Showing posts with label resistance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label resistance. Show all posts

Derrick Jensen: Interesting Author and Environmental Activist Philosopher:.. Deep Ecology Thinker... Required Reading at Humboldt State University...

For years, Derrick Jensen has asked his audiences, “Do you think this culture will undergo a voluntary transformation to a sane and sustainable way of life?” No one ever says yes.

Deep Green Resistance starts where the environmental movement leaves off: industrial civilization is incompatible with life. Technology can’t fix it, and shopping—no matter how green—won’t stop it. To save this planet, we need a serious resistance movement that can bring down the industrial economy.

I saw him at the end of the movie "Stare into the Lights My Pretties" talking while wearing headphones/microphone online... He was making a Youtube Video about how we have to destroy the Computer Networks that have hypnotized us all... It really was Ironic to hear him USING THE MACHINE while recommending that we DESTROY THE MACHINE.

However, I Groked his message... If he stopped using the machine as an individual it would have no effect whatsoever on the coming destruction of civilization...

Great Movie: "Stare into the Lights my Pretties" about the cultural impact of computers and The Internet...

Great Movie: "Stare into the Lights my Pretties" about the cultural impact of computers

We live in a world of screens. The average adult spends the majority of their waking hours in front of some sort of screen or device. We're enthralled, we're addicted to these machines. How did we get here? Who benefits? What are the cumulative impacts on people, society and the environment? What may come next if this culture is left unchecked, to its end trajectory, and is that what we want? *Stare Into The Lights My Pretties* investigates these questions with an urge to return to the real physical world, to form a critical view of technological escalation driven by rapacious and pervasive corporate interest. Covering themes of addiction, privacy, surveillance, information manipulation, behavior modification and social control, the film lays the foundations as to why we may feel like we're sleep running into some dystopian nightmare with the machines at the helm. Because we are, if we don't seriously avert our eyes to stop this culture from destroying what is left of the real world.

Free Coloring Book by gvan42

Free Coloring Book by gvan42

Free Coloring Book by gvan42
“Surely by now there can be few here who still believe the purpose of government is to protect us from the destructive activities of corporations. At last most of us must understand that the opposite is true: that the primary purpose of government is to protect those who run the economy from the outrage of injured citizens.”
― Derrick Jensen, Endgame, Vol. 1: The Problem of Civilization

Free Coloring Book by gvan42

MEME gvan42 - Evolve to become energy farmers

MEME gvan42 Easy Wind - windmill power

“What if the point of life has nothing to do with the creation of an ever-expanding region of control? What if the point is not to keep at bay all those people, beings, objects and emotions that we so needlessly fear? What if the point instead is to let go of that control? What if the point of life, the primary reason for existence, is to lie naked with your lover in a shady grove of trees? What if the point is to taste each other's sweat and feel the delicate pressure of finger on chest, thigh on thigh, lip on cheek? What if the point is to stop, then, in your slow movements together, and listen to the birdsong, to watch the dragonflies hover, to look at your lover's face, then up at the undersides of leaves moving together in the breeze? What if the point is to invite these others into your movement, to bring trees, wind, grass, dragonflies into your family and in so doing abandon any attempt to control them? What if the point all along has been to get along, to relate, to experience things on their own terms? What if the point is to feel joy when joyous, love when loving, anger when angry, thoughtful when full of thought? What if the point from the beginning has been to simply be?”
― Derrick Jensen, A Language Older Than Words

Great Book: "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams AND all the other books in this series... "42" is the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything

Popular with Computer Scientists... the inside joke "42" shows up in a lot of Hacker Culture... "42" turns out to be an unsatisfying answer to Life, The Universe and Everything... BECAUSE the question is not clearly stated... at the end, the QUESTION is What is 6 times 9... so... everything is based on a Math Error...

"Resistance is Futile" is what the aliens (VOGONS) say to the hero when he is abducted...
also the name of an Ann Coulter Book about Republican Politics... I guess she is a fan of Douglas Adams or maybe she is a VOGON...

Nominated as one of America’s best-loved novels by PBS’s The Great American Read

Seconds before Earth is demolished to make way for a galactic freeway, Arthur Dent is plucked off the planet by his friend Ford Prefect, a researcher for the revised edition of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy who, for the last fifteen years, has been posing as an out-of-work actor.

Together, this dynamic pair began a journey through space aided by a galaxyful of fellow travelers: Zaphod Beeblebrox—the two-headed, three-armed ex-hippie and totally out-to-lunch president of the galaxy; Trillian (formerly Tricia McMillan), Zaphod’s girlfriend, whom Arthur tried to pick up at a cocktail party once upon a time zone; Marvin, a paranoid, brilliant, and chronically depressed robot...

Great Book: "So Long and Thanks for All the Fish"

Great Book: "Restaurant at the End of the Universe"

Sie müssen nicht in den USA leben, um an den Wahlen von 2020 teilzunehmen. Die GLOBAL #DUMPTRUMP-Bewegung lebt und wird online veröffentlicht ... You Do Not Have to Live in the USA to Participate in the 2020 Election. The GLOBAL #DUMPTRUMP Movement is Alive and Posting Online...

Suppose that You are a Member of the German Green Party and you are Opposed to Burning Coal to Create Electricity... CZAR Donald is Promoting COAL, Fracking, Drilling for Oil in the Oceans and National Parks... He is Totally Opposed to Fighting Climate Change... Witness the ABSURD CLAIM of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that Melting Ice will Free Up Shipping Lanes Near the North Pole... It will be a benefit better than the Panama Canal and the Suez Canal Combined... Obviously, Trump and his Band of Evil Dwarves are Puppets of Corporations... They seem to ignore the fact that Burning Fossil Fuel Causes Global Warming... The Air Pollution Blows All Around The World... and Causes Disaster in YOUR COUNTRY ALSO! Create Some MEMES, Write a Blog, Publish Truth, Write Newspaper Articles... Anyone can Publish Online... I Use Medium, Google Blogger, Facebook, Minds, Ello, Mastodon, Tumblr and Wordpress... You Can TOO! Get a free graphic design program like PAINT DOT NET and create some Satirical Cartoons! The Russians Spent a Hundred Thousand Dollars to Publish PRO-TRUMP Advertisements on Facebook... They Employed an Army of Trolls to Post CrazyTalk online designed to Derail America's Democracy... Maybe they were right and American Elections CAN be influenced remotely... What IF a Million Volunteers Exposed the Insanity of CZAR Donald? No one can deny that his Trade War with China Has Caused Damage to American Farmers, Factory Workers and Consumers... Prices for Products Made in China Have Increased to Pay for the Tariffs... Farmers are having trouble selling their crops... The Trade War Has Caused an Increase of Suicide, Opioid Overdoses and Alcoholism in the last two years... The Super Rich got a Tax Break but the Average Person has experienced Lower Wages and Higher Prices... CAMPAIGN FOR JOE BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT... Why NOT? He's Better than Mad King Donald. 

Keywords: #DumpTrump, climate change, coal, election, German, global, green, ICE, lignite, melting, movement, northwest passage, overgrow, party, resistance, revolt, shipping, USA, violet, World, 

The Same World Translated into German by Google... 

Sie müssen nicht in den USA leben, um an den Wahlen von 2020 teilzunehmen. Die GLOBAL #DUMPTRUMP-Bewegung lebt und wird online veröffentlicht ... Angenommen, Sie sind Mitglied der deutschen Grünen Partei und sind gegen die Verbrennung von Kohle, um Strom zu erzeugen ... CZAR Donald fördert COAL, Fracking, Ölbohrungen in der Ozeane und Nationalparks ... Er ist total dagegen, den Klimawandel zu bekämpfen ... Erleben Sie die Absurditätserklärung des US-Außenministers Mike Pompeo, dass das schmelzende Eis die Schifffahrtswege in der Nähe des Nordpols befreien wird Der Panamakanal und der Suezkanal kombiniert ... Offensichtlich sind Trump und seine Bande der bösen Zwerge Marionetten von Konzernen ... Sie scheinen die Tatsache zu ignorieren, dass die Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe die globale Erwärmung verursacht Welt ... und verursacht in Ihrem Land auch ein Desaster! MEMES erstellen, Blog schreiben, Wahrheit veröffentlichen, Zeitungsartikel schreiben ... Jeder kann online veröffentlichen ... Ich verwende Medium, Google Blogger, Facebook, Köpfe, Ello, Mastodon, Tumblr und Wordpress ... Sie können AUCH! Holen Sie sich ein kostenloses Grafik-Design-Programm wie PAINT DOT NET und erstellen Sie Satirical Cartoons! Die Russen verbrachten hunderttausend Dollar, um Werbung für PRO-TRUMP auf Facebook zu veröffentlichen ... Sie stellten eine Armee der Trolle ein, um CrazyTalk online zu posten, um Amerikas Demokratie zu schmälern ... Vielleicht hatten sie Recht und amerikanische Wahlen können ferngesteuert werden ... Was wäre, wenn eine Million Freiwillige den Wahnsinn von CZAR Donald entlarvten? Niemand kann bestreiten, dass sein Handelskrieg mit China den amerikanischen Landwirten, Fabrikarbeitern und Verbrauchern Schaden zugefügt hat ... Die Preise für in China hergestellte Produkte sind gestiegen, um die Zölle zu zahlen ... Landwirte haben Schwierigkeiten, ihre Ernten zu verkaufen ... Der Handelskrieg hat in den letzten zwei Jahren zu einer Zunahme von Selbstmord, Opioid-Überdosierungen und Alkoholismus geführt ... Der Super Rich bekam eine Steuerpause, aber der Durchschnittsbürger hat niedrigere Löhne und höhere Preise erlebt ... .. Warum nicht? Er ist besser als der verrückte König Donald.

Stichworte: #DumpTrump, Klimawandel, Kohle, Wahl, Deutsch, Global, Grün, ICE, Braunkohle, Schmelzen, Bewegung, Nordwestpassage, Überwachsen, Partei, Widerstand, Aufstand, Versand, USA, Violett, Welt,

WHY Millions of Voters Should Contact Their Senators and Say:" END TRUMP'S SHUTDOWN - ZERO MONEY FOR THE WALL - Voters REJECT Trump and His PUPPETS - Resistance is Working

CALL: (202) 224-3121 or use the Web Forms at:

Remember Our History: When Millions of Americans Protested Against the War in Vietnam, the Government Ended the War in Vietnam.... When Millions of Americans Protested Against the War in Iraq, the Government Ended the War in Iraq... When Millions of Americans Said that Gay People Should be Able to Get Married, The Government Legalized Gay Marriage... When Millions of Americans Said that Women ought to be able to Vote, The Government Allowed Women to Vote...

Remember: Politicians Have to Get a Majority of the Votes in order to Keep their Jobs... and Receive Millions of Dollars in Bribes from Corporations and The Super Rich... Politicians Employ College Students to Read the Subject Line of Emails so they can Pretend to Represent the People... Eventually, when the VAST MAJORITY is in Favor of a Position, the Politicians Have to Bow to the Will of the people...

  • IMPEACH tRUMP. Investigate his Family for Financial Fraud and Lying to FBI. 
  • Legalize Marijuana Nationwide: Tax it and Use the Money to Pay for MEDICARE FOR ALL.
  • Repeal The "Tax Cut for the Rich" Law. Raise the Minimum Wage to $15.00 an Hour. 

Actually, With Manafort and Cohen GUILTY, "Resistance is WORKING!" Ann Coulter Got the Name of her Book Wrong... "Resistance is Futile" is what the VOGONS say to the Heroes when They are abducted In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Dear Anne: Maybe you need to write a new introduction to this book... Stating that everything you believe is backwards... Did you happen to notice a Nationwide Protest March called "Keep Families Together" and then Trump switched his Zero Tolerance Policy 180 Degrees?

In the Book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "Resistance is Futile" is what the aliens (VOGONS) say to the hero when he is abducted... I guess she is a fan of Douglas Adams or maybe she is a VOGON herself...
Here is what they say about her book on Amazon...

"Since the day Donald Trump announced his presidential campaign, the left has waged a demented war against him. and we are winning! [FALSE - 2018 Election - Total Rejection of Trump ]

Liberals used to pride themselves on their ultra-hipness, but Trump has turned them into weeping little girls in pink party dresses. The very people who once mocked right-wingers for (allegedly) overreacting to every little thing are now the ones hyperventilating and hatching insane conspiracy theories.

During the campaign, and even more so after his victory, the left went nuts. Everything Trump does sends them into a moral panic. Everything is a constitutional crisis.

Members of the self-proclaimed "Resistance" -- journalists, politicians, professors, judges, comedians, movie stars, Twitter pundits, even Oprah and Lindsey Vonn! -- are literally shaking because Trump is literally Hitler!

Now Ann Coulter skewers the various elements of "The Resistance" -- the pussy-hat brigade, the Russian-collusion witch hunters, the media alarmists, the campus hysterics, and more. They talk about Russia? They're the ones meddling with our democracy by trying to overturn the results of the election with their relentless attacks.

The biggest result of the Trump era may be our cultural institutions' total loss of credibility."

Ann Coulter has written a New Book about Resistance.

WATERBOARDING is the best way to find out who wrote the NY Times OP-ED Article Ridiculing Trump. Just hold KellyAnne Conway UNDERWATER for a minute and she will confess.

(NOTE; This Headline is a JOKE... It was meant to Satirize Rand Paul's Call to Give LIE DETECTOR TESTS to all Senior Officials in the tRUMP White House... Both Waterboarding and Lie Detector Tests are Bad Ideas...)

What we all ought to do is simply turn the page... it was just an opinion article... 

I notice that everyone has written a "NOT ME, BOSS" letter except for John Kelly and Jeff Sessions... and this article sounds like John Kelly Wrote it... He is my guess as to who Anonymous is.

BUT... and it is a BIG BUTT...

I might be FUN to see Waterboarding, an EXORCISM or a Lie Detector Tests of Top Trump Officials... AND tRUMP Himself! ON TELEVISION... Starting with those evil weasels... Wilbur Ross, Ryan Zinke, Sarah Sanders and Little Stevie Munchkin. It would be as amusing as Professional Wrestling... and just as VALID an ARTFORM...

WHY WE'RE PROTESTING DONALD TRUMP'S VISIT TO THE U.K. - Opinion Article by Caroline Lucas. Trumpism is a Danger to the Entire Planet 
It’s difficult not to feel a pang of national pride for deliciously British acts of dissent like this, and I’m proud to be among thousands of people protesting in London this Friday.

At the same time, fresh in our minds are searingly awful images of children locked into cages, screaming for their parents, languishing at the mercy of a brutal border regime. Mere weeks before the U.K. Government rolled out the red carpet and began to prepare our carnival of resistance, Trump gave us another harrowing reminder that he’s one of the most dangerous people in the world, that the consequences of his actions are deadly serious, and that Trumpism puts the entire planet in jeopardy.

Democrats Launch "Resistance Summer" Focused on Healthcare, Education & Social Security

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MI), says Trump is "dragging us back to the failed past, that didn’t work." Ellison says opposition to Trump’s policies will be the focus of a so- called Resistance Summer announced by the Democratic National Committee.

Do what you can to oppose the Republicrimes

I oppose Trump's budget for the USA.

  1. I oppose Trump's budget for the USA. I think we ought to have less spending on the military and no spending on the border wall. I'm in favor of Medicaid, food stamps, welfare, the EPA and scientific research. His plan is to take from the poor and give to the super rich. Reverse Robin Hood. He plans to cut his own taxes. That's a conflict of interest.
There are the email forms for both California Senators. They would like to hear the opinions of their constituents...

I also oppose Trumpcare... It will cause death, pain and suffering to millions of people who cannot afford treatment at the doctor's office... Healthcare is important to people but unimportant to the super rich 1% who will get paid more money if this bill ever becomes a law.  23 million people will lose their health insurance according to the Congressional Budget Office report on Trumpcare. AND The cost will be higher for the patients.

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*Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics

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How To Remove Smoke from Indoor Air. Tape a Filter to a Box Fan. During Wildfire Season the Air Indoors is Bad to Breathe...

Pretty Soon the Filter Turns Brown
from Smoke, Pollen and Dust.

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics