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I oppose Trump's budget for the USA.

  1. I oppose Trump's budget for the USA. I think we ought to have less spending on the military and no spending on the border wall. I'm in favor of Medicaid, food stamps, welfare, the EPA and scientific research. His plan is to take from the poor and give to the super rich. Reverse Robin Hood. He plans to cut his own taxes. That's a conflict of interest.
There are the email forms for both California Senators. They would like to hear the opinions of their constituents...

I also oppose Trumpcare... It will cause death, pain and suffering to millions of people who cannot afford treatment at the doctor's office... Healthcare is important to people but unimportant to the super rich 1% who will get paid more money if this bill ever becomes a law.  23 million people will lose their health insurance according to the Congressional Budget Office report on Trumpcare. AND The cost will be higher for the patients.

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