Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

We ARE Evolving. Culturally, and Spiritually... Consider This... A Hundred Years ago People Who Came Back from War and Had Mental Health Problems were Called...

Yellow... A Coward...

Then Veterans from World War One - Had Shell Shock.  
Then Veterans from World War Two - Had Battle Fatigue. 
Then Veterans From Vietnam had PTSD... 


Now Anyone Who Suffers Mental Healyh Problems is Greeted With Compassion... Battered Wives, Abused Children... Etc Etc Etc

It's Difficult To Believe BUT... In 1969, Homosexuality was Illegal... Now Gay People Get Married... 

NOW, Let's Cut Defense Spending in HALF... The Pentagon is an Obsolete Concept... as we all know... Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The Country... Ever Since WW2 All Wars Have Been BOGUS Marketing Campaigns for the Military Industrial Complex... Not Only is it a Colossal Waste of Money BUT... It's a Waste of People's LIVES... Dead Soldiers... Wounded Warriors... Engineers and Draftsmen That Waste their Working Life Designing Weapons... 

Peace and Love Forever ART - gvan42
Peace and Love Forever ART - gvan42

Here is an Interesting Sermon... Given by Ladies who work in the Tenderlion District of San Francisco... Working with The Poor... 
Be Aware that Nothing Happens for the First 15 Minutes of this Video... 

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