If the USA is to Remain a Two Party System We Must Realize that American Voters Were NOT Fooled by Trump. The Vast Majority Found Out That WE CAN'T EAT LIES.
In Fact, Trump Caused Economic Disaster, Unemployment and Hunger in the USA. People That Could Not Buy Their Own Food Lined Up In Massive Food Giveaway Pantries to Avoid Starvation...
A Few Newspaper Articles About Trump's Endless Failures:
December jobs report provides a clear picture of Trump’s failed handling of the economy. https://www.epi.org/press/december-jobs-report-provides-a-clear-picture-of-trumps-failed-handling-of-the-economy/
5 Ways the Trump Administration’s Policy Failures Compounded the Coronavirus-Induced Economic Crisis. https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/economy/news/2020/06/03/485806/5-ways-trump-administrations-policy-failures-compounded-coronavirus-induced-economic-crisis/ President Trump Has Failed the American Economy. https://budget.house.gov/publications/report/president-trump-has-failed-american-economy The Trump Presidency Has Failed The Vast Majority Of Latinos And Blacks. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mayrarodriguezvalladares/2020/10/01/the-trump-presidency-has-failed-the-vast-majority-of-latinos-and-blacks/?sh=10b632a758f1 13.3% Unemployment a Reflection of Trump's Failure to Lead Nation in Crisis. https://www.accountable.us/news/13-3-unemployment-a-reflection-of-trumps-failure-to-lead-nation-in-crisis/ In Contrast: Now that Trump Has Been Banished to Mar-A-Loser in Florida... THANKS JOE for Putting Americans Back to Work! Unemployment Claims Drop. The Vaccine is Working! Get Your Shot and Save American Lives.U.S. Jobless Claims Reach Lowest Level of the Pandemic... https://www.wsj.com/articles/weekly-jobless-claims-coronavirus-03-25-2021-11616627094 Everybody Sing!
A Million Trips Later, What was LSD All About? Was it a Recreational Drug? OR Was it More Like a Telephone that Allowed People to Call GOD DIRECTLY?
Was it a Significant Event in The History of The World or as Trivial as a Roller Coaster Ride? We Did Get a Lot of Excellent Rock Music Songs. Is it Even Possible to Buy a "Stairway to Heaven" anymore?
My Opinion: It Awakened Me to The POSSIBILITY of True Enlightenment. I Realized That There Were WORTHY Goals in Life... and That I Ought To Put Some Effort into...
Creating Art, Writing Music, Writing Fiction and Publishing a Political Opinion Blog... Marching in Anti-War Protest Marches... Campaigning Against Evil Political Candidates... and IN GENERAL... Living a Moral Life... Not Doing Evil... That SOUNDS OBVIOUS But... So Many "Corporate-Corporate" Greed Freaks DID NOT TAKE A TRIP AND DID NOT GRASP THESE SIMPLE CONCEPTS... SAD...
I Took Jobs That Made a Difference... I Did Work That Made the World a Better Place to Live EVEN THOUGH Doing Evil Paid More Money! For Example: Early in My Career as a Draftsman, I Designed Weapons for the US Air Force... but... After I Got Laid Off, I Chose to Design Mail Sorting Machines for the United States Postal Service... AND WAS MUCH HAPPIER! Doing Evil All Day Every Day is NOT A Great Way To Live...
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
A Little Wake Up Call...
Owning a Gun INCREASES the Chance of Having a Gun Accident. Suicides increase too... More Family Lives are LOST than Lives Saved Defending Yourself from "Bad Guys."
This is a Blessing Because Dead People Don't Have Children... The Defective "Gun Nut" Gene ENDS HERE...
Bow and Arrow Hunting is a Great Alternative to Using an Assault Rifle to Kill Bambi. It has the potential to turn Hunting into a SPORT.
Of course, I am a Great Supporter of the Second Amendment as written... MUSKETS SHOULD REMAIN LEGAL. When the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution... Rifles, Machine Guns, Bazookas, Rocket Launchers and Hand Grenades had not been invented yet AND ARE NOT PROTECTED BY THE SECOND AMENDMENT...
And anyway, with the invention of Viagra, there is no real need for guns... Limp NRA "Members" can achieve a "Standing" Militia by just eating a Pill! Did you ever read one of those Magazines about Guns? In the back are Endless Advertisements for Erection Help... I guess they know their readers...
And anyway, with the invention of Viagra, there is no real need for guns... Limp NRA "Members" can achieve a "Standing" Militia by just eating a Pill! Did you ever read one of those Magazines about Guns? In the back are Endless Advertisements for Erection Help... I guess they know their readers...
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Trump signed the HELP CRAZY PEOPLE BUY GUNS Law. H.J. Res 40 |
If you are Getting a Social Security Disability Check FOR INSANITY... That Fact Is No Longer Reported on a Gun Buying Background Check... H.J. Res 40 - Trump Signed That Law in 2017... Really!
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