Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Do Black Lives Matter? Really? How? I have Lived in Overwhelmingly White Towns for the Last 25 Years and NEVER has anyone Said: "GEE, I Sure Wish We Had Some Black People!"

Truthfully, The Last Black Person That Mattered was Chuck Berry... He Invented Rock and Roll Music in the 1950s... 


It's a Valid Question... Some People Say All Lives Matter... 
I Disagree... A MUCH Bigger Problem We Face is Overpopulation...  It's Really Important That Birth Control and Abortion Remain Legal and Ideally FREE Worldwide... 

Ever Notice Traffic Jams? High Rent? High Food Prices?

They Are Caused By TOO MANY PEOPLE... Competing For Limited Resources... 

Sure, Black Lives Matter BUT... There is No Shortage of Black People... They are REALLY FAR From Being an Endangered Species... Imagine if the Entire Continent of Africa was a Human Free Zone... The Elephants, Lions, Tigers and Zebra Would Have a Great Time! No Crazy People Murdering Them With GUNS... Protect Leopards!

Crazy White People...
Photo of Crazy People Murdering Large Cat... Eric and Junior Trump...
Photo of Murdering a Large Cat...
Eric and Junior Trump... 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
Spaceship Earth - about Biosphere 2
Spaceship Earth is a 2020 American documentary film directed by Matt Wolf about the 1991 experiment that saw eight individuals spend two years quarantined inside of a self-engineered replica of Earth's ecosystem, dubbed Biosphere 2. 

Book: Mount Analogue by René Daumal
A Tale of Non-Euclidean and Symbolically Authentic Mountaineering Adventures.
Daumal's symbolic mountain represents a way to truth that "cannot not exist," and his classic allegory of man's search for himself embraces the certainty that one can know and conquer one's own reality.

Book: Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth by R. Buckminster Fuller
Buckminster Fuller (1895–1983) was an architect, engineer, geometrician, cartographer, philosopher, futurist, inventor of the famous geodesic dome, and one of the most brilliant thinkers of his time.

Windmill: Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

Spiderweb: Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

Time Tunnel: Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

Bizarre Spam from Not So Bright Bart - a Trump Begging Email - gvan42

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