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Photographs of the Mount Shasta Ski Park - Castle Crags: Bliss - and Driving into Oregon in the Fog at night... on Highway #5...

Mount Shasta Ski Park California 
Just me and the Caretaker here... 
I introduced myself, 
The Dog noticed me first...
Nice fellow... No trouble...
I wandered all over this Ski Resort... 

There is a lot of snow on top of the Mountain, 
but no chance of skiing down here... 

Castle Crags near Highway #5 and Mount Shasta.
I Camped There once and Drove Up The Hill Towards Highway #3... Parked on a Dirt Road and Drank PURE WATER from a Creek. Snowmelt... Then I Took off My Clothes Except my shoes and Walked all over singing... I Experienced Bliss... When I Got Home, I told my wife and she said... That's Just Like the Dan Fogelberg Song Nether Lands...

deer at my campsite 
hike to the waterfall 
These trees leave a golden pollen on everything

waterfall at the headwaters of the Sacramento river 

Truck traveling North Towards Oregon on Highway 5 at Night.

As I approached the border, I Noticed that there were Many Trucks Parked by the side of the freeway... so I also parked on the shoulder of Highway 5 in front of a Logging truck and listened to the radio until dawn.   Watched the Pretty Headlights of Trucks Driving Uphill Into California... My Opinion is that a Downgrade of 6% is too much at night in the rain and fog... 

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