Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

With 8 Billion People Alive Today... The Advice "Be Fruitful and Multiply" Is ABSURD! That May have Been a Good Strategy 2000 Years ago but... NOW it's CrazyTalk® Too Many People...

The Most Important Action We Can Take Now is to Make Abortion and Birth Control Free and Legal Worldwide... La acción más importante que podemos tomar ahora es hacer que el aborto y el control de la natalidad sean gratuitos y legales en todo el mundo...

too many people. a Photo of overbreeding at the USA Mexico Border - meme - mak Birth Control FREE and LEGAL Worldwide - gvan42

Did You Ever Notice That 7 and 1/2 Billion of the People on Earth are Foreigners? And When was the Last Time You Said: "I Sure Wish We Had More Foreigners around Here... You Can Never Find a Foreigner When You Really Need One!" 

It's Those People Over There That Are Breeding Like Crazy! You Wonder Why Their Life is So Horrible With Endless Starving Babies? 

Stop Making So Many! GET THE PILL!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

My Friend is Going on a Driving Trip To Texas... I Told Her: Have Fun. Enjoy the Beautiful Deserts... Wear a Mask... and Be Grateful That Right Wingers were More Likely to Get Sick and Die... We Certainly Don't Need People Like That in the Future.

Greg Vanderlaan Getting My COVID Shot...
I'm Grateful when Stupid People Die. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You... I Read in the Newspaper that Thousands of People are Dying from Fentanyl Overdoses... Fantastic! Anyone That is Stupid Enough to Take Fentanyl is Not WORTHY of Surviving Long Enough to Breed. Get That Defective DNA Out of the Gene Pool.

and the Number One Cause of Gunshot Death is Suicide... DUH...

and then in the Church Newsletter... UUSF:

Organized by SF Interfaith Council, SF Night Ministry, Faithful Fools, SF Coalition on Homelessness, and ABD/Skywatchers, this memorial vigil is held every year on or near the Winter Solstice to honor the memories of our neighbors and friends who have died on the streets of San Francisco that year. We gather at Civic Center Plaza across from City Hall, have a singing processional, and return for a vigil in the plaza. In silence, in prayer, in song we remember them, honor them, mourn our loss, reach out to each other for comfort and hope, and nourish our solidarity in working for change.

In preparation for the memorial we create fabric banners that hold the name of each loved one lost that year. To volunteer to be part of that creative process—whether you're great with a sewing machine or scissors and glue—please contact Deirdre... 

For a glimpse of the 2021 Memorial Vigil Click Here

The Vigil: Annual Homeless Persons' Memorial (2021) from ABD/Skywatchers on Vimeo.

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and on a Happier Note...
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There I Am! You can see me in the Crowd Shot... all the way in the Back, up in the Bleachers... at the TOP, Center! It was a great Concert... and I remember Enjoying Watching the Crowd Explode with Motion when the Band really Cranked up the Music... I could see a wave of EXTRA WILD DANCING flowing back thru the Audience... I could SEE the Speed of Sound!
Grateful Dead JFK Stadium Philadelphia, PA 7/7/89

It all depends on your Frame of Reference... meme...

A couple of Days ago I had a Colonoscopy (everything went well) but the day before the procedure I had to FAST, Drink a Gallon of Golytely Medicine, Wait, Worry and Dread the Future... SO... I spent the Entire day in a Meditative Trance... Since I had no Tasks... what a Perfect Opportunity to GO Deep Inside... First, I Listened to a Sermon from UUSF Church... then I Listened and Tapped to Three Tapping Sessions with Sonya Sophia... and the Day passed Quickly... and My Brother Took Me to the Hospital... and Then We went Out to Lunch afterwords... an EXCELLENT DAY!

Here's a Photo of Us Drumming at the Rainbow Gathering in California...
Here's a Photo of Us Drumming at the Rainbow Gathering...

Free Frame of Reference - San Francisco Diggers...
Free Frame of Reference - San Francisco Diggers

The Digger Concept of 'Free'

Historical Essay

by Peter Coyote, excerpted with permission from his book "Sleeping Where I Fall"
Digger Free Store - San Francisco

Today's Psychedelic Art by gvan42
Psychedelic Art by gvan42

Psychedelic Art by gvan42

Psychedelic Art by gvan42

Psychedelic Art by gvan42

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