World’s operating nuclear fleet at 30 year low as new plants stall: report... The number of nuclear reactor units operating globally is at a 30 year low, while new plants struggle for investment, an industry report said on Thursday... Some 408 nuclear reactors were in operation in 31 countries as of July 2020, a decline of 9 units from mid-2019 and 30 fewer than the 2002 peak of 438, the annual World Nuclear Industry Status Report (WNISR) showed.
HEADLINE: DANGER ZONE - Chernobyl-style disaster fears grow as Russia finally evacuates village near nuke missile blast after massive radiation spike...
RUSSIA is to finally evacuate homes neighboring the mysterious "radiation explosion" which killed five atomic scientists and engineers - six days after the blast happened...
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No Nukes! |
HEADLINE: Russia Says New Weapon Blew Up in Nuclear Accident Last Week...
HEADLINE: Nuclear reactor PANIC: Russia shuts down three reactors in a WEEK following malfunction...
HEADLINE: Spies, Lies, and Radioactivity: Russia’s Nuke Missile Mishap, Decoded... Moscow’s prized sci-fi weapon runs into reality in the form of an accidental explosion and a curtain of radiation.
HEADLINE: 'Accidents happen,' says Kremlin as it breaks silence on suspected nuclear missile explosion...
HEADLINE: 'Accidents happen,' says Kremlin as it breaks silence on suspected nuclear missile explosion...
Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniac, Bill Gates, Paul Allen, William Hewlett, David Packard, Gordon Moore, Andy Grove, Robert Noyce, Jack Kilby, Thomas Watson, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, William Shockley, Herman Hollorith, Alan Turing, John Von Neuman, Charles Babbage, Fibonacci, Nicola Tesla ...White Men... Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper ...White Women...
If You Don't Recognize any of These Names... Just Google Them! and be Thankful that Great White Men Created Electricity, Computers and the Internet!
If You Don't Recognize any of These Names... Just Google Them! and be Thankful that Great White Men Created Electricity, Computers and the Internet!
IMMIGRANTS MADE SILICON VALLEY... Sure, All the Famous Names in High Tech are White Men BUT... Behind the Scenes... People From All Over The World Came Here... AND BUILT A MIRACLE.
- QAnon Asks: Is Representative Jim Jordan Gay? He D...
- Presidents George W Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack ...
- #TrumpHasFailed The U.S. economy suffered its wors...
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- What IF a Waiter Secretly Placed Marijuana Infused...
- When The Stormtroopers In Portland Arrest Patriots...
- I'm Glad That Patriots Are Using LASERS To Blind D...
- #TrumpHasFailed EBOLA, SARS and AIDS Did NOT Cause...
- We Need To Deploy M*A*S*H* Units to Texas to Help ...
- The Corporations That OWN TV NEWS Stations Don't W...
- Let's End the Electoral College. Have Each State I...
- I Don't Care About Baseball, Football or Basketbal...
- Medicare for All would Cost A GREAT DEAL LESS than...
- Donald Trump's 'indestructible' border wall COLLAP...
- I Went To a NORML protest march in Lafayette Park ...
- NOW We Have A REAL "Death Panel" - Remember When I...
- DANGER: tRUMP is Coming To Get You - MEME by gvan4...
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- I remember that My Grandfather Made Toy Trains out...
- #Vote4Joe He's Not Insane! Free Coloring Book Art ...
- tRUMP's Coronavirus is Helping With the Problem of...
- Photoshop Tutorial: How to Improve Portraits of yo...
- Photos and Story about Staying in the Fancy Hotel ...
- Climate Change is NOT Just a Young Person's Proble...
- The CIA Project MKULTRA Was Wildly Successful. How...
- #DefundThePoliceState - I Oppose tRUMP's Storm tro...
- We Should Stop Advertising Alcohol on TV. We Stopp...
- I have NOT Participated in any Protest Marches in ...
- End Welfare for the Rich. We Do Not Need Anything ...
- The Boogaloo Has Started... and The Main Boogie is...
- Do Black Lives Matter? A Valid Question... Some Pe...
- Vision Quest Art Show - "Think for Yourself and Qu...
- Great Movie Documentary: The Brainwashing of my Da...
- The Path to Heaven is Extremely Simple... and So M...
- Trump FLIPS! Now He Says It's Patriotic to Wear a ...
- Please Post TRUTH to Conservative Social Media Gro...
- We ARE Evolving. Culturally, and Spiritually... Co...
- The Harmonic Convergence 2020 was Excellent... Med...
- #GOPisDOOMED Most Voters are Young People, Women, ...
- We the People of the United States, in order to ma...
- They Teach Black and White Photography at Humboldt...
- Trump's Anti-Mask Idiots... Get Sick and Die, Lose...
- I'm Glad That I Made A Difference With My Life. At...
- Photographs of the Mount Shasta Ski Park - Castle ...
- 1,413 Americans Died From tRUMP's Coronavirus on 7...
- Music Video: Butterfly Freedom - Chords and Lyrics...
- #Vote4Joe - HEADLINE: "Biden Proposes Trillions ...
- Global Awakening is Real and Happening Now. You Ma...
- Planned Cities are vastly better than unplanned ci...
- "Let's build the Space Mirror and Fix Global Warmi...
- Plato's Story "The Cave" is so very Meaningful to ...
- Star Chart of Orion Photoshopped onto the Google M...
- REFUSE to Send Your Children to Early Opening Scho...
- The Unemployment Rate was 4.7% in 2016 When Obama ...
- One of the high points of my life was performing "...
- A Simple Way to Save Electricity in Buildings. All...
- We need to Undo the Disaster at the EPA... tRUMP H...
- "RISK MY CHILD'S LIFE? NO!" - Vast Majority of Par...
- tRUMP Has Made Crime Legal For His Friends... and ...
- With the New Elon Musk Satellite Internet... It Wi...
- Roger Stone Worked For NXIVM, The Self Help CULT W...
- When We Come Back from Coronavirus Shutdown... We ...
- Interesting Documentary. "ANGRY PLANET - BURNING A...
- "HATE Won't Make America Great" Slogan Printed on ...
- #PatriotsArise It Is Essential That We Beat Trump,...
- #LiesDoNotCureDisease Hospitalizations From Corona...
- #Vote4Joe Imagine Elizabeth Warren as Secretary of...
- Original ART for sale Painted on Coffee Cups, Butt...
- tRUMP'S BRAIN IS FAILING. When tRUMP spoke of the ...
- Winners Don't Need Excuses. Trump Supporters Give ...
- Republicans Are Dying From tRUMP's Coronavirus in ...
- #DumpTrump Caption Contest! ---> Last Weeks Winner...
- YOU CAN'T EAT LIES... Proof of tRUMP's Failed Eco...
- Sell All Your Stocks in Oil, Gas and Coal. Buy Sto...
- TRUMP HAS DEMENTIA... I believe him when he says "...
- Learn to Read English Here: Aprende a leer inglés...
- When Obama Was President We Had JOBS and Could Buy...
- Why Has tRUMP FAILED to Make America Great? - Why ...