroyed and lives in tatters.

Trump's Republicrime Party is a Slave to The Super Rich. They always vote against "We the People" and in favor of "We the Corporations"

Did you notice that the "Tax Cut for the Rich" law didn't cut YOUR Taxes or MINE? Did you notice that our Health Insurance payments have gone UP? Vote Democratic in 2018 in order to stop the MADNESS.  

Recuerde: votar en contra de todos los republicanos, en todas partes. Trump y el Congreso han hecho la vida peor para los estadounidenses.

gastos de seguro médico más y el recorte de impuestos para los ricos La Ley no ha reducido los impuestos a las personas como usted y yo. La respuesta es quitar a los republicanos del Congreso en 2018 y aprobar leyes que benefician a los Estados Unidos, la gente. También ha aumentado el odio pública de los grupos minoritarios, haciendo discursos que culpan a todos los problemas de Estados Unidos contra los inmigrantes. Ã‰l grita en alta voz: ¡Peligro, peligro, los extranjeros que se acercan. ¿Qué podemos hacer para hacer de Estados Unidos un lugar mejor? Registrarse y votar. 2018 es nuestro año! Por favor, pregunte a sus amigos y familiares a votar. Recibir y compartir este mensaje. ¿Se dio cuenta de que la contaminación del medio ambiente está legalizado por la Agencia de Protección del Medio Ambiente? Los republicanos han cambiado la EPA en la Agencia Habilitar contaminadores? También tenemos los pozos de petróleo y perforación de gas más en tierras públicas. más tuberías? pesticidas y herbicidas más legalizados? La contaminación es malo para nosotros, la gente, pero ahorra dinero corporaciones ... bueno, la gente es repugnante ... ¿Se dio cuenta de que hay más marchas de protesta en las calles de los EE.UU. que se han producido desde 1960 ... Los adolescentes están marchando para poner fin a la violencia armada ... MARZO dE NUESTRAS VIDAS! Republicanos toman el dinero de la ANR y votar para mantener Asalto Rifles legal. ¿POR QUÉ? Así que las empresas que venden armas pueden tener altos beneficios ... republicanos pensar que los beneficios son más importantes que la vida. Por favor, pregunte a sus amigos y familiares a votar. Recibir y compartir este mensaje. Los republicanos están reduciendo los fondos para las escuelas públicas. Ellos quieren cambiar fondos a las escuelas privadas que la gente como usted y como yo no pueden permitirse el lujo de enviar a nuestros hijos a. Hacer que la gente seguro que ricos' s de los niños se educan y obtener los buenos puestos de trabajo del futuro. Los republicanos quieren "privatizar" la Administración de Veteranos. Eso significa que el uso de fondos federales para pagar por los servicios hospitalarios segunda clase. Después de todo, si los hospitales privados gastan menos en medicamentos y servicios que puedan mantener más dinero para los beneficios. Los republicanos quieren reducir el gasto de la Seguridad Social y Medicare. De esta manera se puede mantener más dinero para los súper ricos. Más recortes de impuestos para los ricos ... En California, podemos votar por Gavin Newsom para el gobernador en 2018 y luego presidente en 2020. Se puede vencer si Trump Trump sigue siendo presidente entonces ... Gavin es inteligente, guapo y digital. Podía empezar la nueva era de CAMELOT 2.0 ... Es uno de los primeros de la generación X a un paso adelante y liderar. Por favor, pregunte a sus amigos y familiares a votar. Recibir y compartir este mensaje. 2018 es nuestro año! Eso significa que el uso de fondos federales para pagar por los servicios hospitalarios segunda clase. Después de todo, si los hospitales privados gastan menos en medicamentos y servicios que puedan mantener más dinero para los beneficios. Los republicanos quieren reducir el gasto de la Seguridad Social y Medicare. De esta manera se puede mantener más dinero para los súper ricos. Más recortes de impuestos para los ricos ... En California, podemos votar por Gavin Newsom para el gobernador en 2018 y luego presidente en 2020. Se puede vencer si Trump Trump sigue siendo presidente entonces ... Gavin es inteligente, guapo y digital. Podía empezar la nueva era de CAMELOT 2.0 ... Es uno de los primeros de la generación X a un paso adelante y liderar. Por favor, pregunte a sus amigos y familiares a votar. Recibir y compartir este mensaje. 2018 es nuestro año! Eso significa que el uso de fondos federales para pagar por los servicios hospitalarios segunda clase. Después de todo, si los hospitales privados gastan menos en medicamentos y servicios que puedan mantener más dinero para los beneficios. Los republicanos quieren reducir el gasto de la Seguridad Social y Medicare. De esta manera se puede mantener más dinero para los súper ricos. Más recortes de impuestos para los ricos ... En California, podemos votar por Gavin Newsom para el gobernador en 2018 y luego presidente en 2020. Se puede vencer si Trump Trump sigue siendo presidente entonces ... Gavin es inteligente, guapo y digital. Podía empezar la nueva era de CAMELOT 2.0 ... Es uno de los primeros de la generación X a un paso adelante y liderar. Por favor, pregunte a sus amigos y familiares a votar. Recibir y compartir este mensaje. 2018 es nuestro año! Los republicanos quieren reducir el gasto de la Seguridad Social y Medicare. De esta manera se puede mantener más dinero para los súper ricos. Más recortes de impuestos para los ricos ... En California, podemos votar por Gavin Newsom para el gobernador en 2018 y luego presidente en 2020. Se puede vencer si Trump Trump sigue siendo presidente entonces ... Gavin es inteligente, guapo y digital. Podía empezar la nueva era de CAMELOT 2.0 ... Es uno de los primeros de la generación X a un paso adelante y liderar. Por favor, pregunte a sus amigos y familiares a votar. Recibir y compartir este mensaje. 2018 es nuestro año! Los republicanos quieren reducir el gasto de la Seguridad Social y Medicare. De esta manera se puede mantener más dinero para los súper ricos. Más recortes de impuestos para los ricos ... En California, podemos votar por Gavin Newsom para el gobernador en 2018 y luego presidente en 2020. Se puede vencer si Trump Trump sigue siendo presidente entonces ... Gavin es inteligente, guapo y digital. Podía empezar la nueva era de CAMELOT 2.0 ... Es uno de los primeros de la generación X a un paso adelante y liderar. Por favor, pregunte a sus amigos y familiares a votar. Recibir y compartir este mensaje. 2018 es nuestro año! Podía empezar la nueva era de CAMELOT 2.0 ... Es uno de los primeros de la generación X a un paso adelante y liderar. Por favor, pregunte a sus amigos y familiares a votar. Recibir y compartir este mensaje. 2018 es nuestro año! Podía empezar la nueva era de CAMELOT 2.0 ... Es uno de los primeros de la generación X a un paso adelante y liderar. Por favor, pregunte a sus amigos y familiares a votar. Recibir y compartir este mensaje. 2018 es nuestro año! 

Trump looked Real Good with this War in Syria. Very Presidential. Will he create another war just before the 2018 Elections?

In order to drum up support for Republicrime Candidates he could blow up North Korea to show the World that having a Republicrime President, House and Senate is a GREAT Idea. They could say "We are running the country GREAT and we ought to get Re-elected to continue our GREAT leadership." #MAGA...

When the Democrats take the House of Representatives, Impeachment is Inevitable. What can one person do to help? 2018 is OUR YEAR!

Campaign in your own local election for the House Seat. You can find out who your representative is by typing your zip code into this website.
Then you can post messages promoting Democratic Candidates on your own Blog, Twitter or Facebook page.

You can also join They are trying to register young people to vote. In general, Young People did not vote in the 2016 election. Mainly because BOTH CANDIDATES WERE TERRIBLE. I didn't vote. I liked Bernie Sanders. Hillary stole the Democratic Nomination thru the use of "Super Delegates" - People that were chosen by the Democratic Party Leaders, NOT the voters. It was a rigged system. More people attended March for our Lives than attended Trump's Inauguration. That's because Most people are In Favor of Good and Opposed to Evil. Their next event is Registration of Young People to vote. If you are not 18 years old, please talk with your parents about removing Republicans from elective office. The NRA sponsors Republicans.

NRA leader speaking at a Republicrime Event

Another Organization that created many protests for the Obamacare Battle is They are a good meeting place for the Violet Overgrow of the Gubbermint!

In order to change public opinion, please Post articles from newspapers detailing the bad actions Republicrime people are doing. The Russians believe that Social Media is Effective. They employed Trolls to Campaign against Hillary in 2016. We can voice our own opinions and retake The Government of the USA!

For Example: Scott Pruitt of the EPA wants to end auto pollution laws. That would be good for the super rich people that own automobile corporations but bad for people that breathe air. The Republicrime Party are the Puppets of the Super Rich... Passing Laws that make them even richer at the expense of the common man. Here is the Article from the newspaper and Link for people to read more.

"E.P.A. Prepares to Roll Back Rules Requiring Cars to Be Cleaner and More Efficient.
The Trump administration is expected to launch an effort in coming days to weaken greenhouse gas emissions and fuel economy standards for automobiles, handing a victory to car manufacturers and giving them ammunition to potentially roll back industry standards worldwide."

2018 is a brand new race with over a thousand candidates running for House or Senate seats.

The Trump and the Republicrime Congress have caused harm to America. For Example:

1. Passed a law that makes it easier for mentally ill people to buy guns. People that are receiving Social Security Disability Checks for Insanity are now eligible to purchase firearms. This LAW is insane!

2. Passed a Tax Cut for the Rich Law. No one that I know has received a tax cut because all my friends work for a living at a job. However, our COSTS for health insurance has gone up. This law was written by the rich for the rich.

3. Increased enforcement of immigration laws... attacking anyone that looks Hispanic... ICE is chasing random Latino people, citizens and aliens. DACA was repealed by Trump causing a very real threat of deportation to a million children brought to the USA by their parents.

4. Appointed Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency. He has spent his career fighting against the EPA as a lawyer for the OIL and GAS industry. His goal is to dismantle the EPA so corporations can cut the costs of disposing of waste responsibly. Generations of Americans will live in polluted environments causing health disasters.

5. Appointed Ryan Zinke to lead the Department of the Interior. He reduced the size of National Monuments so OIL and GAS companies can drill on Federal Land. AND Trump made it legal for OIL companies to drill offshore... Creating the opportunity for ecological disaster like we had in the Gulf of Mexico.

6. Appointed Betsy DeVos hear of the Department of Education. She is opposed to funding Public Schools and is in favor of funding Private Schools. Private Schools are designed to have the freedom to teach "alternative" concepts like Creationism instead of Evolution using Federal Money to Promote Christianity. Private Schools are designed to be affordable by rich white students and NOT affordable by poor Black and Latino students. Segregation...

7. Now they plan to "Privatize" the Veterans Administration healthcare system. That would enrich people that own Hospitals and Health insurance companies while providing worse service for veterans. The GOAL of a Privatized Health Care system is PROFIT. The GOAL of the VA is GOOD HEALTH for VETERANS.

In California:

What's Next? Defeat all NRA sponsored Elected Representatives. #NeverAgain

Campaign and WIN seats in the House of Representatives, Senate and LOCAL Government.
2018 is OUR YEAR. #OutlawAssaultRifles
Leader of the NRA Wayne LaPierre speaking at Republican Fundraiser

Beware of Propaganda! Questionable Book: "American PRAVDA" by founder of Project Veritas James O'Keefe

When someone puts the word Truth on the cover of his book TWICE, you have to assume that he's lying.

Project Veritas is a news organization that is most famous for trying to trick the Washington Post Newspaper into repeating a phony whistleblower pretending that she was molested by Judge Roy Moore who lost the Election in Alabama... Project Veritas FAILED to get the Washington Post to publish it's lies... Because the Post VERIFIES it's articles before publishing.

It makes me wonder WHY a person would try to promote Republicrime Ideas... Are they Purchased Puppets of the 1% or are they possessed by "he who shall not be named"...

Remember: Fight Evil Every Day...

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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics