Think About This... The Quality Of Life For 99% of Americans a LOT Worse Now Than It Was When Obama Was President. Remember: Trump Just Cut Off 700,000 People from Getting Food Stamps... Classic... That Increases The Number of Starving Children in the USA... Trump Is Evil.
America Was Greatest in 1969. We Walked on the Moon, Danced at Woodstock, Had The Stonewall Riots and The BioWeapon AIDS Had Not Been Deployed Yet. MAKE AMERICA GROOVY AGAIN.
America Was Greatest in 1969. We Walked on the Moon, Danced at Woodstock, Had The Stonewall Riots and The BioWeapon AIDS Had Not Been Deployed Yet. MAKE AMERICA GROOVY AGAIN.
We Also Have a Dramatic Increase in
Homelessness in the USA...
If The Economy is "Booming" Why are
So Many People So Poor That
they can No Longer Afford to Pay Rent?
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French Yellow Vest Protests Cause Great Leap forward for the People. |
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Trump sets us up for another Stock Market Disaster by Deregulating Wall Street Corporations. The Same Corporations That Donated Millions to his Campaign... Quid Pro Quo? |
Headline: Donald Trump Is an Utter Failure as President...
Trump Failed 99% of Americans. That is Why Children Are Killing Themselves in Record Numbers. The Quality of Life Has Gone Down in the Last Two Years...
Young People Believe that There Is No Hope For The Future With a Madman in Charge. Join Millions of Former TrumpNiks who Voted Democratic in 2018. SWITCH! We Must Defeat Trump and Take Back The Senate and the House... With a Majority in Congress and The White House WE CAN BUILD A GREAT BIG BEAUTIFUL TOMORROW!
Headline: Suicide rates among America's young people continue to soar.
Let's ask William Barr WHY... He is in Charge of the Prison...
Headline: Suicide rates among America's young people continue to soar.
Let's ask William Barr WHY... He is in Charge of the Prison...