Some immigrants are already leaving the U.S. in ‘self-deportations’ as Trump’s threats loom...
<~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~>
Moses saw God 'because he was stoned - again'
The Bible tells us that when the Children of Israel left Egypt, they had a 40-year trip through the desert before reaching the Promised Land. Now a leading Israeli academic has a new theory about exactly what kind of trip it was.
In the philosophy journal Time and Mind, Benny Shanon states that key events of the Old Testament are actually records of visions by ancient Israelites high on hallucinogens.
The psychedelic substance is a drink called Ayahuasca. It is extracted from plants that grow in the Holy Land and in the Sinai peninsula and is still used today by Amazonians in Brazil for their religious rituals.
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A clown, a guru, and a doctor walk into a cabin. The clown says, “What I have in mind is eye care for 400,000.” The guru says “See here now.” The doctor says, “Brilliant. We can do that.” What actually transpired in 1978 was the start of Seva led by Dr. Brilliant with an eclectic group including Ram Dass, Wavy Gravy, Dr. "V", and Dr. Nicole Grasset. What came next was the landmark Nepal Blindness Survey using an Apple 2+ computer donated by Steve Jobs and a helicopter funded by a Grateful Dead concert. The story of Seva’s beginning is colorful and quirky, but the results are miraculous. Science, art, and spirituality are a potent blend that can transform lives! Witness for yourself the promise of ending avoidable blindness in Nepal and around the world.
Critical Thinking 101:
Today’s Lesson, Internet conspiracy theories and kernels of truth.
Modern Internet conspiracy theories fall into three broad types.
1: Absolute batshit, usually begun as trolling to make fun of older conspiracy theories, taken unironically by morons who ran with it:
Eg., Flat Earth, Birds aren’t real, Reptilian shapeshifters, “Big Mike”
2: Possible, generally considered pseudoscience due to the inability to falsify or reliably apply the Scientific Method to test:
Eg., Simulation theory, Ancient Aliens, Demons, Djinn, ghosts, psychic phenomenon, alien abductions, crop circles, Big Foot
3. Malicious government / corporate action and false flags:
There is usually a huge kernel of truth tor these. Often times they are eventually admitted to as classified documents are finally released or the info is made public for some reason.
Yet the entire time it’s being covered up, people spreading the word about them are vilified as kooks and “conspiracy theorists” and once admitted to, they are never apologized to and continually gaslit by “this has always been known” and “this is no big deal because [reasons].”
Until they are admitted to, however, the theories as to why and how run wild and can be as ludicrous as entries from #1
Eg admitted to, CIA involvement in JFK assassination, UFOs (now called AUP), Operation Paperclip, Operation Mockingbird, MK Ultra, Tuskegee experiments, Gulf of Tonkin was a false flag, Operation Northwoods, test results from Covid Vaccines (originally slated to be classified for 75 years), Operation Fast & Furious, Iran-Contra, FBI Plot to kidnap Gov Whitmer, Bilderberg group, NSA (one derided references to as No Such Agency), US Surveillance State (scope revealed by Snowden)
Eg highly likely to follow suit, 9/11 false flag, OKC false flag, Jan 6 false flag, Covid-19 developed in Wuhan lab and deliberately released, Voter fraud, wildfires deliberately set, Bin Laden capture faked.
Evidence abounds for all of these, yet no “smoking guns”. However, the tiniest amount of questioning exposes huge Swiss cheese holes in the official narratives that can’t possibly hold up to logical scrutiny.
Attempts to debunk basically consist of 15 “Appeal to Authority” fallacies followed by “…and besides, they said that about [other topic on this list] as well.” Duh!
Happy Bicycle Day!
On 19 April 1943, Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann tested the LSD he had invented, then felt the effects riding his bicycle...
There are two things that we can draw a direct line to that changed our lives forever as teenagers! They are still part of our life everyday!!
1. LSD
2. Grateful Dead
It’s also safe to say for us at least that without LSD and the acid test we wouldn’t have The Warlocks and thus maybe never having The Grateful Dead!! So we are eternally Grateful for Albert Hofmann!!
Happy Bicycle Day everyone! We know many of you feel the same way!!
Some words below we LOVE from Albert below.
“LSD wanted to tell me something. ... It gave me an inner joy, an open mindedness, a gratefulness, open eyes and an internal sensitivity for the miracles of creation.”
— Albert Hofmann
Also some notes from Albert Hofmann on his LSD trip on 4/19/43
“Beginning dizziness, feeling of anxiety, visual distortions, symptoms of paralysis, desire to laugh.”
“Everything in my field of vision wavered and was distorted as if seen in a curved mirror. I also had the sensation of being unable to move from the spot. Nevertheless, my assistant later told me that we had traveled very rapidly. Finally, we arrived at home safe and sound, and I was just barely capable of asking my companion to summon our family doctor and request milk from the neighbors.”
— Albert Hofmann
"This was, altogether, a remarkable experience—both in its sudden onset and its extraordinary course. It seemed to have resulted from some external toxic influence; I surmised a connection with the substance I had been working with at the time, lysergic acid diethylamide tartrate. But this led to another question: how had I managed to absorb this material? Because of the known toxicity of ergot substances, I always maintained meticulously neat work habits. Possibly a bit of the LSD solution had contacted my fingertips during crystallization, and a trace of the substance was absorbed through the skin. If LSD-25 had indeed been the cause of this bizarre experience, then it must be a substance of extraordinary potency. There seemed to be only one way of getting to the bottom of this. I decided on a self-experiment.
Exercising extreme caution, I began the planned series of experiments with the smallest quantity that could be expected to produce some effect, considering the activity of the ergot alkaloids known at the time: namely, 0.25 mg (mg = milligram = one thousandth of a gram) of lysergic acid diethylamide tartrate. Quoted below is the entry for this experiment in my laboratory journal of April 19, 1943.
4/19/43 16:20: 0.5 cc of 1/2 promil aqueous solution of diethylamide tartrate orally = 0.25 mg tartrate. Taken diluted with about 10 cc water. Tasteless.
17:00: Beginning dizziness, feeling of anxiety, visual distortions, symptoms of paralysis, desire to laugh.
Supplement of 4/21: Home by bicycle. From 18:00- ca.20:00 most severe crisis. (See special report.)
Here the notes in my laboratory journal cease. I was able to write the last words only with great effort. By now it was already clear to me that LSD had been the cause of the remarkable experience of the previous Friday, for the altered perceptions were of the same type as before, only much more intense. I had to struggle to speak intelligibly. I asked my laboratory assistant, who was informed of the self-experiment, to escort me home. We went by bicycle, no automobile being available because of wartime restrictions on their use. On the way home, my condition began to assume threatening forms. Everything in my field of vision wavered and was distorted as if seen in a curved mirror. I also had the sensation of being unable to move from the spot. Nevertheless, my assistant later told me that we had traveled very rapidly. Finally, we arrived at home safe and sound, and I was just barely capable of asking my companion to summon our family doctor and request milk from the neighbors.
In spite of my delirious, bewildered condition, I had brief periods of clear and effective thinking—and chose milk as a nonspecific antidote for poisoning.
The dizziness and sensation of fainting became so strong at times that I could no longer hold myself erect, and had to lie down on a sofa. My surroundings had now transformed themselves in more terrifying ways. Everything in the room spun around, and the familiar objects and pieces of furniture assumed grotesque, threatening forms. They were in continuous motion, animated, as if driven by an inner restlessness. The lady next door, whom I scarcely recognized, brought me milk—in the course of the evening I drank more than two liters. She was no longer Mrs. R., but rather a malevolent, insidious witch with a colored mask.
Even worse than these demonic transformations of the outer world, were the alterations that I perceived in myself, in my inner being. Every exertion of my will, every attempt to put an end to the disintegration of the outer world and the dissolution of my ego, seemed to be wasted effort. A demon had invaded me, had taken possession of my body, mind,and soul. I jumped up and screamed, trying to free myself from him, but then sank down again and lay helpless on the sofa. The substance, with which I had wanted to experiment, had vanquished me. It was the demon that scornfully triumphed over my will. I was seized by the dreadful fear of going insane. I was taken to another world, another place, another time. My body seemed to be without sensation, lifeless, strange. Was I dying? Was this the transition? At times I believed myself to be outside my body, and then perceived clearly, as an outside observer, the complete tragedy of my situation. I had not even taken leave of my family (my wife, with our three children had traveled that day to visit her parents, in Lucerne). Would they ever understand that I had not experimented thoughtlessly, irresponsibly, but rather with the utmost caution, an-d that such a result was in no way foreseeable? My fear and despair intensified, not only because a young family should lose its father, but also because I dreaded leaving my chemical research work, which meant so much to me, unfinished in the midst of fruitful, promising development. Another reflection took shape, an idea full of bitter irony: if I was now forced to leave this world prematurely, it was because of this Iysergic acid diethylamide that I myself had brought forth into the world.
By the time the doctor arrived, the climax of my despondent condition had already passed. My laboratory assistant informed him about my self-experiment, as I myself was not yet able to formulate a coherent sentence. He shook his head in perplexity, after my attempts to describe the mortal danger that threatened my body. He could detect no abnormal symptoms other than extremely dilated pupils. Pulse, blood pressure, breathing were all normal. He saw no reason to prescribe any medication. Instead he conveyed me to my bed and stood watch over me. Slowly I came back from a weird, unfamiliar world to reassuring everyday reality. The horror softened and gave way to a feeling of good fortune and gratitude, the more normal perceptions and thoughts returned, and I became more confident that the danger of insanity was conclusively past.
Now, little by little I could begin to enjoy the unprecedented colors and plays of shapes that persisted behind my closed eyes. Kaleidoscopic, fantastic images surged in on me, alternating, variegated, opening and then closing themselves in circles and spirals, exploding in colored fountains, rearranging and hybridizing themselves in constant flux. It was particularly remarkable how every acoustic perception, such as the sound of a door handle or a passing automobile, became transformed into optical perceptions. Every sound generated a vividly changing image, with its own consistent form and color.
Late in the evening my wife returned from Lucerne. Someone had informed her by telephone that I was suffering a mysterious breakdown. She had returned home at once, leaving the children behind with her parents. By now, I had recovered myself sufficiently to tell her what had happened.
Exhausted, I then slept, to awake next morning refreshed, with a clear head, though still somewhat tired physically. A sensation of well-being and renewed life flowed through me. Breakfast tasted delicious and gave me extraordinary pleasure. When I later walked out into the garden, in which the sun shone now after a spring rain, everything glistened and sparkled in a fresh light. The world was as if newly created. All my senses vibrated in a condition of highest sensitivity, which persisted for the entire day.
This self-experiment showed that LSD-25 behaved as a psychoactive substance with extraordinary properties and potency. There was to my knowledge no other known substance that evoked such profound psychic effects in such extremely low doses, that caused such dramatic changes in human consciousness and our experience of the inner and outer world.
What seemed even more significant was that I could remember the experience of LSD inebriation in every detail. This could only mean that the conscious recording function was not interrupted, even in the climax of the LSD experience, despite the profound breakdown of the normal world view. For the entire duration of the experiment, I had even been aware of participating in an experiment, but despite this recognition of my condition, I could not, with every exertion of my will, shake off the LSD world. Everything was experienced as completely real, as alarming reality; alarming, because the picture of the other, familiar everyday reality was still fully preserved in the memory for comparison.
Another surprising aspect of LSD was its ability to produce such a far-reaching, powerful state of inebriation without leaving a hangover. Quite the contrary, on the day after the LSD experiment I felt myself to be, as already described, in excellent physical and mental condition.
I was aware that LSD, a new active compound with such properties, would have to be of use in pharmacology, in neurology, and especially in psychiatry, and that it would attract the interest of concerned specialists. But at that time I had no inkling that the new substance would also come to be used beyond medical science, as an inebriant in the drug scene. Since my self-experiment had revealed LSD in its terrifying, demonic aspect, the last thing I could have expected was that this substance could ever find application as anything approaching a pleasure drug. I failed, moreover, to recognize the meaningful connection between LSD inebriation and spontaneous visionary experience until much later, after further experiments, which were carried out with far lower doses and under different conditions.
The next day I wrote to Professor Stoll the above-mentioned report about my extraordinary experience with LSD-25 and sent a copy to the director of the pharmacological department, Professor Rothlin.
As expected, the first reaction was incredulous astonishment. Instantly a telephone call came from the management; Professor Stoll asked: "Are you certain you made no mistake in the weighing? Is the stated dose really correct?" Professor Rothlin also called, asking the same question. I was certain of this point, for I had executed the weighing and dosage with my own hands. Yet their doubts were justified to some extent, for until then no known substance had displayed even the slightest psychic effect in fraction-of-amilligram doses. An active compound of such potency seemed almost unbelievable.
Professor Rothlin himself and two of his colleagues were the first to repeat my experiment, with only one-third of the dose I had utilized. But even at that level, the effects were still extremely impressive, and quite fantastic. All doubts about the statements in my report were eliminated."
LSD My Problem Child - Chapter 1 - Discovery of the Psychic Effects of LSD & Self-Experiments
Art by Luke Brown
Happy Bicycle Day!!!
It's been 81 years since Albert Hofmann first intentionally ingested LSD (April 19, 1943) then famously rode a bicycle home from his lab at Sandoz, while tripping.
Since 1984, April 19th has been celebrated as “Bicycle Day” among pop-culture LSD fans. It was initiated by Thomas B. Roberts, emeritus professor of educational psychology!!!
Alan Piper - It was Professor Tom Roberts who instituted “Bicycle Day” and wrote a short paper:
Why Is Bicycle Day April 19th, not the 16th?
As I recall, I originally wanted to celebrate the 16th, but in 1985 the 16th was midweek and not a good day for a party, and the 19th was on a weekend, so I decided to celebrate the first intentional LSD exposure instead of the first exposure on the 16th. Had the calendar been different the 16th would have been Bicycle Day.
It seems to me that the discovery of LSD deserves 2 dates, so maybe someone will start a Hofmann Day or LSD Discovery Day event.
Some years ago Albert and I corresponded about why I paid attention to the bicycle instead of calling it "LSD Day" or something similar. I told him that the bicycle was a more concrete image than a chemical structure, and in America there is a famous poem that marks the start of our revolution in 1775 that makes a parallel with his ride. It begins:
Twas the eighteenth of April in ‘75
And hardly a man I know alive
Who remembers that famous day and year
And the midnight ride of Paul Revere.
American school children used to memorize this poem. The Hofmann ride and the Revere ride are analogous, each marking the beginning of a new era. To the people invited to my party, the parallels would be naturally apparent. I pointed out that the night of the 18th of April in America would be the early morning of the 19th in Switzerland.
After several years of celebrations, I had Bicycle Day embroidered cloth patches made. The first is 1991.
Of course, I am not saying that no one else might have also celebrated that date, but I made up the name "Bicycle Day" and it seems likely to me others might have preferred the 16th as I did originally.
One of my former students made the announcement letter for the 1993 celebration that I've sent out since them.
That's why the celebration and name got attached to the 19th, not the 16th.
Tom Roberts

While I was sitting in a Field, watching the Sun Rise, High on LSD, I Experienced True Enlightenment... Later It faded away but I'm Glad I did that for a Brief Moment... SOME of the Lessons stayed with Me... ONE: I ought to Do Things to Help People every day... TWO: I ought to Make the World a Better Place to Live for Everyone... THREE: I ought to have Some fun... do interesting things... FOUR: Teach Others... and Maybe everyone can Make the World a Better Place to Live... FIVE: Fight Evil and Evil People... Like Trump... MORE TO COME!